Fair and Balanced Ossetia Report From Pravda

Filed in National by on August 11, 2008

I’m sure this is what Fox News sounds like to the rest of the world.

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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Von Cracker says:

    Brought to you by the same fellas who wrote McCain’s Celeb add. Up is Down. War is Peace. Aggressors are Saviors/Liberators.

  2. Joe M says:

    As slanted as that article is, they did get at least one thing right:

    American news made little effort at the beginning to show the fact that Georgia had initiated the hostilities.

  3. RAY K> says:

    Jason; How can you dismiss all of what pravda says based only on what our media reports.

    How, after the media handling of the Iraq invasion can you take as truth any thing you are told by or so called free press?

  4. Brian says:

    I seriously doubt if Mexico had launched an overnight attack on New Mexico for living space, blew up about 10 villages and killed aboput 2000 citizens, Tijuana would be standing this morning, and there would not be an immadiate retaliatory response that would shock and awe the mexican government.

    That is just a little hard for me to imagine, I think if we were in analogous situation it would be very clear what would have to be done.

  5. RAY K> says:

    Jason: how can you dismiss all of what pravda says based on what you hear from all our media?

    Remember what we were told in the runup to the Iraq war?

    Contrary to what you have been told not all citizens of Georgia are happy with the pro U.S. stance of there goverment. They do not want to fight a war for oil and Israel. And I do not blame them, Russia has more oil than they need, thank you!

  6. RAY K> says:

    Sorry about the double post, but I am so pissed I can`t see straight.

    It seems you learned nothing about how our corporate media spins everything.

    Question Jason, please tell me what you think the Russian invasion of afghanistan was all about?

    Hint; you were totally lied to about that war also, you would have to go to the library to find the truth, which thankfully they haven`t shut down yet!

  7. jason330 says:

    Russia: Again Savior of Peace and Life

    Thank God for Russia I guess…

  8. RAY K> says:

    If you want the real story on gergia go to democracy now on T>V An expert on the area is giving you the real facts not the fantasy you are being feed. It will repeat at 11 O`clock.

    this is a really dangerous situation, made worse by having a village idiot in the white house!

  9. RAY K> says:

    Jason; I have no reason to take sides with russia,the guist of what i`m saying is that both sides spin things to their benefit, it`s important to check facts before you take sides. An important part of being american is to become informed. Neews media as was shown vidvidly by the Iraq war is not the place to look. The library will explain the ethnic problems in this part of the world in detail. It took only one hour today to find enough information to see there is a lot of truth in the Pravda article.