Friday Open Thread [2.24.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on February 24, 2012

President Obama has a nearly 10 to 1 cash on hand advantage over Mitt Romney at this moment. .

“Obama’s campaign had $76 million cash on hand at the end of the month; the four GOP candidates had less than $13 million combined. Even better for Obama is the fact that Romney’s opponents closed the fundraising gap significantly, which will reduce Romney’s spending advantage going forward.”

Mitt Romney has only $7.7 million cash on hand as of the end of January.

Meanwhile, during a live performance recently, Bill Maher presented a check for $1 million to a Super PAC which supports President Obama’s reelection campaign.

Tucker Carlson deserves some credit for this, after first saying that Iran, and presumably its entire population, should be annihilated:

“It’s my fault that I got tongue tied and didn’t explain myself well last night. I’m actually on the opposite side on the Iran question from many people I otherwise agree with. I think attacking could be a disaster for the US and am worried that Obama will do it, for fear of seeming weak before an election. Of course the Iranian government is awful and deserves to be crushed. But I’m not persuaded we or Israel could do it in a way that doesn’t cause even greater problems. That’s the main lesson of Iraq it seems to me.”

Indeed, Tucker. Hopefully Senator Coons, and President Obama will listen.

NATIONAL (YouGov): Santorum 34, Romney 25, Gingrich 16, Paul 10
GEORGIA (Rasmussen): Gingrich 33, Santorum 28, Romney 20, Paul 9
MICHIGAN (ARG): Santorum 38, Romney 34, Paul 12, Gingrich 7
PENNSYLVANIA (Franklin & Marshall): Santorum 45, Romney 16, Gingrich 9, Paul 7
MICHIGAN (Mitchell/Rosetta Stone): Romney 36, Santorum 33, Paul 12, Gingrich 9
MICHIGAN (Rasmussen): Romney 40, Santorum 34. No information provided for Gingrich and Paul.
ARIZONA (Rasmussen): Romney 42, Santorum 29, Gingrich 16, Paul 8


NATIONAL (Rasmussen Tracking): Obama d. Santorum (48-41); Obama d. Romney (49-39)
NATIONAL (YouGov): Obama d. Romney (49-41); Obama d. Santorum (51-41); Obama d. Paul (49-37); Obama d. Gingrich (52-36)
CALIFORNIA (Field Poll): Obama d. Romney (55-35); Obama d. Gingrich (56-33); Obama d. Santorum (60-32)
PENNSYLVANIA (Franklin & Marshall): Obama d. Romney (41-33); Obama d. Santorum (45-37); Obama d. Paul (41-28); Obama d. Gingrich (47-31)
WASHINGTON (PPP): Obama d. Santorum (52-40); Obama d. Paul (51-38); Obama d. Romney (53-38); Obama d. Gingrich (55-35)
VIRGINIA (Rasmussen): Obama d. Romney (49-43); Obama d. Santorum (51-43)
ARIZONA (PPP): Obama and Romney tied at 47; Obama d. Gingrich (48-44); Obama d. Paul (46-42); Santorum d. Obama (47-46)

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  1. walt says:

    Nobody cares. Speaking of which, how about John Atkins (Dem Rep) getting beat up the other day. I wonder if he’s been drinking again.

  2. Geezer says:

    “how about John Atkins (Dem Rep)getting beat up the other day.”

    How about John Atkins (Sussex County conservative) getting beaten up the other day.

    There. Fixed it for you.

  3. cassandra_m says:

    The AG has decided that Sheriff Jeff Christopher does not have police powers:

    “It would be unreasonable to expect ‘police officers’ to undergo mandatory training and certification before they can exercise the power of arrest, but to allow any so-called ‘peace officer’ [which would include not only the Sheriff, but a host of other public officials] to have that same power of arrest without having undergone the same training,” he wrote.

    Time for people in Sussex to start tailing these guys to make sure they aren’t overstepping their bounds.

  4. Jason330 says:

    Common sense prevails. Time for Christopher to stop playing “I’m a cop.”

  5. pandora says:

    They should tail these guys, because my bet is that they won’t stop playing cop. Wingnuts always double-down.

  6. MJ says:

    Actually, in this case, Atkins was the victim. And no, he was not drinking.

  7. thenewphil says:

    You can’t know that he wasn’t drinking. No one credible has said he was, but you also can’t say, as authoritatively as you are attempting to, that he wasn’t.

    Let’s not speak absolutely when we just don’t know.

  8. MJ says:

    Well, Phil, I spoke to John after the news of this broke and I did ask him if he had been drinking and he told me “no.” So I think that I’m safe to say that he wasn’t. I know we all doubt a lot of things Atkins does, but you really need to cut him some slack sometimes. He was assaulted, not “offensively touched.”

  9. Jason330 says:

    O’Donnell won something. She made TPM’s list of “Brokered GOP Convention White Knights Fantasy Team”

  10. JPconnorjr says:

    I have gone a few rounds with John over the years. But when I was laying in PRMC a number of years ago he showed up. I have not spoken to John but I have no doubt he is telling the truth here. Walt I am quite sure John was doing physical labor sober. I am just as sure that you are a chicken shit cheap shot artist.

  11. Rustydils says:

    We are going to see another lesson here in proper money management. Obama will out spend romney 5 to 10 times in this election. But since he has no clue how to manage money, he will waiste most of this money (like he does with the tax payers money) on ineffective adds and mis managed expenses. Hence he will lose. As for idiot maher, he knows once romney is elected there will be no more interest in his show so he will be off the air. So he is hoping against hope to somehow get obama re elected, but there is absolutely nothing anyone can do to make that happen

  12. Rustydils says:

    Romney will win 40 states in the general election

  13. Jason330 says:

    McCain won 20 for 173 electoral votes. If Romney gets to McCain’s total I’ll be surprised.

  14. For people to say that John Atkins must be telling the truth b/c he looked them in the eye and told them something is to ignore the fact that Atkins’ greatest skill, which comes from having no conscience, is to look them straight into the eye and lie to them.

  15. Geezer says:

    “But when I was laying in PRMC a number of years ago he showed up.”

    First KWS, then Atkins. No matter how loony the sociopath, as long as they pretended to care about you, you’re there for them.

    Sorry, Joe, but these are not reasons for a single other soul to support them. In fact, they aren’t reasons for you to support them in the political arena, either. Personal kindnesses have nothing to do with public policy. Hitler, remember, loved both dogs and children.

  16. Jpconnorjr says:

    Hey Geez? Do you have friends? I do and I don’t require an ideology test. John is a friend who was crudely personally attacked I make make no apology for defending him. As to your candidate for IC his operation appears to be Run by the Keystone cops. The phone nonsense this week was embarrassing.

  17. Geezer says:

    In neither case is my opinion based on ideology. In one it is based on competence or lack thereof, in the other on character or lack thereof.

    Yeah, I have friends, but not in politics. I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase “Don’t shit where you eat.” I don’t have an ideological test, either, but I try very hard not to fall for people — especially public ones — blowing smoke up my ass. Whereas that’s a standard you apparently lack.

    Or, judging by your constant sliming of “my candidate” for daring to run against your “friend,” maybe you just don’t have any character in the first place. Birds of a feather and all.

    I have a lot of experience with politicians who deal primarily in personal destruction. It’s why I speak out against those who insist, without proof or even concrete evidence, that KWS is “crooked.”

  18. Geezer says:

    “The phone nonsense this week was embarrassing.”

    Why? I’d want the information they were gathering before deciding where to put resources.

  19. JPConnorJr says:

    Questioning campaign strategy even harshly is not sliming, personal attack is. My defense of John regarding a nasty slur has zero to do with his competence or politics at all.
    You have in fact pointed out the lack of evidence. while you also lambasted her roundly in ways Which I disagree with but which are in bounds. As to your character comment I am pretty comfortable with my imperfect self and have made amends for past indiscretions where possible. I will refrain from comment on the character of others.

  20. Geezer says:

    It was a question about, not a comment on, your character, and an appeal to you to temper your kindness with reason.

    I understand your loyalty to KWS, and while we might differ on her ability to perform her job well, she has never given me reason to think she is a liar or a sociopath. I cannot say the same for your other friend. I agree Walt took a cheap shot, apparently based on nothing but the letter D, but you’re not going to win anyone over no matter how much you swear for Atkins’ honesty. I have seen nothing in his behavior over the years since his party switch to make me think he has turned over a new leaf since his busy night at Seacrets.

  21. MJ says:

    Rusty’s been smoking the wacky weed.

  22. anon40 says:

    I smoke the wacky weed on occasion. The weed does not make one stupid unless one smokes it all day, everyday.

  23. Rustydils says:

    Let us all remember jason is 0 for 1000 on his predictions

  24. MJ says:

    And that has what to do with your asinine prediction?

  25. walt says:

    Like I said Mr. Connor, “NOBODY” cares.

  26. jpconnorjr says:

    Walt, you are still an asshole and most folks don’t care about them:)

  27. Geezer says:

    I’m not even sure what it is he claims nobody cares about. Articulating ideas is not a conservative strong suit.

  28. walt says:

    What I mean is that if you care about the subject I wrote on, you’re a “nobody”. Read the original response.

  29. Geezer says:

    It’s an open thread, Walt, meaning it has no fixed topic. I can’t tell what subject you meant when you said “nobody cares.” Three had come up by that point: the two in the post and MJ’s comment. Which was it that “nobody” cares about?

  30. sussexanon says:

    Funny how trouble seems to find John Atkins. His radio interview on WGMD sounded just like any classic episode of “Cops”

    “I just drove up and they started wailing on me” (I am paraphrasing) I seriously doubt thats the way it happened. Chances are he rolled up on an already heated argument and tried to exude some authority (even though it wasn’t his property) and they gave him “what for” and he didnt back down.

    Perhaps the two accused assailants were drunk and though John was their wife.

    Was he “just standin here mindin his own business” or was he getting some comeupance? The world may never know. Every bully gets justice eventually. Most of them don’t go runnin to the police though.

  31. jpconnorjr says:

    How does one “exude” authority? Just askin’

  32. walt says:

    There was already bad feelings between Atkins and Conaway because they were the original partners in Blue Hen Disposal. That got acrimonious and Atkins brought in Robert Tunnell who bought out Conaway. Later Tunnell bought out Atkins as well for a lot more $. Schirmer, the assailant, had been a problem child when he was a state cop; so they booted him or told him to quit. Guess he still is a problem child. But hey, NOBODY CARES.

  33. Rustydils says:

    Rusty will put his money where his mouth is, romney will win at least 40 states in the general, anybody upfor it

  34. Liberal Elite says:

    “Rusty will put his money where his mouth is, romney will win at least 40 states in the general, anybody upfor it”

    Thousands…. Here ya go. You can go over to Intrade and bet on Romney winning anything. You can even get 3-1 odds on that right now on just that:

    Such a bargain… Right??