“Hey, umm boss? I think that toxin is killing me…”

Filed in National by on July 25, 2008

We don’t pay you to think shitbag!  Get back to work! 

Rep. George Miller (D-Calif.), chairman of the House Education and Labor Committee, said he was determined to stop a “secret rule” that he described as a Bush administration effort to block the next president from trying to reduce worker deaths and illness caused by workplace toxins.

 Awesome! I can’t imagine any company in Delaware could benefit from this either. 

The people trying implement the rule used this arguement: 

“There is no industry or occupation in which more than 5 % of workers remain with a single employer in the industry or occupation for a period of even 35 years,” the authors wrote.

Oh, well, then nevermind. Feel free to kill people. Our bad, what were we thinking.

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hiding in the open

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  1. rsmitty says:

    They don’t pay you to blog, either!

    Crap, me too.



  2. I’m busy, leave me alone