Halftime in America

Filed in National by on February 6, 2012

That Clint Eastwood Chrysler ad last night not only won the best commercial award (at least in my book, but it is receiving glowing accolades on Twitter and the Internets last night), but it was also a two minute Re-elect President Obama advertisement.

President Obama saved the auto industry. The Republicans, including and specifically their presumptive nominee Mitt Romney, said let it fail.

Howard Fineman said on Twitter last night that whichever party captures the spirit and theme of that ad will win the election? Why, because it is all about American optimism. And ask yourselves this: which party best represents the themes of that act today? The Democrats, or the “world is ending because Obama is in the White House” Republicans?

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  1. puck says:

    This is Obama’s “Morning in America” ad, as the upbeat companion to “When Mitt Romney Came To town.”

    Interesting that all Obama’s best ads are made by someone else. I guess it’s more effective that way. I just hope Democrats takes note and picks up the themes of those ads, with Obama talking about the road ahead, and other Democrats talking about income disparity and vulture capitalism.

    Now I’m off to gloat over wingnut heads exploding over this ad.

  2. Jason330 says:

    It was okay. What the Clint Eastwood Chrysler lacked was a wise cracking baby.

  3. fightingbluehen says:

    President Obama saved the auto industry?
    The auto industry in the home state of his VP is gone.

  4. Jason330 says:

    Yeah Obama!… where’s FBH’s welfare check?

  5. fightingbluehen says:

    An entire auto industry in a state replaced by a glorified golf cart shop.

  6. Jason330 says:

    Yeah Obama!… where’s FBH’s glorified golf cart?!?!

  7. socialistic ben says:

    FBH, as usual, you have no idea what you’re talking about.
    the Chrysler site is now owned by UD and is undergoing MASSIVE renovations… (including ground abatement and decontamination because of bad business practices by Chrysler while they were there) It is going to be completely redone and will boast new residence and education halls bring more jobs and students (something conservatives hate) to the area.
    BTW Chrysler made the decision to abandon that plant well before Obama was even the Democratic nominee so nice try pinning THAT one on him. Here is a little business lesson since you seem to know so little about it. when a company or industry gets blown up, a recovery doesn’t mean everything goes back to the way it was and Old Yeller comes back from the farm. you’re getting lazier.

  8. Geezer says:

    “President Obama saved the auto industry?”

    Yes. You could look it up.

  9. Miscreant says:

    “President Obama saved the auto industry?”

    More accurately, he propped up the auto unions. Has Chrysler paid back all of the loan yet? If not, Eastwood was paid with bailout money.

  10. Jason330 says:

    I feel your pain.

  11. MJ says:

    The auto unions gave back millions in salary and benefits to save their jobs, much like flight attendants and pilots do for the airline industry.

    You’ve got to love the irony of a registered Republican (Eastwood) doing an ad that indirectly supports what Obama did for the auto industry.

  12. Liberal Elite says:

    Eastwood is no conservative. He really pissed off the right wing with movies like “Flags of our Fathers”, “Letters from Iwo Jima”, “Gran Torino”, and even “Unforgiven”.

  13. Jason330 says:

    Clint Eastwood, Chuck Norris, Jesse Ventura, Joe Rogan and Kelly Clarkson are Ron Paul supporters. Everyone else in the world isn’t.

  14. Von Cracker says:

    The repug who ran for, and won the mayoral race in the über-rich enclave of Carmel, CA hasn’t distilled his conservatism to a 180 proof level, unlike the base has since the 80s.

    As the line goes, I didn’t leave the party; the party left me.

  15. Von Cracker says:

    What does it say that Grand Torino, a story about an old crank learning to move past prejudices and comes to accept societal & cultural differences, automatically makes him NOT a true conservative? I mean, fuck, his character owned guns and drove gas guzzling muscle cars!

    Wow, if that isn’t self-incrimination of harboring the worst of worst in this county, I don’t know what is!
    Must be proud..so proud, grand arbiter of who to hate and how much to hate em!

  16. thenewphil says:

    Fisker is laying people off. Can we get Clint to do us a Delaware commercial?

  17. Liberal Elite says:

    Redemption for a racist? That’s not exactly part of the right wing play book. Racism is supposed to be something fomented and exploited to get more votes. Right? Dirty votes are better than no votes.

    Many on the right hated Gran Torino. They wanted to see Clint shoot them all, like in Dirty Harry. The last thing they expected was a feel good movie about tolerance and acceptance.

    Why do you think that the movie was totally snubbed for any Oscar?

  18. MJ says:

    I’ve heard of the rest but who’s Kelly Clarkson?

  19. S. Wolf says:

    re Many on the right hated Gran Torino. They wanted to see Clint shoot them all, like in Dirty Harry.

    But.. but.. that’s what they need, not tolerance.

  20. Liberal Elite says:

    @VC “..grand arbiter of who to hate and how much to hate em!”

    Hate whom you like to. I’m just giving my opinions. I actually like Clint Eastwood.

    And those movies?

    I see “The Unforgiven” as an apology for every bad western he ever made.

    I see “Gran Torino” as an apology for every Dirty Harry movie (and others of that genre).

    I see “Letters from Iwo Jima” as an apology for every bad WWII pacific movie he ever made.

    And my Japanese colleagues see it the same way. The quote from one of their rather famous professors went something like this: “Clint Eastwood seems to understand the essence of the Japanese soul. But only an American director could have made this film. No Japanese film director could have told this story. And it was a story that needed to be told. It feels like an American apology for what happened at Iwo Jima.”

  21. Von Cracker says:

    Sorry, wasn’t referring to you as the great arbiters (was supposed to be plural) that would be the hydra of Rushpat Robertsbaugh