Delaware Liberal Tracking Poll Results — Greg Lavelle (R)

Filed in Delaware by on March 13, 2012

He has a 42% approval rating and an 38% disapproval rating. Setting aside the freeping of Tom Wagner’s poll, I think Greg Lavelle is the first Republican to have a net positive favorability rating in the state of Delaware. He should run for Governor, not some lowly Senate seat.

Whoops. That’s what I get when I do this post without my coffee. I misread the numbers. It turns out that Greg Lavelle is as hated as any Republican in this state. He has a 58% disapproval rating, and a 42% approval rating, with 0% undecided.

Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of House Minority Leader Greg Lavelle (R)?

Strongly Unfavorable — 40%
Strongly Favorable — 22%
Favorable — 20%
Unfavorable — 18%
Undecided / Unsure — 0%

Total Votes: 50. Started: March 12, 2012

Now we move onto the Senate, and its wonderous leader, Senate President Pro Tem, Senator Anthony Deluca. No introduction necessary.

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  1. I think you may have counted wrong, DD, at least as it pertains to this poll. I count 58% unfavorable and 42% favorable. But I admit that I ran out of fingers and toes when doing the calculations.

  2. Delaware Dem says:

    I did. So Greg Lavelle is hideously unpopular. My mistake.

  3. Jack Markell says:
