Hmmm, God’s hand at work here?

Filed in National by on July 25, 2008

Ex-Doctor Enters Plea in Abortion Fatality

Cape Woman Died During Abortion.

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hiding in the open

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  1. A. bundy says:

    Abortion, death and the suing of a doctor…John Edwards just came in his pants!

  2. delawaredem says:

    Donviti, why do you post these articles? They do nothing but encourage horrible wingnut comments like the one above?

  3. mike w. says:

    God didn’t kill her, the doctor did.

  4. Tom S says:

    Abortion doctors are usually the ones who couldn’t cut it in other fields of medicine – who goes to medical school with the intention of becoming an abortionist?

    We had a case like this in Delaware not too long ago – in 1997 Gracealynn Harris died in Mohammad Imran’s abortion clinic in Stanton (1 of I believe now only 4 in the state)

    Her family was awarded 2 and a quarter million in damages.