Our-shore Drilling

Filed in National by on August 7, 2008

I think Copeland messed up a little bit here.   In today’s News Journal, he said he “would not take off the table” the idea of allowing an oil platform to be built off the Delaware coastline.  Matt Denn pounces:

“I support limited oil drilling as part of a balanced national energy policy-but oil drilling off the coast of Delaware? We should not only take the idea off the table, we should throw it out of the house and lock the doors.

“Between his opposition to the Bluewater Wind project and his receptiveness to oil drilling off our beaches, Senator Copeland and I could not be further apart on the issues of renewable energy and the environment in Delaware. He has repeatedly sided with the power companies, at the expense of clean, affordable, renewable energy. Rather than doing the oil companies’ bidding and allowing them to drill everywhere, including off our coast, drilling should be limited to those areas that have already been identified.”

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  1. Charlie Copeland Is Responsible, So The Left Flips Out | August 8, 2008
  1. potnetsgal says:

    I’m convinced that this race will not even be close. Matt is no shrinking violet, and won’t allow Copeland to define him.

  2. Gflat dim says:

    Join the movement to keep Copeland under 10%.

  3. nemski says:

    I hear Matt likes them tire gauges too.

  4. Jason330 says:

    more dems like Denn please.

  5. FSP says:

    Nice to see Matt Denn has no problem filling up his gas tank and that he’s okay with his constituents paying more for gas like they pay more for car insurance, health insurance, property insurance….

    I think I see a trend.

  6. pandora says:

    Hmmm… What are they driving, Dave? I may be heartless, but I’m having trouble feeling too sorry for those honkin’ big SUV drivers. It’s not like the writing wasn’t on the wall.

  7. anon says:

    When will we see Charlie Copeland standing on the boardwalk at Rehoboth and explaining his vision of oil rigs off the Delaware coast?

  8. FSP says:

    He didn’t say he had a vision of oil rigs. He just refuses to rule anything out that might help people. He is in touch with the pain of Delaware families who are hurting paying $4+ for gas right now. His opponent is clearly out of touch on the issue.

  9. TRUTH TELLER says:

    No off shore drilling until the oil company’s drill on the 64million acres they already have under lease 40 million of which are already off shore.

    As McShame has already shown us that repeating a phrase like “THE SURGE HAS WORKED” or “DRILL OFF SHORE” has gotten the public attention the Dem’s should pound the above statement home until it sinks into the public mind. let ask Big oil why they haven’t drilled there yet.

  10. Tom S says:

    Denn is a snake in the grass

    Where was this shared? Was it just in an e-mail or on his blog? I don’t see it up on his sight.

  11. dave is back baby.

    Dave? how else are they going to get the oil off the coast? Oh wait, Charlie is a DuPont, he has magical powers

  12. FSP says:

    I’m sorry, DV. I only respond to hot people.

  13. Jason330 says:


    Press release. Copeland should look into that modern innovation.


    Copeland wants to splooge crude all over Rehoboth and you know it.

  14. Joe M says:

    “Copeland wants to splooge crude all over Rehoboth and you know it.”

    Well, at least he’s keeping one aspect of DuPont alive.

  15. FSP says:

    Splooge crude?

    I can picture you, right now, looking at that statement with immense pride.

  16. Jason330 says:

    okay that is probably overstating it, but you know full well that he worked with mcdowell to try to kill the wind power deal .

    Denn’s. Observation that he and Copeland could not be farther apart on renewable energy is spot on.

  17. FSP says:

    Your take on what happened with BWW is about as accurate as John Carney’s take on what happened.

  18. Jason330 says:

    Luckily McDowell and Copeland failed. At least we can agree on that.

  19. So Republicans saved the day on BWW like they always do, huh, Dave? I guess we can expect that coming from…a REPUBLICAN!

  20. liz allen says:

    If drilling offshore comes to Delaware,lets put the “drilling equipment” right in front of McCastles beach house! Or better still put a nuclear power plant along side Castlegate! Mike can figure out what to do with the “waste”.

    Lets see how fast he can say “not in my backyard”.

  21. FSP says:

    “So Republicans saved the day on BWW like they always do, huh, Dave? I guess we can expect that coming from…a REPUBLICAN!”

    No, it wasn’t Republicans, but it wasn’t John Carney, either. It was bloggers and activists and 6,000 comments from ordinary people creating something that wasn’t going to go away.

    When DeLuca realized that, he put the pieces together to make it look like Carney had something to do with it. Smart, really, because Markell & Lee could never prove it really wasn’t Carney.

    I can’t be the only one who sees that, can I?

  22. I agree with you it wasn’t Carney, but it certainly wasn’t the party’s golden boy Copeland.

  23. FSP says:

    Who’s claiming it was Copeland?

  24. I’m not sure who is more amusing the Troll Mike W. or the Dave. One is smug and arrogant the other is just young and niave

  25. Right, I should have rephrased the comment. Copeland didn’t claim he had anything to do with the final deal, but he certainly was a party to the obstructionist Harris McDowell and the rest of the Delmarva Gang.

  26. FSP says:

    “I’m not sure who is more amusing the Troll Mike W. or the Dave. One is smug and arrogant the other is just young and niave”

    I’m sorry. Who let the not hot guy in?

    Mike — Some would say that those who were hardest on BWW made the deal better in the end.

  27. Ahh…there’s the spin. I’ve got to give it to you, Burris. You’re damn good.

  28. FSP says:

    Don’t mess with me, you overgrown baby, or I’m calling Sage…

  29. yes, he’s a damn good liar that almost believes the shit that comes out of his mouth. but in the end his party nationally and locally is pathetic, yet he still is as big a part of it as he ever was and has done nothing to make it better.

    just another sheep

  30. FSP says:

    I know you’re trying, DV, but you’re not going to get a rise out of me. You’ve been dethroned and you carry less weight around here.

    I don’t play AA ball. Where’s Pandora, LG, or any of the other major leaguers?

  31. obviously you do, your back to your 2nd rate blog full (or should I say fool) of nut jobs (rsmitty aside)…

  32. Nah, now that Dave is back, the nutjob-to-sane-person ratio is only 2:1.

  33. mike w. says:

    “yes, he’s a damn good liar that almost believes the shit that comes out of his mouth.”

    Perfect description of Obama DTB.