Deep Thought of the Day

Filed in National by on August 21, 2008

An Obama/Clinton ticket unites Republicans as much if not more than it unites Democrats.

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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. delawaredem says:

    And I think that is the only reason not to do it at this point.

  2. h. says:

    Elaborate please.

  3. Abraxus says:

    From WSJ: “The gap between the percentage of voters who view the Republican Party negatively and those who view it positively has shrunk considerably. In April, 27% had a positive view and 48% had a negative view — a 21 point gap. This month, that gap was down to 7 points.”

    TICKETY TOCK!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Von Cracker says:

    what does tickety tock mean?

  5. cassandra m says:

    I know that this also sounds like wishful thinking, but I really don’t think it will be Hillary. I cannot believe that Mr. Bill with all of his Foundation and Library donors will vet( the press will certainly let Cindy McCain off the hook for her tax returns, but WILL NOT return the favor on Mr. Bill’s donors) and I can’t believe that the Obama Camp really wants to take on the huge baggage that comes with the Clintons. And, frankly, the CEO of the Free World simply can’t be seen as kowtowing to the Harriet Christians of the world.

    He might pick her, but that would be an incredibly Clintonian decision on his part. And if you think about how he’s gotten his far, he has so far done it by playing his own game — who here thinks that the Clinton Camp could be at all as focused and controlled?

    I’m prepared for Obama to disappoint me, but really wish that he’d wait to do that after January 20…

  6. Sharon says:

    I can’t see Obama picking Hillary. I did read somewhere that a McCain/Hillary ticket would make GOPers heads explode! 😉

  7. arthur says:

    it is going to be an obama/clinton ticket – obama/bill clinton!

  8. Von Cracker says:

    Ha! He’s getting vilified over there for that stunt, Cass.

    Smooth move, Exlax.

  9. delawaredem says:

    Hehehe, they have lost their senses of humor in all the waiting.

  10. cassandra_m says:

    I’m not sure there was ever much humor over there as regards HRC, DD.

  11. delawaredem says:

    Yeah, it is better than during and right after the primary, but there is still a lot of hostility toward her.

    I am tellin you…I just feel it. Clinton will be the VP

  12. jason330 says:

    I got chewed out by commenters at kos once when I posted a letter from Mike Castle breaking with Bush and apologizing for supporting him twice.

    I think I spoofed Castle’s tone a bit too well.

  13. liberalgeek says:

    DD, you are my hero. I love a good practical joke.

  14. Dana says:

    DD wrote:

    I am tellin you…I just feel it. Clinton will be the VP

    What’s that, Very Pissed? 😉 I can live with that!

  15. P.I. says:

    Cassandra M says: “… and I can’t believe that the Obama Camp really wants to take on the huge baggage that comes with the Clintons.”

    Ya know, Obama comes with his own baggage. McCain just hasn’t started picking the lock on his suitcases yet. I personally would prefer that Hillary not consider it, if asked, but it would make voting for Obama a lot more palletable.