talk about Science fiction i wounder if this guy or gal ever read the bible. You know the book that talks about the lady and the Snake and folks flying Thur the air with and without wings.
All I have is two Obama 08 stickers, one blue, one white. And they are on my back windshield, not my bumper, so that they are eye level with the driver behind me.
Whenever I see a Bush sticker (because i never see a McCain sticker) on 95, I either speed up so that I pass him or her and then attempt to remain in front of them for as long as possible.
“Whenever I see a Bush sticker (because i never see a McCain sticker) on 95, I either speed up so that I pass him or her and then attempt to remain in front of them for as long as possible.”
This is why I urinate in the gas tank of any vehicle with Obama stickers.
“Whenever I see a Bush sticker (because i never see a McCain sticker) on 95, I either speed up so that I pass him or her and then attempt to remain in front of them for as long as possible.”
Remind me to stay away from asshole drivers with Obama 08 stickers…
I own two of them actually. what’s your point? I don’t buy american anymore. The germans make the best. As soon as I can afford an Italian car I plan on buying one.
MXPX is a Christian punk band, so they follow the Christian theme of the other stickers, but I doubt they would feel too good to be advertised on this car.
I’d laugh, but I’d be sad that they’re so ignorant.
I guess it would depend on whether there were kids in the car or not.
no kids, white male driver, 40 ish
They do have a good record label and band sticker on there… seems odd that a 40-year-old would listen to MxPx, a punk band, but okay.
That’s about it.
And is that a Mercedes hood ornament we see there?
some people want you to know everything about them except which direction they are going to turn.
Have you ever noticed that these guys never use a their turn signal?
peace sign
talk about Science fiction i wounder if this guy or gal ever read the bible. You know the book that talks about the lady and the Snake and folks flying Thur the air with and without wings.
I’d be getting away.
These rapture-ready types don’t always have adequate insurance, you know?
I would get in front of him….so he could see mine!
Obama 08, ” proud to be -everything the right wing hates”…”End this war”.
Make the 40ish white guy “think, at least for a second”.
Love it Liz.
All I have is two Obama 08 stickers, one blue, one white. And they are on my back windshield, not my bumper, so that they are eye level with the driver behind me.
Whenever I see a Bush sticker (because i never see a McCain sticker) on 95, I either speed up so that I pass him or her and then attempt to remain in front of them for as long as possible.
“Whenever I see a Bush sticker (because i never see a McCain sticker) on 95, I either speed up so that I pass him or her and then attempt to remain in front of them for as long as possible.”
This is why I urinate in the gas tank of any vehicle with Obama stickers.
“Whenever I see a Bush sticker (because i never see a McCain sticker) on 95, I either speed up so that I pass him or her and then attempt to remain in front of them for as long as possible.”
Remind me to stay away from asshole drivers with Obama 08 stickers…
Just tell me where they are parked!
lol.. Did you tail gate these guys? I saw one the other day. “Drill here, drill now.. pay less”.
Frigging ignoramuses! I wonder if the guy was talking about getting drilled up his….
Nyah.. I won’t go there.
I still like the mercedes hood ornament
You don’t even want to know what I do with those.
I own two of them actually. what’s your point? I don’t buy american anymore. The germans make the best. As soon as I can afford an Italian car I plan on buying one.
DV, an Italian car like this one.
nothin came up
Boy, that joke was ruined.
Just like a liberal to own the WRONG German car.
Do you believe everything you read?
Get a hybrid. I thought you were progressive.
I’d cry, because there is some child in their life that they are trying to poison with that nonsense.
Speaking of german cars, VW is coming out with a diesel hybeid GTI that is supposed to put the Prius to shame!
was that sticker that said “Ruth” for Ruth Ann?
Self-imposed Retardation is in FULL EFFECT!
MXPX is a Christian punk band, so they follow the Christian theme of the other stickers, but I doubt they would feel too good to be advertised on this car.
was that sticker that said “Ruth” for Ruth Ann?
Prbably some reference to the Book in the Bible
Ruth is a band that records on the Tooth and Nail label:
You guys are sadly hilarious. God, I look forward to the mass suicide of blogging liberals that will take place in November.
Thanks for your concern, Mr. Sanders.
I’m looking forward to your family’s mass suicide out of sheer boredom.
“God, I look forward to the mass suicide of blogging liberals that will take place in November”
I love how you started that sentence with God. Awesome.
No sweat, VC.
Anyplace I can donate for bodybags? Recyclable, of course.
Or maybe if you all get cremated, I can urinate on the ashes and we can make a mortar to built a monument to cluelessness.
There already is a monument; it’s called the “Reagan Presidential Library”!
WhooHoo – Jester’s Dead!
Cremation would be the way to go, though….
“WhooHoo – Jester’s Dead!”
I wouldn’t have figured you for a fan of such an over the top gay cult movie. DV maybe, but not you.
vc is an otter
Going straight to teh ghey….
…issues, man, issues…
No issues here…
Check out this one…warning that DE is becoming a communist state:
“What’s next?” it asks at the end. One hopes it’s good psychotropics for the driver.
Yea, I see that dude all the time. If you saw him you wouldn’t be surprised.
And what makes him think we are becoming a communist state? Healthcare? Smoking ban? Alternative energy?
I love right wing freaks. So amusing.
Well that’s certainly extreme. Delaware is fairly “normal” politically. It may be a blue state, but it’s definitely not a communist state.