Shorter Burris: Vote For Protack

Filed in National by on August 11, 2008

To take Dave’s nihilistic philosphy to its logical conclusion, the only acceptable vote this fall is for Mike Protack.

Only Protack can bring about the cataclysm, the tabla rasa, Dave needs to turn Delaware into a new Eden.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. R Smitty says:

    Hmmm…master plan, indeed! I need to speak to this boy some more! It’s genius!

    Just thinking of a candidate that wants to effectively tax pension funds of state employees (.5% of the funds for gov’t-based small business support), it would be cake to utterly destroy that party into pea-gravel rubble.

    Dave can mold and shape it anyway he sees fit after Mikey P is finished crushing its very existence.


  2. jason330 says:

    Like Carthage, no building stone will be left atop another stone.

  3. FSP says:

    Not one mention of my self-tabbed nickname, either. Shame on you.

  4. jason330 says:

    Round Mound of the Profound was too good. I wanted to ignore it then bring it back about a week from now and pretend I thought of it.

  5. Mike Protack says:

    Anyone who refers to redirecting .5% of the Delaware State Pension Fund as a tax is clearly uninformed at best.

    Some state use ‘social awareness’ as part of their investment philosophy while others use riskier means. Delaware tends to be more conservative and .5% in local investments is sound.

    The goal is to put the right people, ideas and capital together.

    My suggestion matches what Ernie Dianastasis said in the News Journal, make the investments in the local and regional level.

    The goal of a pension fund is to grow so as to be there when workers need it. I know what it is like when those things are not done properly. The best thing for these workers is to live in a prosperous state on strong eco0nomic pillars.

    Lee can’t and won’t talk about this or any issue. Polls show most people think he got a sweetheart deal on his pension which we are all paying for every paycheck.

    Delaware will hear more about the plan after we win the September 9th primary.

  6. anon says:

    It’s not a “tax” it’s a “raid.” Opening the door for raiding the state employee’s pension fund is a recipe for disaster. This time Protack wants to raid it for economic development who knows what he’ll raid it for the next time.

    As for Lee’s “sweetheart deal” wasn’t that just getting the pension he EARNED over years of service on the bench in the state of Delaware? If I recall from the 2004 attempt to trash Lee by bringing this up, he WON that suit he filed over his pension.

    Sounds like Protack’s just disgruntled because his own pension plan went bust and now he thinks everyone’s should.

  7. rsmitty says:

    My suggestion matches what Ernie Dianastasis said in the News Journal, make the investments in the local and regional level.

    Mike, I know Ernie, having worked with him before. Shall I call him and ask him if he in fact recommended a .5% taking of the state’s pension fund for this reason? It certainly appears above that you just placed this square on his shoulders. I can ask him if that was his plan, afterall.

  8. FSP says:

    It is not the pensioner’s obligation to build Delaware’s economy, especially when long-term pensioner health care is underfunded to the tune of about $4 billion.

    The state’s obligation to the pensioner is to invest that money in areas where it will perform best. Let’s leave that up to the experts.

  9. nemski says:

    The state’s obligation to the pensioner is to invest that money in areas where it will perform best. Let’s leave that up to the experts.

    The same experts that got us into this mortgage mess. Just wondering.

  10. rsmitty says:

    The same experts that got us into this mortgage mess. Just wondering.

    *zing*…but no.