In the den of small town GOP

Filed in National by on August 3, 2008

quotes “Obama scares the hell out of me”
“he is unknown”
“Have you read about him? REALLY, read about him”
Yes, I’m liberal remember…
“He’s not your kind of liberal, he’s, he’s almost, he’s almost socialist, communist”
Insert laughing I’ve read his book Ms. Mayor, he’s not a communist
“They need to allow us to drill for oil”
They have like 68 million acres
“there is no oil there”
how do you know?
It is going to take 10 years to see anything from that “supposed oil”
“No it’s not”
uh, yes it is
“He’s going to raise taxes. ”
Yes, but you don’t make 200k do you
“well no, but, he is going to raise taxes”
Yes, Ms. Mayor, but are you making your income from Capital gains right now?

Insert my standard shut them up response, and one I suggest you use as well:
“so everything is fine then? The economy? it’s all just fine then right”

“No, but that’s because of the democrats”
But the democrats weren’t in the majority and we have a Republican president
“The president doesn’t create all this mess, he doesn’t spend the money”
He has veto power and the line item
“The democrats have done this,they were the ones in power”
So they were in power?
I can’t talk to you about this anymore…

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hiding in the open

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  1. pandora says:

    I have had this exact conversation! Love your line (and plan on using it!) ““so everything is fine then? The economy? it’s all just fine then right”

  2. June says:

    I hope my brother is an indication of other Independent voters. Months back he announced he is voting for McCain. I wasn’t surprised at all. I think because he admired McCain for his decency, etc. Yesterday he announced he isn’t voting for anyone. That’s real progress. Thanks, McCain, for all your nastiness.

  3. Joe M says:


    Not voting for anyone is the pussy’s way out. I’m an independent voting for Obama, but do you think he encompasses everything I want this country to be?

    Hell, no! He’s wrong on gay marriage, FISA, and Faith-based initiatives, among other things. However, he is the best shot we have at turning around this country and may open the way for a more progressive candidate in the future.

    You can’t blame a candidate for not being perfect, because there will never be a candidate that’s perfect for anyone. Tied to that is the fact that you can’t blame McCain for your brother not voting.

  4. pandora says:

    Agreed, Joe, but I see June’s point. A McCain voter who decides not to vote is fine with me!

  5. Joe M says:

    “A McCain voter who decides not to vote is fine with me!”

    Not me. We’re seeing record voter turnouts this year. If one person is deciding not to vote, you can be damned certain that more will follow, and I’d rather see more people continue to be a part of the process than slide back to being whiners who throw their hands up because their candidate turned out not to be perfect.

    It’s far more important that Americans support the process than getting my guy into office.

  6. A. bundy says:

    Thanks, donfeces, for continuing to make my point for me. You are so f-ing clever and smart!

  7. pandora says:

    Bundy, what IS your point? And I’m being serious. Is your point that you don’t like DV? If so, we get it.

  8. Unstable Isotope says:

    I worked voter registration for Obama yesterday at the Farmer’s Market. I heard all kinds of excuses and some people are just jerkwads. I heard many versions of the above. You didn’t mention illegal immigrants though. I met a really disturbing Ron Paul supporter who went on and on about illegal immigrants. He was super creepy.

  9. Dominique says:

    The idea of one party controlling everything is a bit disturbing to me. We need checks and balances and I don’t think we get that when Congress and the Oval Office are controlled by one party.

    Oh, and keep dreaming about turning this country around. Regardless of who wins, the best you can hope is for things to not get any worse.

    Frankly, I think the one who wins will ultimately be the loser. He’s going to inherit a complete clusterfuck and four years simply isn’t enough time to make any progress. In addition to a shitty economy, we have a staggering deficit (once again) that needs to be addressed. I could be wrong, but it seems like the only choices the next president will have are to either raise taxes or cut services. Neither is going to go over well.

  10. nemski says:

    I don’t know how to address the “I’m not voting” statement.

    It is one of the most frustrating things I hear from friends and relatives. Everyone should vote and vote forever they choose, whether it is McCain, Obama, Paul, Nader, Barr, McKinney or whomever. As a matter of fact, editorials and pundits who say voting for a third party candidate is wasting a vote are being extremely un-democratic.

    Voting, not just a right, a responsibility.

  11. pandora says:

    Dom, I agree. The next President is inheriting a big mess! However, “things not getting any worse” is preferable to staying the course.

  12. June says:

    You guys have to realize everyone doesn’t pay attention to politics like we do. My brother wouldn’t know anything about FISA or any other issue. He doesn’t trust any politician so he just doesn’t care. That’s why changing from a McCain vote to a No vote is progress. BUT, I hope to change his mind to vote for Obama.

  13. Barack Al-Zwahiri Obama says:

    “I worked voter registration for Obama yesterday at the Farmer’s Market. I heard all kinds of excuses and some people are just jerkwads. I heard many versions of the above. You didn’t mention illegal immigrants though. I met a really disturbing Ron Paul supporter who went on and on about illegal immigrants. He was super creepy.”

    Now you are realizing why no one believes the left slanted internet polling that only captures the onanist and self-fellating bloggers!


    That’s why you feel you aren’t represented.


    But deal.

    This election will be a wakeup call for the lot of you.

    I predict a widespread rush in the blue states on Seroquel on the Wednesday after election day.

    Or caskets!

  14. Sharon says:

    “He’s going to raise taxes. ”
    Yes, but you don’t make 200k do you
    “well no, but, he is going to raise taxes”
    Yes, Ms. Mayor, but are you making your income from Capital gains right now?

    Actually, he’ll raise your taxes even if you make well below 200k. That’s because he’ll let President Bush’s tax cuts expire and that will hit everyone. But hey, hatin’ on the professionals who manage to earn 200k must feel real good.

  15. Von Cracker says:

    Talk to ya on right after the election then, Barack.

    prolly not…

    Your mom’s so fat, Al-McNevergetlaid, that when she jumped in the air, she got stuck!

    Is this the political discourse you and Mr. McCain prefer? If so, and if liberals wanted to play that game too, you’d still lose!

    We’re much funnier and creative. 😛

    Oh, and Sharon, the Bush tax cuts for the middle class will be renewed. Straight off of his site:

    “Obama will protect tax cuts for poor and middle class families, but he will reverse most of the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest taxpayers.”

    If you’re gonna spew bullshit, make sure that’s it hard for it to proven otherwise. It makes you look like you don’t know what you’re talking about.

  16. facts don’t stand in the way of Sharon

  17. mike w. says:

    Of course Obama favors raising Capital Gains tax, which WOULD negatively impact middle class americans.

  18. mike w. says:

    Well for one capital gains tax applies to any capital asset, meaning it applies to a hell of a lot more than just stocks. Sell your home? That’s subject to capital gains. And do you really think only the rich in this country own stock?

    Also, you’re crazy if you think a tax that increases costs for businesses & corporations won’t be immediately passed down to consumers.

    Obama doesn’t seem to understand this. Hell, he thinks imposing windfall profit taxes on Big Oil is going to LOWER the prices we pay at the pump. That shows me a profound ignorance of basic economics.

  19. so your answer is if I sell a house? that’s it…

    wow, yep, that really would stick it to me…

  20. and mccain thinks that a gas tax holiday is going to help people…

    what’s your point?

  21. mike w. says:

    I’m not going to sit here and spoon feed you like a baby. You clearly don’t know what capital gains are and how capital gains taxes are applied. You have a capital asset. If you sell it for a profit that profit is subject to capital gains tax.

    You also ignored the rest of my post. What about stocks?

  22. Pal Joe says:

    We think you big government types haven’t done enough with the gas tax. You should be forced to forfeit it.

    Let Americans spend it elsewhere.

    That, and it’s fund to destroy a hundred thousand bought-and-paid-for shallow democrat flunkie blue collar jobs!!!

  23. mike w. says:

    “and mccain thinks that a gas tax holiday is going to help people…

    what’s your point?”

    That’s stupid as hell too, but it’s his way of pandering to try and “buy votes” The same way Obama is doing with his $1000 “energy rebates” payed for with windfall profit taxes.

    And I’d love to see NO gas tax. Let the .Gov do away with something else to fund the interstate highway system. Hell, do away with the Dept. of Homeland Security, Dept. of Education, or the ATF, or quit wasting billions on the “War on Drugs”

  24. cassandra_m says:

    You are the guy who lives in his parents’ basement, right, mike w? There are plenty of capital gains exemptions for the sale of a home (especially primary homes). And your pint ignores the fact that Obama wants to eliminate capital gains taxes on start-ups.

  25. pandora says:

    True, Cassandra. Most people who pay capital gains on real estate are selling their second home. This can be avoided as well. My neighbor at the beach wanted to sell her house and avoid capital gains – which she did by declaring it her primary residence (having all her mail sent to the beach and listing it on her taxes for one year). After the year was up, she sold the house as her primary residence.

  26. cassandra_m says:

    And now that homes are devaluing in places all over the US, plenty of sellers have to worry whether they will have to manage a loss on the sale of their homes.

  27. time for the adults to talk now Mike. Make sure to brush your teeth and go potty.

  28. mike,

    I didn’t answer you about stocks mike, b/c I don’t think you want to go down that road. There is short term and long term capital gains my friend and I am more than aware of who it would impact.

    apparently you are not.

    ok, I’ve let you stay up too long.

  29. pal joe,

    does your babysitter know you are on the computer?

  30. Jal Poe says:

    Nice try on the block….CHUMP.

    And Cassie, sweetie, no one who has held a house (as a home!) for the recommended amount of time (7-8 years) will lose money.

    Lazy folks who overbought and/or bought speculatively got caught with their pants down.

    Hey it stucked to own stock before all the crashes too.

    Get over it.

  31. mike w. says:

    “time for the adults to talk now Mike. Make sure to brush your teeth and go potty.”

    Judging by your comments on this blog I can hardly call you an “adult.”

    You guys are pitiful. Attack everything, even my age, but not actual issues. If the vitriolic, immature crap I’ve seen spewed by some of you here is what you consider “adulthood” then I’m glad to be a youngin’. I’ll take the high road thank you.

  32. mike w. says:

    Also, the more liquid your assets, the easier it is to juggle those assets to avoid taxes. The middle class / upper middle class generally don’t enjoy high liquidity. They can’t find creative ways to avoid taxation (or minimize it) so they get screwed.

  33. nemski says:

    mike w, what’s your definition of middle class? upper middle class?

  34. I asked you to tell me how obama is going to raise middle class taxes mike.

    Your answer was on capital gains tax….and that was it? Oh and since the Oboogey man is going to raise corporate taxes my taxes go up.

    And when your boy won’t take raising taxes off the table to fix medicare and ss who are you voting for now? B/C by my talley, both candidates are raising YOUR taxes.

  35. mike w. says:

    “I asked you to tell me how obama is going to raise middle class taxes mike. ”

    No, you specifically asked about capital gains tax. And I didn’t say your taxes would go up as corporate taxes went up. I said that any new cost imposed by the gov.(via. taxes) w0uld be passed onto consumers.

    Explain to me how imposing windfall profit taxes on oil companies anad not allowing new drilling is going to LOWER gas prices at the pump? Obama is dumb enough to think such policies will lower prices.

    Also, how’s that going to help millions of Americans who own oil stocks in their stock portfolios?

    And McCain sucks on a variety of issues, I’m just voting for the lesser of 2 evils. Hell, I’d like to see Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid abolished completely at the federal level.

  36. Von Cracker says:

    Guess it depends on your definition of ‘evil’ then.

    I’m voting based on the greater of two ‘goods’.
