Cindy McCain: An Evil Horrible Liar.

Filed in National by on August 20, 2008

I am sorry, but there is really no other word for her.   Read this:

Cindy McCain has repeatedly referred to herself as an “only child.” This week came news that she actually has two half sisters, although apparently she had very little contact with them.

The McCain campaign had also put out the story that Mother Teresa “convinced” Cindy to bring home two orphans from Bangladesh in 1991.

Mrs. McCain, it turns out, never met Mother Teresa on that trip. (Once contacted by the Monitor, the campaign revised the story on its website.)

The story about Mother Teresa “convincing” Mrs. McCain to bring home two children from an orphanage in Bangladesh has been retold many times. Initially, the “About Cindy McCain” page on the McCain campaign website read: “Mother Teresa convinced Cindy to take two babies in need of medical attention to the United States. One of those babies is now their adopted daughter, 16-year-old Bridget McCain.”

The media picked up the theme. A story earlier this year on ABC’s “Good Morning America” stated, “With Mother Teresa’s encouragement she brought her fourth child, Bridget, home.” An April 2008 Wall Street Journal profile states that Mother Teresa “implored” Cindy to bring the girls to the United States. Other articles say Cindy did it “at the behest” of Mother Teresa.

But a source who was with McCain on that 1991 trip, and who asked that his name not be used because of prior legal dealings with the McCain family, says that Mother Teresa was not at the orphanage when Cindy decided to bring the two girls home.

A McCain source acknowledged that Cindy McCain did not meet Mother Teresa during the 1991 trip to Bangladesh but said McCain did meet her later on, although the source could not say when or where. The campaign has since reworded the reference to the adoption on its website.

Cindy McCain has also been caught, twice now, stealing other’s recipes and passing them off as her own.  Now, if Cindy McCain were the wife of the Democratic Presidential Nominee, the right wing would call her a liar.  They would call her evil for lying about a beloved Saint, Mother Theresa.

Turnabout is fair play.

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  1. jason330 says:

    I think Michelle Obama would have been arrested for unAmericanism by now.

  2. delawaredem says:

    Well, some right wing freaks already call her unAmerican because she is black.

  3. Benjamin says:

    You know, the current whining about Obama and the poll numbers and “he should hit back” annoys me TREMENDOUSLY but as the list of horrendous stories about the McCains that go unreported grows and grows, I get frustrated sometimes too.

    But at the media more than Obama although if his campaign did mention some of these things, there would be a higher chance they would get picked up.

    On related news, I see all kinds of Democrats complaining Obama is not attacking McCain. THEN WHY DON’T THEY DO IT THEMSELVES ? Isn’t that what surrogates are for ?
    You can’t entirely blame Obama for trying to keep his image clean but you cant blame, say, Bill Clinton or Al Gore for running around praising McCain on his non-existent but well-sold global warming mini-plan and you dont see, say, Chuck Schumer or Ted Strickland on every cable show pounding at the 10 houses or the fake Mother Teresa stories.

  4. Joe M says:

    I don’t understand how public people think that they can get away with shit like this. Adopting a kid from Bangladesh and giving that child a life of luxury is pretty great already. Why lie and say M. Theresa asked you to do it.

    It would be like me saying, “Yeah, I bought breakfast for this homeless guy when the Pope asked me to.”

    Ridiculous and despicable.

  5. rich people don’t lie, what they say is just taken out of context

  6. Joe M says:


    Is it possible to both love and hate our culture?

  7. Sharon says:

    Well, the first part–that she was an only child–is technically true if both of her parents together produced no more offspring. I get this sort of thing sometimes about my oldest daughter.

    But the part about Mother Teresa is stupid and insulting and, yes, she should be excoriated for it. I don’t give a damn about “stealing” recipes. But fabricating stories about Mother Teresa kinda reminds me of the “top this” woman on SNL.

  8. Phenylanaline says:

    Speaking of babies and liars…..I’m loving the Fox News coverage of Barack the Baby Hatchetman!

    Turn it on and taste the abortion that was the Obamination’s campaign.

    Too bad he doesn’t believe in saving it at this point….

    TICKETY TOCK!!!!!!

  9. liberalgeek says:

    Phenylanaline – this is the second time I have heard that word today. I wonder if you were present the last time I heard it…

  10. Phenylanaline says:

    Wow…. I am a pop culture phenom!



  11. I don’t get the outrage here. I have two half-brothers and a half-sister and I routinely don’t refer to them when asked “How many siblings do you have?” if only because they’ve never really been a part of my life.

  12. …that being said, I’m still highly annoyed by the Barbie-doll wannabe and her abnormally freakish blond hair.

  13. David says:

    There you go again. She never said the Mother Superior told her. She said she went to her orphanage. I don’t know whether it was the Mother or not (she did know and visit with her), but I consider it interesting that you jump to call her a liar for something that was misreported by someone else.

    As for the only child, she was the only child of her parents. Obviously she was raised apart from her siblings as sadly happens in many of these cases. I wish people would get beyond this half brother/ half sister thing, but that is not the world of many people. How that you think you even have a right to discuss that as an issue disgusts me.

  14. delawaredem says:

    Hey Mike, did you miss her lying about Mother Theresa?

  15. Didn’t read that far. OK. You win. The blond hag is also a lying bitch. There. Let the outrage commence.


  16. Pandora says:

    Is the McCain motto… let’s take a good story and make it better. These “lies” are pointless, NOT meaningless, pointless and a little scary.

  17. nemski says:

    I heard when Cindy was in the orphanage, one of the children drew a cross in the sand with their foot and then quickly erased it before Mother Theresa smacked the shit out of the little one.

  18. jason330 says:

    Daaaaaamn! I have to invent a new emoticon for that Nemski. The current roster of emoticons fall woefully short.

    <8-{ }

  19. Is that Grandpa Simpson?

  20. TomaHawk says:

    A note of reason?
    If you and your family siblings have one birth parent in common, then you are half-siblings. If you do not have a birth parent in common then you are step-siblings. If Cindy’s parents had no other children in that marriage, then she is the only child of that marriage. Is that difficult to understand or does the fact negate any outrageous comment?

  21. Truth Teller says:

    Look they all jumped on Hillary for sniper fire and well they should have. But the press really wants McSame to win and the way Obama has been reacting they just might get him. Mc Same and his folks attack Obama’s love of America and what is his response PLEASE DON”T SAY I AM UNAMERICAN. This is the type of response that I am referring to when I said when he takes the gloves off he is wearing mittens underneath. Also the powerful Dem’s in the party that are complaining about his responses should take up the hammer. Hillary was complaining the other day that he is not using her enough she said she is standing by ready to do whatever he wants but so far no orders from headquarters. What’s with this guy does he want to loose.

  22. Rebecca says:

    Remember what happened when Al Gore said he’d supported the development of the internet? Boy, did they ever turn that into a club. And it wasn’t even a lie.

    They’ve got a whole different rule book from us and so far the American voting public hasn’t figured it out.

  23. h. says:

    John was right she is a c**t.

  24. nemski says:

    h. wrote: John was right she is a c**t.

    I don’t care who you are, that’s funny.

  25. nemski says:

    If the Obama’s fist bump was “radical”, what do you call it when the McCains fist each other? Just wondering.

  26. jason330 says:

    Eeeeeeeew! That does not scan well. Is it me?

  27. mike w. says:

    Jason. That is a funny, yet sick sick thought…..

  28. liberalgeek says:

    Cindy: I said, name, rank and serial number.

    Sounds of whip.

    John: Yes ma’m.

  29. Leftside Annie says:

    Whew! Gotta love Cindyrella! Stolen drugs, plagiarized recipes and invisible siblings!!

    She’s real all-Amurkin first lady material!!! Ain’t that right, Lisa??

  30. Annie says:

    Get over it you racists repubs Obama yes I said Obama is going to win so eat it and get used to the fact. Yes a black man will be your President…. I am sooooooooooooooooooo happy and I am not black… Very well said leftside Annie….. Cindy mccain has EVIL eyes and is a liar and cheap looking and I am glad that she will be gone….

  31. Joe M says:

    Thank you for listening to Annie: brought to you by the stable and reasonable side of the Democratic Party!

  32. mike w. says:

    It’s no wonder they’re anti-gun……. projection. If I were that nuts I wouldn’t want anyone owning guns either.

  33. joe says:

    “Cindy mccain has EVIL eyes and is a liar and cheap looking” Um – – ok (all liberals here slowly walking backwards from “Annie”).

  34. tusk says:

    cindy’s father got into the beer business through
    a orginized crime syndicate. mccain & john glen are 2 of five senators (keating five) that didn’t have to go to prison over the lincoln saving & loan bleeding due to influence. the liar will follow bush & any idiot that don’t believe it is just another sheep.

  35. Paul says:

    Mike w,
    Truer words were never spoken.
    “It’s no wonder they’re anti-gun……. projection. If I were that nuts I wouldn’t want anyone owning guns either.”

    Best I can determine, Democrats do not trust anyone, because they know they can not trust themselves.

  36. Tippy says:

    I’m appalled! She said that she was an only child when she *gasp* was raised in a household WITHOUT ANY OTHER CHILDREN?!? What a freakin’ liar! Oh wait… Isn’t that the definition of an only child?

    Lemme get this straight. Someone looks evil, therefore they are evil? No wonder the Elephant Man was beaten and ridiculed until someone with a compassionate heart saved him from the rest of the world. If it were 1887, something tells me that Cindy McCain would be more likely to try to help him than Michelle Obama, or her husband.

    As for sources… Chances are excellent that “sources” wrote that Cindy McCain was implored by Mother Theresa, not Cindy herself. Simply by virtue of the fact that it was Mother Theresa’s orphanage makes that more likely. It’s like whisper down the lane… Say someone says, “Barrack Obama is unpatriotic.” It wouldn’t come as a surprise when that phrase ended up as, “Barrack Obama doesn’t put his hand over his heart during the National Anthem, he prefers not to wear his American Flag lapel pin, and the only reason his wife has any pride in her country at all is because her husband is a presidential nominee.” Oh, but all of that is still true, isn’t it? My bad.

  37. liberalgeek says:

    No, that isn’t the definition of an only child, but thanks for playing.

  38. jason330 says:

    It cracks me up when someone comments on these old threads. It is like they googled: “Cindy McCain & Evil & Liar”

    in order to come here and say, “no she isn’t.”

  39. jason330 says:

    PS. Delaware liberal is the number one google result for : Cindy McCain & Evil & Liar.

    We rock!

  40. anon says:

    If Tippy is one of those ghostwriters paid by the McCain campaign, they need to ask for their money back.