Parties and Primaries.

Filed in National by on July 24, 2008

By now, we all know about the Delaware Democratic Party funding an ad lauding Carney and DeLuca as the true heros in the Bluewater Wind deal.   In essence, the Party paid for a campaign ad for John Carney.

I strongly oppose the Party’s actions here, but to me, it was to be expected.

When the party endorsed Carney at the convention, we knew this was coming.   The only thing I am surprised about is that they did not spend our money on behalf of Carney sooner.   The Delaware Democratic Party needs to reform itself in ways too voluminous to discuss here today.    But in relation to this situation, the Party needs to stay neutral in primaries.

I know John Daniello loathes primaries, but it is the responsibility of the Party to remain neutral while two of its members contest for the Party’s nomination for whatever office.   This includes the office of Governor, Lt. Governor, Congress, or dogcatcher.   Now, supporters of the current structure and establishment will say that the Party needs to line up behind a candidate early since the primary election is so close to the general election.

Well, there is one easy way to fix that problem, isn’t there?    Move the goddamn primary up to May like normal states.   It is not an adequate excuse that tradition says we must hold the primary in September.  Traditions are made to be broken.  Hey, we are liberals and progressives, after all.

But if the Party loves its September primary, then they must do away with the Party convention in May, or failing that, then they must not endorse any candidate who would be subject to a primary in September.  This would seem logical and obvious, given that the deadline to file for the primary is in late July, a full two months after the party convention!

John Daniello and the Delaware Democratic Party needs to take its cues from its national counterpart.       Look at the epic Obama v. Clinton primary we all participated in this past winter and spring.  Howard Dean, Daniello’s counterpart on the national level, remained neutral, even though you knew that he preferred Obama due to Obama’s strategy and message echoing his own.  Meanwhile, many of the party’s long serving establishment preferred Clinton.   While individual Democratic officials endorsed, the party organization remained neutral.   They let the voters decide.

Daniello and the Delaware Democratic Party has failed all Delaware Democrats in choosing sides.   They are silencing the voices of their own membership, many of whom, if not a majority of whom, prefer Jack Markell to be our nominee to face Bill Lee for the governorship.

If Daniello refuses to change, then he must resign.

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  1. Dist says:

    Daniello et al will go the way of Gene Reed Sr.; what happened when Carper won: “All you old guard, thank you for your service, now go die in ignominy.”

  2. delawaredem says:

    No he won’t either, not if Carney is elected.

  3. cassandra m says:

    Do you think that Markell will be up for pushing the party in a smarter direction? Should he win, the “establishment” is still pretty much locked in place (esp. in Wilmington) where mischief can be made.

  4. you know if you change that headline to “Panties and Primaries” I bet more people would read it 🙂

  5. delawaredem says:

    Oh Donviti, you never disappoint.

    Cass, you bet your bottom dollar that Markell will have something to say about who staffs the state party. Wilmington will stay the same, though.

  6. cassandra m says:

    I should have been clearer in asking about the committees — and whether he would have any influence at that level. Changing the state party staff is one thing, but the longer term change comes from cleaning out the cobwebs at these committees, I think.

  7. delawaredem says:

    True, and that is our job as well. We must be joining these district and county committees, to give progressives more of a voice.

  8. Rock the Vote says:

    It’s a shame that so many people misconstrued the endorsement process. The committees are full of good Democrats who have been the backbone of the party for years. These are the people who knock on doors and work hard for candidates. They are also the people who urged the state committee to endorse. This wasn’t a decision from the top down, and anyone involved in the party would know that. Many of them respect and like Jack. When it came down to it though the vast majority preferred Carney for Gov.

  9. Steve Newton says:

    As an outsider to Dem politics, two observations:

    1) Del Dem is absolutely right that the party needs to hold its primary in May; a truly divisive primary (as this is shaping up to be) may not leave the party enough time to coalesce behind the winner (imagine Obama having only 6-8 weeks to get all the Hillary supporters in line)

    2) Even if Markell wins, the bureaucrats and hangers-on are going to attach themselves to him, and my question is how do you remove the barnacles from a moving ship?

  10. delawaredem says:


    The point is, the committees should not have endorsed or urged the state party to endorse either. They are still part of the official party structure, and my comments apply to them as well. Individual Democrats on these committees can endorse if they want to, but the committees themselves must remain neutral.

  11. Dist says:

    As to Steve Newton’s point 1); this year it doesn’t matter how close the primary is to the election. Whoever wins the Dem primary is the next Governor.

  12. liberalgeek says:

    I’m finding it hard to get too worked up over this.

    The Republicans endorsed Lee and I don’t see anything wrong with them using their cash to crush him like a bug.

  13. delawaredem says:

    I am not understanding your point LG. Are you saying that you saying you see nothing wrong with the Republicans using Republican money to crush Lee like a bug? Or are you saying that you see no problem with Democrats using party money to crush Lee like a bug.

    I have no problem with the DelDems using party money to run ads against Lee. But not FOR Carney. We do not have a nominee yet.

  14. anon says:

    While I have been very supportive of the Dems and worked hard for many Democratic Candidates, this move by the Delaware Party will shut me out of party activities. I know longer feel it it an inclusive party that has room for me under the “Democratic Umbrella”. I will work and vote for Jack Markell, and if that is not successful, will likely register as an independent after the primary.

    Why should I be part of a party, when a few individuals heavy handedly pressure and put on Dem candidate over another, splitting the party with no chance for healing and party unity due to the gangsta like process they use.

    If you are Democrat in Delaware, your primary vote does not count!!!

    To have my own party blatantly devalue my vote is insulting and violates all democratic principles.

    I had hoped Jack would win, but if not would have supported and worked for John. I will not be able to do that now, due to this irresponsible act by the Del Dem Party leadership.

    The hell with them.

  15. jason330 says:

    Like so much of the “Delaware Way” the late primary is an incumbent protection racket.

    Consider that an incumbent (Mike Castle say) can duck and dismiss his Democratic opposition until just months prior to the election – and you see the huge advantage that it provides incumbents.

    For that reason it will never be changed from the inside. Every sitting elected official would have to work a bit harder and they simply don’t want to do that.

    This is a “good government” issue as far as I’m concerned.

  16. jason330 says:

    Great post BTW

  17. liberalgeek says:

    My point was that the party seems within their rights (and perhaps their responsibilities) to support the endorsed candidate.

  18. delawaredem says:

    And this reaction, while understandable, is also counterproductive. One setback, one disappointment, does not lose the war. If you want to change the party, we progressives, we liberals, who want our party to become more responsive and cooperative to activists like us, must remain involved in our local district committees.

    Because if we do not, guess what happens? The establishment gets to be happy, because there will be no one challenging them and their control over the party.

    Be angry. But use that anger to remotivate yourself. Not to cut yourself off.

  19. jason330 says:

    LG –

    It would be a moot point if the primary was earlier. The slate would be set and the party could support the nominee.

    This current set up is a fraud cabal.

  20. delawaredem says:

    And my point, LG, is that so long as there is a primary, there cannot be an endorsed candidate.

    If Dean had the DNC endorse Clinton or Obama and used DNC money to run ads for one of them, can you even imagine the uproar?

    But that is what the DelDems did here.

  21. Dominique says:

    ****Jack Markell is holding a press conference about this very issue tomorrow morning at 11:00 at his Riverfront campaign headquarters. Please consider attending.****

  22. jason330 says:

    I’m not sure I meant what you think I meant. I think the system will resist a change in this – and it does not have the sexyness of a more pure “open government” issue so it would be hard to change from the outside.

    I’m not saying we should not try.

  23. jason330 says:

    Oh. You were responding to 14.

  24. liberalgeek says:

    What I am saying is that we are talking about degrees here. I doubt that you see a problem in the R’s using their money to crush their gadfly. From the Dem perspective, why not do the same?

    We can argue about which candidate is more progressive, so I’m not sure that using this as a vital battle in the progressive war is valid. Unless the point is that the system is broken, which I can support.

  25. delawaredem says:

    LOL. Protack is no Markell, and Markell is no Protack.

    But yes, what I am advocating allows minor gadfly candidates like Protack to breathe. Mike is a candidate for Governor in the Republican primary, and the DE GOP should not be spending GOP money to run ads either for Lee or against Protack, as well. But hey, I am not one to give advice to the Republicans, especially considering that I say this because I actually want Protack to win the GOP primary, just for comedic reasons.

  26. jason330 says:

    He has a shot.

  27. There should be no difference between the parties. The GOP shouldn’t be treating Protack the way they are and the Dems shouldn’t be treating Markell the way they are. The primaries play an important role in the process and both parties are subverting that role through this bullshit.

  28. liberalgeek says:

    sigh… OK, so if it was KHN and the god-awful Mike Miller?

    Doesn’t matter. My point is that this is how it is set up. Th party endorses candidates. They support the endorsed candidates. EVERYONE knew that the endorsement came in May. EVERYONE knew that the primary is in Sept. But now, Markell is crying foul, because the party did what it would have done if he had gotten the nod.

    If Markell was the endorsed candidate, the headline today from Jason would have been “Markell’s Kick-ass Dem-paid ad starts to run.”

    “I think we can all agree that this is really great. Carney really should just drop out of the race. I’m glad Daniello and the rest of them are finally starting to support their endorsed candidate. knuckleheads should have done this months ago. What the hell have they been doing for the past 3 months?” -Jason in an alternate universe

  29. delawaredem says:

    We agree Mike, and that is yet another reason to begin repenting our sins, for surely the end times are here.

  30. delawaredem says:

    I can’t speak for Jason, but LG, I wouldn’t be saying that either. And I suspect neither would Jack Markell.

  31. Mad Wet Hen says:

    Delawaredem says: (sic) “Individual Democrats on these committees can endorse if they want to, but the committees themselves must remain neutral.”

    I beg to differ: Many R.D. committees in NCC & Sussex have endorsed Dem candidates in 2008 primaries. No money involved…just signs, GOTV etc.

    Also I want to call you on being a liberal & progressive: as a proud resident of Wilmington I am insulted that you would write off the city: #5 ‘Wilmington will stay the same, though.’

    I sat on the Democratic City Committee for 20 years…just resigned 2 years ago. I resigned because I was tired of knocking my head against a wall.

    The best thing that we (Wilmington delegation) accomplished the last year Bayard was state chair….we ‘blew’ up the state convention….don’t hear too much talk about it but they closed the convention early as they lost control…that was after Wilmington joined w/Sussex to challenge our NCC cousins (Daniello and thugs). Sweet memory. Reminds me of my time in Young Democrats…we had planks in our late ’70s platform like turn the NCC airport into a fly-in casino….tres avant garde!!!

    I could write a book on how the city committee worked in the past. The Wizard (Leo Marshall) is long gone….a take over is doable but it will require an organized effort, however, if the ‘liberals & progressives’ are going to turn a blind eye the terror that is on our streets will continue….your neighborhood next. You can run but you can’t hide. (i.e. Christiana Mall)

    As long as people like Baker (who has had a unbroken 38 year run and the unmitigated gall to try to break thru w/3 terms) who refuses to join hands with the community in its rage and grief over the VanBuren St. Monday Massacre because (sic)’…(councilman) didn’t invite him to the meeting.’ Effin heartless Bastard….3rd term my ass. There can be no change….he ain’t no Mayor Nutter.

    In fact, he couldn’t put a patch on Mayor Nutter’s ass!!!!!!

    He can kiss ass: rumor has it BPG have to apply first aid cream to their butts so they don’t get chapped from all the ass kissing from the Baker administration and most of city council.

  32. Dana Garrett says:

    Great post, DD.

    If it’s any consolation, sometimes this process bites the party leaders in the keester. It’s widely known they hate their endorsement of Paul Clark, but because they endorse before the closing date for candidates, they can’t back Bill Dunn.

    The party needs to change its procedures in precisely the way you recommended.

  33. liberalgeek says:

    Let me reiterate that the process sucks. But within the process as it exists now, what is the problem?

  34. delawaredem says:

    There is process, and then there are actions. The current process allows for a late primary, an early convention, and party endorsements of a candidate, with no regard as to whether there will be a primary or not.

    I accept that.

    I accept that the Party endorsed Carney. I will be voting for Markell, but I can accept that they endorsed Carney.

    No, what some of us are angry at is the action that was taken, not the process.

    The party knows it is divided nearly equally between Markell and Carney.

    The party knows it will be a close contest.

    The party knows the winner will have work to do to shore up full support among all party members.

    So why the fuck would they take this action in running an ad for one candidate with party money, knowing it will piss off half the party?


    Markell is not a gadfly shoe string candidate like Mike Protack.

    He is an equal favorite to win the primary.

    We hate the process but can accept it.

    This is not about process, this is about actions taken.

  35. J. Lyman says:

    Nobody is disputing that it’s within the party’s rights to advocate for Carney, but when a large portion (quite possibly most) of the party at large supports the candidate not being endorsed, it’s not the Democratic Party’s place to make their decision for them. This isn’t Tammany Hall (well, it is, but it’s not meant to be).

    This is all ridiculous. Daniello and the gang have just alienated half of their party. A committee representing a percentage point of a percentage point of the Democratic Party endorsing Carney should not be a representation of the Delaware Democratic Party endorsing Carney. It’s shameless. My understanding is that many of the people voting have admitted to privately supporting Jack, but endorsing John out of loyalty.

    As far as I’m concerned, my party endorses on September 9th. I don’t feel that my interests are being represented here. The party, quite simply, should not have endorsed. Now they’re wasting money, for what? To show Markell not to step out of line and exercise democracy?

    This is not the party that I want.

  36. J. Lyman says:

    Fantastic post, DD!

  37. liberalgeek says:

    It seems as if it is both. Change the process later…fine. Let’s get on that in mid-November. In the meantime, I can understand the frustration. But if PDD has endorsed a candidate, should they have to wait out a close primary?

    I understand that the party is a little bit different, but not all that different. Aren’t they supposed to jump in and support an endorsed candidate in a close race?

    I admit that I am being a bit of the devils advocate here, but I seriously doubt that we would be having this conversation (at least with as many participants) if the tables were turned.

  38. selander says:

    LG – Just because they can doesn’t mean they should or that they have to do it.

  39. Al Mascitti says:

    LG: Good point about the tables being turned. Now ask yourself, why is it that so few would be sticking up for Carney?

  40. liberalgeek says:

    I don’t know. Jack has a large number of blogosphere goons, like Jason and Mike 😉

    I am equally torn between Jack and John, so I end up presenting the other side of the coin around here. And it is a pretty lonely position among by blogging pals.

  41. PBaumbach says:

    As a member of the 23rd RD committee (which voted to endorse Markell), I accept the flawed calendar and flawed endorsement schedule.

    I understood and expected the endorsement to result in a donation from the party to the endorsed candidate (which could be used by the candidate to run radio ads), the candidate being able to issue a press release that it was endorsed by the party, and the candidate having greater access to party resources such as voter database. That is all proper, and would have been expected if the party endorsed Markell or Carney.

    I did not expect, and I strenuously reject, the party issuing a radio ad for any endorsed candidate during the primary season. The DNC rightly saw that this would have been absurd, and tables turned, no Markell supporter would have expected or sought this.

    The DNC was rightly concerned about party unity during the 2008 presidential primary season. The DE Democratic Party should have taken lessons from Howard Dean. Daniello shot himself in the foot on this, and richly deserves to be called on it. Daniello is no Howard Dean (did I really need to say that?).

    On the issue of the DE schedule, I understand that the sitting legislators want to be able to put off filing and campaigning until after the session ends on June 30th. That concern will need to be fully addressed before any calendar change can move forward.

    Open Government efforts this year show us that no matter how good an idea is, and how popular it is amongst citizens, if it has (almost) no support amongst legislators on both sides of the aisle, it is doomed.

  42. liberalgeek says:

    Selander – Perhaps, but if the tables were turned, I am certain that there would be people that would applaud the spending on Jack’s behalf.

  43. jason330 says:

    Sorry LG. That is BS. I have more people telling me how I would react “if x happened.”

    I think selander’s point about how this would have played if Dean had paid for ads for either Obama or Clinton is the bottom line.

  44. Pandora says:

    Selander’s point is valid, and you’re not alone, LG. I like them both.

  45. liberalgeek says:

    I understood and expected the endorsement to result in a donation from the party to the endorsed candidate (which could be used by the candidate to run radio ads), the candidate being able to issue a press release that it was endorsed by the party, and the candidate having greater access to party resources such as voter database. That is all proper, and would have been expected if the party endorsed Markell or Carney.

    If they endorse Carney and they spend the money(that you don’t mind) on radio ads instead of giving him cash, what are you left with?

    If Carney had used the party money to buy yard signs that said “Democratic Party endorsed: John Carney for Governor” Whouldn’t that be the same thing, different format?

  46. PBaumbach says:

    The ads don’t say “the DE Democratic Party endorsed John Carney”. That statement is a fact. I could live with that.

    I have a problem with DE Democratic Party money being spent on spin (thousands of jobs, etc).

    Further, I believe that there are limits the party is held to for donations to a candidate, but none when running ads directly. As a DE Democrat, I worry about the party ‘shooting the wad’ for ‘Carney vs Markell’ when it should be reserving money for ‘Denn vs Copeland’ and ‘Obama vs McCain’, which I consider to be more proper uses of DE Democrat money, and the use that most contributors expected when writing out checks to the party.

  47. liberalgeek says:

    No, Selander’s point is not valid. It would be valid if all of the states had their primary on the same day. The endorsement process in Delaware resulted in Carney being endorsed. There was no “endorsement of Obama” by the party until Hillary was eliminated. This is much more like a two-stage endorsement process. Carney won the first stage. With that comes some advantages. This is one of them.

    The only “real” evidence that we have of a preference of the electorate is the endorsement of the RD’s.

    And J, are you telling me that you would have been critical of Markell if the party had run ads for him?

  48. jason330 says:

    Unlike some people around here I have principles.

  49. J. Lyman says:

    The only “real” evidence that we have of a preference of the electorate is the endorsement of the RD’s.

    Or the Farleigh-Dickinson poll, which indicated that Markell was only 10 points behind Carney, or the fundraising capability of both, or even less mathematical things like the abundance of yard signs from both teams or the massive amount of attention paid to both campaigns.

    The fact is that there really isn’t a clear diference. Each candidate is a contender, and the Democratic Party shouldn’t be to hurt one of its own (and, in the process, his supporters). This money could, as DD said, fund races against Republicans like McCain or Copeland, or help take back the House.

    The last priority on the DelDem’s list should be knocking down other Dems. The only reason they could have for it is to lessen the burden from primaries, and speaking as a Democrat, that’s undemocratic.

  50. June says:

    Al Mascetti is addressing this issue right now – 9:10 a.m.

  51. June says:

    oh, forget it. He only spent 2 mins. on the subject, although he did say he hoped to have Jack Markell on the show sometime before the press conference.

  52. anon420 says:

    If you want to change the way the State Democratic Party works, then get involved.

    From their website.

    How can I get more involved with Delaware Democrats?

    Attend a Delaware Democratic Party event.
    Volunteer your time for the Party.
    Contribute to the Delaware Democratic Party.
    Contact your local party officials, attend a local committee meeting. or join a club.
    Write a letter to the editor.
    Join the Delaware Democratic Party’s Email Action Team
    Register to vote, request an absentee ballot, or find your polling place.
    Contact your elected officials.
    Find a Democratic Party job or internship.
    Work for a Democratic campaign.

  53. cassandra m says:

    Mad Wet Hen, that was some post on the Wilmington Dem Committee. I’d love to hear more on the operation of this crew AND would love to hear your thoughts on a takeover. I’d offer to host that as a Front Page post if you like — feel free to email me at ctmpolitics at gmail dot com.

  54. Rebecca says:

    The party knew it was sitting on a tinderbox. Why did they decide to light the fuse?

  55. P.I. says:

    When people talk about the “Democratic endorsed candidate for Governor” they are talking about a ‘miniscule particulate piece of matter’ composed of self-selected, district committee people. In some very limited cases these committee people may reflect desires of the people they represent but, by and large, they represent their own personal interest or the interest of the district chair (when they personally don’t possess two brain cells they could rub together to form an opinion).

    All of that said, I look forward to a primary election where Jack Markell is the undisputed candidate for Governor in November. The best way to get rid of the ‘old gaurd’ is to beat them at their own game. OUT VOTE THEM!