Gordon Hype Half Baked

Filed in National by on August 17, 2008

For all the hoopla Tom Gordon has received in the News Journal and among those who fashion themselves as being against corruption in the Delaware blogosphere, he has only $3,617 in the bank.   He raised $22,000, but spent $18,000.    His opponent, incumbent County Executive Chris Coons, leads all county candidates with $127,907 in cash on hand, having raised $80,000 during the reporting period ending Aug. 10.  Coons had $112,000 in the bank before this campaign started, and has spent $63,000 so far in this campaign.

Of course, Gordon’s hubris knows no limits:

“I certainly could do a little bit better job raising money, and I’m going to concentrate on that in the next two weeks,” Gordon said. “But we’ve spent it wisely, and with a little bit of money, I’d say we’re winning.”

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  1. jason330 says:

    Gordon had a table at the peach festival that he was sharing with…..

  2. Al Mascitti says:

    Gordon has made up his own reality for years. Why should he stop now?

  3. If Angie Basiouny wasn’t a corrupt Coonsie she would have reported on the SOURCE of his campaign funds….Coons is getting his money from development attorneys doing business with the county. Ethical NOT.

    Don’t you people know how to read between the lines? YEESH!

  4. mike w. says:

    Incumbents usually do have more money to spend than challengers.

  5. Gharmon says:

    Gordon’s people chanting at the festival was pathetic–the crowd’s lack of reaction to him and his crew are evidence enough that his campaign is going nowhere. Was anyone else annoyed that these parades and festivals have just become overrun with pols and their cronies?

  6. jason330 says:

    That must be why Jerry Northington and Mike Miller stayed home. They didn’t want to further degrade the integrity of the Peach fest.

  7. Art Downs says:

    Doesn’t Sherry F. haves some of that ‘loan money’ left over?

    Did it all get spent on legal expenses?

    Once back in a position of power and trust she should make friends with a lot of generous people.

  8. nemski says:

    How hated is this tool called Gordon? Well, I’m glad you asked.

    In 2000, Craig Shumaker, the Green Party candidate, ran against Gordon. Shumaker received 23,302 or 14% of the vote for County Executive. While Ralph Nader who was running for President for the Green Party received 5,767 votes in NCCo or 3% of the vote. Some 18,000 voters went Green, rather than voting for Gordon.

  9. jason330 says:

    Bad Democrats are the best friends third parties have. With the excrption of H. Ross Perot, Republicans don’t break no matter how bad their candidate is.

  10. Truth Teller says:

    I just don’t understand you Dem’s Gordon gives you eight years of no new taxes while improving county services and leaves Coons a surplus which he squandered all while fighting trumped up charges form a Bushie AG. Clinton gives you eight years of peace and prosperity a balanced budget and a surplus that Bush squanders again fighting a Repuk special pantie sniffing prosecutor. And you Dem’s appear to hate them both. No wounder the Repuk’s kick our asses every election. And you know what they just might do it again.

  11. jason330 says:

    Feh on Gordon. He was a crime boss who happened to be in while Clinton was making all te right economic moves.

  12. Truth Teller says:

    Jason that’s what’s wrong with dem’s like you . You buy into the Karl Rove Bullshit blame Gordon even though he was a victim of a Bushie AG. Blame Hillary for PUMA which is nothing but a REPUK front. The next thing you folks will start to believe the SWIFT BOATING of Obama

  13. cassandra_m says:

    TT, what is wrong with you? Gordon did not come out his problems exonerated and with his hands clean. Other than noting often that Sherry Freeberry won’t be back, he never talks about how he will avoid these issues in future, and (more importantly to me) he does not speak in detail about how he is going to bring back the so-called land of milk and honey in spite of the very real realities of the BushCo economy. From where I sit, he is running to slap Coons around and that is not a platform for a responsible government.

    And I think that we blamed Hillary supporters for PUMA and no one here will be believing any swift boating — facts still have known a liberal bias, you know.

  14. cassandra_m says:

    One more. This is what the reporter had to say about Coons’ contributors: Coons’ contributions have come from individuals, business owners, local companies and some unions.

    I haven’t looked at Coons’ reports and, frankly, don’t have the history to know who is who on those reports, but Nancy, you could do alot of us a big service by posting an analysis of the Coons’ reports with details and totals of the mostly developers contributing.

  15. Art Downs says:

    Why would Karl Rove car what happened in a intra-party struggle in Delaware? Was the issue a matter of priciple or was it pure venality?

    Why would a duPont heiress shell out over $2 million to Sherry Frebery? Was Sherry some prosepective Democrat Wunderkind? She and Tom were simply trying to screw over some other Democrats. Why should Republicans care about such a battle? What was in it for them?

    I thought that the conspiracy theories being fobbed off by those little old ladies in tennis shoes (I still remember them) were ludicrous but the idea of some local hacks being the target for a smear goes even farther.

  16. anon5 says:

    Northington and Miller didnt show up, cuz they probably didn’t know about it. They have no campaigns and haven’t showed up anywhere to get voters. These are amateurs!

    Tom Gordon’s supporters and volunteers at the festival was big! Like it or not. Tom Gordon is supported by many many people who have worked for him and for Coons. Coons is threatening county workers if they openly support Gordon.

    All charges thrown at Gordon were thrown out, Colm Connoly should be sent back to DC to be with the neo cons in the Justice Dept who sent him here to “get the democrat who could move up in the party”.

    Police, fireman, and county workers are supporting Tom Gordon, thats says a “helluva lot which is why the Coons people are freakin out”.

    Art Downs: it was no conspiracy theory it is a fact. The US Attorney General sent out attorneys to “get democrats”, do you people study fact or believe in the fiction put out by the News Journal with leaked stories straight from the US attorneys office.

    Carper, Minner, Carney, Coons….all in the same corrupt boat! Its Coons who has raised and will raise our taxes. Gordon has vowed not to raise them…think about that as you pull the lever.

  17. anon6 says:

    Feh! on Jason who seems to get it all wrong! How long you been involved in county politics Jason, huh! You appear to know nothing but pileon for those corrupted dems you support.

  18. mary says:

    I just came upon this blog and reading it tells me you all are either very young, very dumb, very blind, or just stupid.

    I worked for Tom Gordon and I have worked for Chris Coons…plllaaeeasse bring Gordon back and get this waste Coons out of our lives. Coons management style of this county is abymssmal! His cronies get the raises, promotions, and his developer friends get the cash. Don’t you even wonder where he got all his money?

  19. Al Mascitti says:

    Notice how many people above “write like Liz Allen”? With her “abnormal” punctuation, odd choice of “words to put in quotes,” etc.? For example, this from “anon5”:

    –All charges thrown at Gordon were thrown out, Colm Connoly should be sent back to DC to be with the neo cons in the Justice Dept who sent him here to “get the democrat who could move up in the party”.–

    Aside from the fact that several charges were not “thrown out,” they were dropped in a plea bargain, how many of the knucklehead union people Gordon has in tow would toss around the term “neo-con” in this context? But Liz Allen would, wouldn’t she, since she tosses it around like confetti?

    This is the level of sophistication Gordonberry showed the first time around — urge your supporters to write letters to the editor to prove your popularity. They once ran a letter from Freebery’s son without noting the family connection (he has a different last name). IOW, they pioneered sock puppetry before the invention of socks.