Celia Cohen Quits (her blog)

Filed in National by on August 1, 2008

Crapvine.  C’est fini.

Delaware Grapevine is shutting down.

It has lasted six years, as long as it can under precarious financial circumstances.

Even her sign off is bullshit.  Is she still inflicting her unique brand of sycophancy on Dover Post readers?  We don’t know.  All we know is that she likes people sucking up to her she is hanging it up under the pretense that running a web-site costs money.

(h/t Delawarepolitics)

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (4)

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  1. anon says:

    So long, funny lady.

  2. 3peet says:

    The expense was Celia’s salary. Now we’ll never know who paid it.

  3. Dana Garrett says:

    Another victim of the Bush economy. 🙂

  4. liz allen says:

    Maybe she knows that Castle’s numbers are similiar to George War Bush, and the hand writing is on the wall.