“I love the rewriting of history! It’s so convenient!”
Name me one country that’s happy to have foreign troops embedded in their country, regardless of why they’re there? No one wants a large foreign military presence in their country, even if they were elated that said military toppled a tyrant.
Hmm… I see to remember someone saying that “we’d be greeted as liberators” and up until a few months ago Bush was denying that Iraqis wanted a timeline. Now its all the rage!
Which is the POINT of this post! Flippity flop flop.
TT – I could give you my thoughts on Iraq but it’s far too long to be posted here. Maybe I’ll discuss it over on my blog.
Iraq isn’t simple enough to just say “immediate withdrawal” or “stay till the job is done” are the options. And of course for the latter you have to define “success.”
Ummm, because people don’t want a foreign army in their country.
Did they want said foreign army in their country five years ago?
I love the rewriting of history! It’s so convenient!
I can’t wait till I rewrite the DHB election! mooowhwhhahahahaaa
The Iraqi timeline does not support the troops.
Don’t let the “time horizon” be the smoking gun.
“I love the rewriting of history! It’s so convenient!”
Name me one country that’s happy to have foreign troops embedded in their country, regardless of why they’re there? No one wants a large foreign military presence in their country, even if they were elated that said military toppled a tyrant.
Hmm… I see to remember someone saying that “we’d be greeted as liberators” and up until a few months ago Bush was denying that Iraqis wanted a timeline. Now its all the rage!
Which is the POINT of this post! Flippity flop flop.
Mikie by your earlier post i thought you supported this war looks like another troll flip flopping
Iraq hates America???
All you have to do is look at their pinless lapels
TT – I could give you my thoughts on Iraq but it’s far too long to be posted here. Maybe I’ll discuss it over on my blog.
Iraq isn’t simple enough to just say “immediate withdrawal” or “stay till the job is done” are the options. And of course for the latter you have to define “success.”
“Iraq hates America???
All you have to do is look at their pinless lapels”