St. Patrick’s Day Open Thread [3.17.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on March 17, 2012

Here are some polling numbers for this Green Saturday. Happy St. Patrick’s Day to all.


NATIONAL (Gallup Tracking): Romney 36, Santorum 28, Gingrich 13, Paul 10
NATIONAL (Rasmussen): Romney 37, Santorum 28, Gingrich 17, Paul 10
NATIONAL (YouGov): Romney 28, Santorum 24, Gingrich 21, Paul 10
ILLINOIS (Rasmussen): Romney 41, Santorum 32, Gingrich 14, Paul 7


NATIONAL (Rasmussen): Obama tied with Romney (46-46); Obama d. Santorum (49-43)
NATIONAL (YouGov): Obama d. Romney (48-44); Obama d. Paul (48-42); Obama d. Santorum (50-43); Obama d. Gingrich (51-41)
ARIZONA (Rasmussen): Romney d. Obama (51-40); Santorum d. Obama (45-44)

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  1. anon says:

    Former Dewey Beach Mayor Bob Frederick has told the Cape Gazette he’s running against Andy Staton for the 6th.

  2. MJ says:

    Frederick has told a number of us that the only reason he was running was because it was an open seat and that there should be a primary. Not too convincing an argument. But at least this primary will be friendly, unlike the rethug one in the 6th.

  3. anon says:

    That, in fact, is a really shitty and MF’ing stupid argument.

    Other than a good haircut and sparkly teeth, what does he bring to the race?

  4. JPconnorjr says:

    What’s the over/under that he actually runs?

  5. anon says:

    Staton already has raised a lot of money and collected institutional support. Why is Frederick bothering? This will only distract Democrats when we should be united while the Republicans splinter during a bruising primary.

  6. Well, I wouldn’t worry if Staton is so strong. It enables him to raise $$’s twice, once for the primary and once for the general.

    I mean, it IS an open seat. Let’s see who is the more popular candidate.