Rumor Mill: Biden En Route to Chicago
Delaware Dem just told me that there is a story floating around out there that Joe Biden is on his way to New Castle to meet a plane heading there from Chicago.
Delaware Dem just told me that there is a story floating around out there that Joe Biden is on his way to New Castle to meet a plane heading there from Chicago.
Well, we know there is a plane waiting to do the trip. Where did she get the info Joe had left the home for the airport ?
I love this from eschaton:
They waited too long to pull the text message thing off. The wires will have it first… Way TOO MUCH HYPE.
Cars running in the driveway according to FOX an CNN.
Car in the driveway ? Well, that hardly transfers to “en route to Chicago”. With all due respect 🙂
I am becoming annoyed with those games they are playing now
Thanks Mis. I was just about to post that.