Kind of fitting isn’t it?

Filed in National by on August 7, 2008

When you think about it, they ruled congress for almost the entire Bush mess, they have held the slim Dem majority hostage. So well, wouldn’t you know, their product isn’t selling anymore and voter rolls are showing it. I do admire their ability to still be able to control the message and get their bitches to vote in line. It is coming at the expense of the local and state politicians though. Which, is where the sheep are and the sheep aren’t going to speak up. So, over the cliff they go with the rest of the “moral majority”.

voting experts say the registration numbers may signal the beginning of a move away from Republicans that could affect local, state and national politics over several election cycles. Already, there has been a sharp reversal for Republicans in many statehouses and governors’ mansions.

But for a shift away from one party to sustain itself — the current registration trend is now in its fourth year — is remarkable, researchers who study voting patterns say. And though comparable data are not available for the 21 states where voters do not register by party, there is evidence that an increasing number of voters in those states are also moving away from the Republican Party based on the results of recent state and Congressional elections, the researchers said.

I mean, when you get fuktards like Atkins in your party, how do people not change their affiliation. Hell, even that drunk driving SOB is changing parties.

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hiding in the open

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  1. mike w. says:

    I have to agree. The Republican party has largely abandoned fundamental Republican principles and they’ve attached themselves to a hugely unpopular Republican President.

    I’d be downright shocked if people weren’t abandoning the party.