The Rose Izzo Campaign wrote us to remind us that there is a Rose Izzo Campaign

Filed in Delaware by on March 20, 2012

As you can see in the middle column, I have removed the outdated and lengthy list of state blogs from around the country and replaced it with a list of statewide candidates with links to their campaign websites. I hope to include links to General Assembly races as well, and also to NCCo Exec and Council President races. Well, in putting up the list over the weekend, I neglected to include Rose Izzo, who is also running for the Republican nomination to run against John Carney. My apologies. She is now listed. The funny thing was that her campaign sent in a tip to remind us she was running, and to be honest, without that tip, I am not sure I would have remembered, or anyone else for that matter.

Now the question is, can Rose Izzo recapture the witch’s brew that was the 2010 election in Delaware?

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  1. Vicky Tosh-Morelli says:

    Did they also remind you that the earth is flat? And global warming is just God giving us a big hug?

  2. C.R. says:

    Coincidentally, “Rose Izzo’s older sister” commented this on one of our old posts from Feb 2010 a couple hours ago:

    “To Ryan, I, too know Rose Izzo, Kevin Izzo and neice Samatha Izzo, Rose doesn’t like to interact with people, both Rose Izzo and Kevin Izzo like to con people and threaten to kill them with stolen guns.

    Delaware republicans are being conned big time. Check up on Rose and Kevin Izzo’s NYC civil case where she committed forgery on her uncle’s saving bond in the amount of 600,000 and more. By the way, Izzo is our family name, what is Kevin hiding from. Just keep supporting these crimmals because they need you to live and god knows Kevin can’t hold a job due to stealing especially in a New York airport, merchant marines, the NCL Pride Aloha and we are talking about Kevin Izzo and not Vincent Izzo who used Vincent’s identy to scam. NO BLOOD RELATION TO KEVIN HERE! Rose robs drom her family good luck”

  3. Delaware Dem says:

    Hmmmm.. Interesting, CR.

    We all know that Delaware Politics is the blog for the Teahadist Wing of the Delaware Republican Party. To a certain extent, Resolute Determination is the blog of the DuPont/Castle/Copeland Establishment Wing. Kovach is the establishment candidate, and Izzo might turn into the Teahadist candidate.

    C.R., you guys really don’t fear her as a candidate against Kovach, right? Surely there is no need to preemptively destroy Izzo, right?

  4. C.R. says:

    No, I don’t think anyone is going to spend a lot of time worrying about Izzo – she will fizzle out on her own. In some ways a noncompetitive primary is good for Kovach – lets him raise more money and get some mailings out before the general.

  5. Roseizzofamily says:

    Delware dem, Rose Izzo tried many way to destroy her blood family, She discriminated against her brother who just came out…..told his ex wife to screw him because he is a homosexual. Don’t ever under estimate Rose and Kevin izzo they are masters at the con game….if you want more detail email me back.

    By the way Rose And Kevin izzo also destroyed another whole family by getting a NYPD Senior school safely officer fired just so she had control of our uncle’s estate. My uncle has dementia and Kevin was said to beat up on this sickly man during his stay at their home because went to the bathroom in his clother for a couple of weeks just so they could get control of his money as well as the gun in our uncles safe box. But than she got away with abusing our grandmother and stealing fifty thousand or more to fix her house up. When my grandmother ” accidentally called 911″ Kevin ripped the phone out of the wall to prevent an 80+ year old woman from making outside contacts… want more I give you more….When our grandmother made up some story about visiting her doctor she then went into an assistant living home in Brooklyn NY, so they made her send them a check for approximately 1000.00 and would not send her belonging to the woman who raised her and gave her everything until the check cleared and even then rose and Kevin kept valuable things.

    Don’t be surprise if I write again because my life was threaten by those thieves …my motive for making this public is for people of Delaware not to be hurt as well as our family and the family of school safely officer.

  6. Rose izzo family says:

    By the way, I am willing to take a lie detector test is Rose Izzo wiling to. Just curious what is Kevin and Rose donations to her for the campaign vs the amount she contribute…just a thought. Don’t allow people to be taken advantage of…..Someone might want to pass this on to Sarah Palin who I joke is Rosie political buddy. I’m very disappointed with the republican party. I

  7. Delaware Dem says:

    With all due respect, I make it a policy never to get involved in two things: other families’ issues and Republican primary politics. Since the two are dovetailing so nicely, I have no comment on the comments from CR and IzzoFamily. And that includes whether or not any of it is true.

  8. anon says:

    Roseizzofamily sounds a lot like Rose Izzo in terms of coherencybility and intelligensia.

  9. Roseizzofamily says:

    Anon…. Spare me your idiotic statement and terminology..I didn’t write to impress the likes of you……I have been a public servant all my life and I don’t believe in decieving people, I believe in honesty and intregnity. I simply want to protect innocent people from being scammed. Kindly note, Rose Izzo is running for congress on family values. My comments are not meant to be criticized due to grammar or spelling errors, I more concerned about getting the message out.

  10. Geezer says:

    I don’t think you have to worry. Rose Izzo makes Christine O’Donnell look like Ronald Reagan.