The “No Liberals on TV” Rule Has Been Broken

Filed in National by on August 20, 2008

Per NYT blog, via Eschaton.

It looks like the free market is starting to work and at least one network has picked up on the fact that most Americans are politically liberal.

MSNBC has put heavy emphasis this year on presidential election coverage (it has given itself the tag line, “The Place for Politics”) and has turned to Ms. Maddow frequently both as a guest and as a substitute for the network’s most popular host, Keith Olbermann. Mr. Olbermann’s emergence as the signature personality on the network has led to an unofficial rebranding of MSNBC as the liberal alternative to Fox News, which is dominated by conservative hosts like Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity

Maddow has been a great fill in for Olberman from time to time. I’m sure her ratings will crush. Hannity & Colmes.

In a telephone interview on Tuesday, Rachel Maddow discussed her new role as the 9 p.m. host on MSNBC.

“This is great; getting a regular cable show is something I’ve wanted,” Ms. Maddow said. She acknowledged that the intensity of the presidential race meant that will remain the focus through the election and probably for the first 100 days of a new administration. (snip)

As for being branded another partisan voice from the left, Ms. Maddow said she was no more partisan than any other host in cable. “I am who I am,” she said. She dismissed the expected criticism from the right, saying, “Everybody likes to work the refs to make their own kind of political hay.”

I, for one, can’t wait for the conservatives to freak out and claim that this is evidence that the media has a liberal bias…in…five…four…three…


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. nemski says:

    I am happy for Rachel Maddow as I have always enjoyed her commentary, her views and her perspective.

    Two hours a night for liberals on National TV . . . Okay it’s not as much time as the Right-wing gets, but it is a start.

    I am sad for Dan Abrahms, but alas I tried to watch his show and couldn’t . He was a little too much basic cable.

  2. Rebecca says:

    Abrams was okay but Maddow is superb! She is so quick and always right — mostly. Wonder who will be on with her in supporting roles — maybe Jason? ;o)

  3. Well, at least the big three cable news networks can admit to filling their “big ole lezzzzbian” quota.

  4. hee hee Mikey… 🙂
    She is some kinda lady.

  5. mike w. says:

    No liberals on TV? Are you forgetting hollywood?

  6. jason330 says:

    Forgettting? The post speaks for itself.

    God forbid thart there should be one liberal for every ten conservatives ON TV.

  7. nemski says:

    No liberals on TV? Are you forgetting hollywood?

    You mean like Fred Thompson, Ricky Schroeder, Britney Spears, James Woods, most Country musicians, and I could list more.

    Way to stereotype Mike.