Instant News Also Means Instant Lies

Filed in National by on April 10, 2012

News organizations and journalists – I use this term loosely – often put in their profile that “RTs do not mean endorsements.” What does that mean really? Well, if someone puts up a lie such as Gov. Nikki Haley is about to be indicted, you can retweet it with impunity. What happened to the good old days when journalists checked their sources.

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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. cassandra_m says:

    These are the James O’Keefe rules, though, yes? Not to say that this justifies this behavior, but I’m interested in the fact that the NYT deconstructed this falsehood pretty quickly. I’m hoping that MSM types are going to more of this kind of factchecking. Although there are plenty of writers out there who don’t mind making a name for themselves for being liars. Like James O’Keefe.

  2. Journalist Guy says:

    “What happened to the good old days when journalists checked their sources.”

    There is still pressure to be first, which leads sometimes to careless work. This is especially true in the age of instant information when everyone is carrying around devices that can take audio, pictures and video and allow the users to share that information instantly. Do you think, for example, that our local newspaper likes being beaten to a story by DL, or that Comcast SportsNet isn’t pissed off if has Eagles news first? The easier thing is to get the story up, then fix it later.

    And if there is a mistake, it is acknowledged publicly in a correction. How often do tweeters or random folks walking around with their iPhones acknowledge or fix their mistakes? Not often, unless they happen to be Spike Lee posting misinformation that endangers someone’s life.

    Most professional journalists do check sources. In the Haley case you link to, the perpetrator was a little-known blogger trying to make a name for himself and his website. I’d hardly call him a journalist. It’s regrettable that legit journos jumped on this before verifying.

    I’ve been in this business a long time and take great pride in the truth in my work. It’s a shame that others don’t give a rat’s ass and make us look bad. Most of my colleagues are diligent and hard-working and would never carelessly sling accusations that could damage a person’s reputation.

  3. Liberal Elite says:

    @JG “And if there is a mistake…”

    This was no mistake. Someone out there really doesn’t like Nikki.

    Don’t forget those all those stories where she cheats on her husband. Haven’t you heard?