Biggest Day in History of Delaware is Coming.

Filed in National by on August 18, 2008

It will be Thursday.

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  1. delawaredem says:

    Correct me if I am wrong, but has any Delawarean been nominated before?

  2. jason330 says:

    In the movie “Advise and Consent.”

  3. mike w. says:

    The more important question is, if Biden is nominated and accepts, who takes his place?

  4. jason330 says:

    Why thursday DD?

  5. delawaredem says:

    That is where the fun begins.

    Biden will still run for reelection like Lloyd Benstsen and Joe Lieberman did in 1988 and 2000, respectively. He will win relection easily.

    The question is, who gets to choose his replacement? Will it be Minner or her successor, whether that be Markell or Carney?

    I say the loser of the Dem fight for Governor should get it.

  6. delawaredem says:

    Mwuahahaha. I can’t reveal. 😉

    Obama has a big dollar fundraiser with Mark Warner in Virginia on Wednesday night and a rally on Thursday in Richmond on Thursday morning. The rest of the day is clear.

  7. 2nd biggest day in Delaware.

    DHB contest was number 1.

  8. cassandra m says:

    I say the loser of the Dem fight for Governor should get it.

    I’m with you, DD. Yesterday I was at an event where everyone was buzzing about Bidens père et frère — not much enthusiasm in this group for the Gubernatorial loser being appointed Senator.

  9. jason330 says:

    Biden will still run for reelection like Lloyd Benstsen and Joe Lieberman did in 1988 and 2000, respectively. He will win relection easily.

    I don’t like it and it is not his style to hedge like that. If you are on the ticket you run for VP. Period.

    Minner appoints Carney to fill out the term and the DOE let’s Carney run against the virgin.

    I think there must be a way to put someone up at short notice if that person filed can’t run for the office.

  10. Paul falkowski says:

    Senator Beau Biden.

  11. pandora says:

    I like that idea as well.

  12. pandora says:

    Oops! The idea I like is DD’s!

  13. delawaredem says:

    I do not like the idea of Beau Biden serving as Senator right now at all. Let him run for AG, the Lt. Governor (if he wants to be Governor), or let him run for Congress (if he wants to be in Congress).

  14. mike w. says:

    Beau is merely using the AG’s office as a stepping stone for his political aspirations. I have no doubt we’ll see him in Delaware politics soon enough. He’s a politician 1st, AG 2nd.

  15. and Tommy wonk get’s to go to Denver

  16. Al Mascitti says:

    Correction, Mike: The AG’s office is a stepping stone for his father’s ambitions for him. He strikes me as a Patrick Kennedy sort — running for office because his dad wants him to enter the family business, but his heart doesn’t seem to be in it.

    Cass: I can’t think of a worse way to spend any amount of time than among Biden groupies. My condolensces.

  17. mike w. says:

    Al – Excellent point.

  18. delawaredem says:

    Oh yes you can. Carney groupies, or worse Bush groupies.

  19. mike w. says:

    Or Obama groupies. They’re like cultists.

  20. Al Mascitti says:

    I’ve been in all the above scenarios except the one with Carney groupies. Does he have any?

  21. cassandra m says:

    Al, the event itself was a great deal of fun — it is just that no one there seemed to be thinking anything other than Senator Beau if Dad gets a VP or Cabinet slot. It was as though no other Democratic pol existed, really. It was strange, but a textbook Delaware Way example.

  22. delawaredem says:

    Mike, you should know by now that the true cultists were the Hillary groupies.

  23. jason330 says:

    Something tells me that Celia quitting her “blog” is tied up in this somehow.

    I can’t work out how, but somehow.

  24. delawaredem says:

    Easy. She will be press spokesman / communications director for the Mike Castle for Senate campaign in 2010.

  25. Al Mascitti says:

    Cass: The worst of the Delaware Way. Beau has never done anything to deserve that sort of support, therefore, it’s personal devotion rather than anything to do with good governance leading to such cheerleading.

    One of my many personal foibles is an inability to tolerate cheerleading, even when the cheering is for my own team.

  26. nemski says:

    Or Obama groupies. They’re like cultists.

    Or McCain groupies, they’re just ignorant.

  27. A good question: would Minner or the next governor get to make the appointment. huh.

    I would think that the Biden’s seat should go to the loser of the gubernatorial and have long held that opinion.

    So, Markell would pick Carney? I think so.

  28. delawaredem says:

    It depends on when Biden resigns from the Senate. If he resigns prior to Jan. 3, then Minner could appoint, or she could leave the decision to her successor. If he waits until after Jan. 3, Governor Markell will appoint John Carney as our next Senator.

  29. Ugh…do we really want another Tom Carper in the Senate by way of John Carney? Talk about two limp dicks.

  30. Al Mascitti says:

    Careful, Mike, or they’ll challenge you to a jumping-jacks contest.

  31. …or at least my “back fat!”

  32. Joe M says:

    “Cass: I can’t think of a worse way to spend any amount of time than among Biden groupies. My condolensces.”

    Paultards. Check and mate 🙂

  33. jason330 says:

    Who the hell voted for Mike Castle? over there <– ?

    Celia, are you lurking here?

  34. delawaredem says:

    Of course she is.

  35. Castle’s actually a good idea. Appoint him and then he’ll lose in the special election a year later and the Dems can pick up his House seat and then hold it forever in the general for the next 50 years.

  36. delawaredem says:

    How do you figure Castle looses in the special in 2010?

  37. Castle only wants a few brief seconds in the Senate so he can say he was there. Then he’ll retire. Who knows how much longer he’ll want to hang around the House.

  38. delawaredem says:

    LOL. I doubt it.

  39. mike w. says:

    “Castle only wants a few brief seconds in the Senate so he can say he was there. Then he’ll retire. Who knows how much longer he’ll want to hang around the House.”

    Somehow I don’t see him getting a taste of power and then relinquishing it. He IS a politician.

  40. …either that or another stroke will just take care of the issue.

  41. jason330 says:

    Oh lord. Mike went there.

  42. Joe M says:

    Well, Mike. Look how long we had to wait for Vaughn to die. Do you REALLY want to play that game?

  43. Hey, I voted for DonViti!

  44. jason330 says:

    For the love of God someone please vote for Matt Denn!!

    I can see him in my minds eye endlessly refreshing his screen right now.

  45. delawaredem says:

    LOL. I voted for Donviti.

  46. jason330 says:

    Phew. Thanks someone!

  47. delawaredem says:

    That someone is Matt Denn. 😉

    Seriously, I love Matt, but he is not Senator material yet.

  48. Al Mascitti says:

    No, it was me. I hate it when Jason has to beg.

  49. rsmitty says:

    News Journal comments on this development:

    (sounds of crickets).

    Amazing stuff from that media outlet, indeed!

  50. Joe M says:

    Voted to the left with the assumption that the people I wanted to win in this election, would. Therefore, no vote for Markell or Denn.

  51. rsmitty says:

    wait…Markell didn’t want to go “Federal” when given the chance to run for US House. Why be different now? Plus, he has a sense of dignity, so I’d think you’d have to consider if being thrown a (big) bone by the company that is currently crushing his personna will really fly.

    Then again, he is a politician.

  52. delawaredem says:


    Senator Donviti???? Could it happen??

  53. liberalgeek says:

    I noticed that Pandora and I weren’t on the list…

  54. delawaredem says:

    LG, we all assumed you had died on your neverending vacation, or at the very least were not coming back. 🙂

    Pandora, you won DHB. That is better than Senator.

  55. rsmitty says:

    Who un-banned geek???

  56. delawaredem says:

    Ha! It is Geek who runs this place.

    He knows the Delaware Liberal Self Destruct Sequence.

  57. liberalgeek says:

    If I don’t log in every 10 days, this immediately turns into a wild-west, crazy-ass pseudo-blog.

    Sorry I missed the sequence while I was away. 🙂

  58. liz allen says:

    Why are you progressives permitting the right wing loon Rick Jenson, make up crap from whole cloth against Biden.

    So far nothing Rick has said is provable, but simply the Jenson right wing rant of the day.

    I will not call that republican station unless its life or death…but where are your voices?

    Stand up for Joe, or let Rick Jenson’s lies and distortions continue…your choice.

  59. delawaredem says:

    I don’t listen to Jensen. I prefer not to give him ratings points.

    What lies was Jensen spewing?

  60. nemski says:

    History, schmistory. Our first VP candidate was Daniel Rodney in 1820.

  61. rsmitty says:

    Going way back to Al’s #22 comment:
    I’ve been in all the above scenarios except the one with Carney groupies. Does he have any?
    This ad was paid for by the Delaware State Democratic Committee and No candidate committee endorsed this ad.

    Yeah, he has groupies.

  62. rsmitty says:

    Nemski … were you, by chance, on DV’s mailing list today, too? Just wondering, ‘cuz he just got a smack down in a reply (a funny one at that, too) about his lack of knowledge for history.

  63. nemski says:

    That smackdown was from me . . . te he he he he.

  64. rsmitty says:

    I was just noticing the similarities.

    Excellent! 😀

  65. Castle’s actually a good idea. Appoint him and then he’ll lose in the special election a year later
    Fie, Fie young man! Away with you. Away.

  66. Liz, no one listens to Jensen. What did he say about Biden?

  67. liz allen says:

    Jenson was doing his usual “hate on Biden”. Painted a picture that Biden’s trip to Georgia (paid for by your tax dollars)? Who sent him to Georgia? That Biden is traveling all around the world paying no attention to Delaware, why shouldn’t we elect someone (who Rick like your fav Babe) Christine the Virgin Queen O’Donald.

    Just throwning out his opinions posed as facts like he usually does…and not many callers defending the fact that Biden is the Senate Foreign Relations chair, that he makes many trips abroad on behalf of all americans when there is trouble in the world. Its obvious that Jenson is nothing but an “on air shill” for Castle and O’Donald.

    I forget who it was on this blog who called for a Jenson watch…better organize one quick the next two weeks of this election will bring out more hate from WDEL against anyone moderate, liberal or progressive from Delaware’s hate talk show host Rick Jenson.