Wednesday Open Thread [1.4.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on January 4, 2012

And I’m spent. Let me tell you my last 12 hours. I am in an all day deposition yesterday, from 9 until 6. On the way out of that deposition, I am asked by another attorney if I am flying out to Nashville tomorrow, and I increduously say “No” …. and then remember that I have a case in Tennessee…. and say internally “Shit” and externally “Why??” Because we have the deposition of this blankity blank witness. I run down Market Street to my office, and once there I search for the Notice of Deposition that all parties are supposed to get. Nothing. I make frantic calls. Nothing. I email Plaintiff’s counsel, and get the notice finally sent to me. Yep, there is a dep in Nashville on Thursday. F*ck. It means that I have to fly out today, all the while I am prepping for another trial in another case. So I go about booking a flight, reserving a hotel, renting a car, and cancelling other appointments I have on Wednesday and Thursday, all of this taking me deep into Wednesday night, which was a good thing as I was spared hearing or watching Caucus coverage of several evil horrible disgusting candidates. I go home to pack, and then sleep.

And I get to work this morning, and the dep is cancelled.


So that was a longwinded way of saying, I got nothing today. Thankfully, the wonderful Pandora is picking up the slack.

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  1. pandora says:

    You need an administrative assistant.

  2. Delaware Dem says:

    I have one, but this all happened after hours.

  3. socialistic ben says:

    then you need a live-in servant.
    lucky for you, Ron Paul may be the next president and do away with all those intrusive big government anti-slavery laws.

  4. Joe Cass says:

    UdelMad. Sunlight

  5. socialistic ben says:

    it’s pretty vague, but it is clear that someone us upset with UofD… so who’s upset and why??

    also, to my fellow musical theater geeks…. who’s excited about a Les Miserable musical movie.. (taylor swift as eponine…. oh. my. god)

  6. Jason330 says:

    I can’t click there. What’s the gist?

  7. puck says:

    From DP. Samantha is responding to a commenter named “Here Is Toast” who decries the state of the Delaware Republican party in some very familiar-sounding terms:


    To #4 Here Is Toast
    The national ticket is bad but nothing like here in Delaware, I looked at the GOP email yesterday and it listed our team for 2012. Not one single candidate has one a general election NOT ONE. It looks like the vaunted ROLODEX of our chairman talked about must be in witness protection as no one has come here and no one will. In my thirty years in the GOP I have never seen it this bad, we are toast and any local people running are going to suffer again. A broke party with no committees doing anything spells nightmare.

    It could be much worse. Mike Protack could be on the ticket.

  8. Jason330 says:

    LOL. They are both right!

  9. cassandra_m says:

    Washington Governor Chris Gregoire introduces a marriage equality bill today for her state.

    Some say domestic partnerships are the same as marriage. That’s a version of the discriminatory, separate but equal argument of the past. For decades that argument was used to keep African Americans separate in schools, at their apartments, at drinking fountains. After all, the argument went, those separate places were just as good. But we, Americans knew, separate is not equal and finally the law caught up. […]

  10. AQC says:

    Angel has a post on DP about getting fired from her show via a Facebook message. Talk about no class!

  11. Aoine says:

    Best post seen on DP in awhile – attributed to “nitpicker”

    regarding the Iowa GOP caucus results

    “Joseph Smith beats Jesus by 8 votes”!

    R O T F L M A O

  12. MJ says:

    Frank Knotts confronted Urkel today on the Fatman’s show for taking free air time to campaign for the 6th District State Senate seat. Of course, Fatass did all the commenting and Frank basically told him to shut up and have Urkel respond. And of course, Urkel gave some BS answer that he’s only on the air “representing the Sussex County GOP and expousing traditional Republican stands.” If that’s the case, Urkel, stop talking about running for the senate.