Funny because it’s true

Filed in National by on August 23, 2008

I was out fishing with my father this past Thursday.  According to him, this is the time of the year when “the blue’s start running”  and the fishing down at the Inlet is at its best.  My dad is 67 and is the youngest of 7 brothers all still living I might add.  I remember fishing with my dad at the Coast Gaurd Station when I was 12 him and my Uncle Joe (his brother) would fish till 3 am catching squid with the casting net and trying to time it right so they would get the blue fish chasing the Spot.

Well, I guess it doesn’t matter how old you are, you still rag on your baby brother.  My Uncle Joe who is almost 80 years old, lives down at the beach year round.  He was bending my dad’s ear with the latest tales of his 34 year old girlfriend (that’s right baby, us donviti’s keep it real even at 78) So at dinner Uncle Joe called my dad a sissy. 

AAAAAHHHHHHH, I almost died laughing.  I honestly almost fell out of my chair laughing so hard.  here is a guy that is so leathery from fishing 20 hours a day, he is starting to hunch over from age now and to the point where you have to be conscious you are walking to fast b/c he can’t keep up, calling my father a sissy.  HOLY SHIT that was funny.

But,  what makes it funnier is on the ride home from the beach my dad mentioned about 2 or 3 more times that he couldn’t believe, “Your Uncle Joe called me a sissy”.  It really bugged the shit out of him.  He then went on to explain how he kicked this kid’s ass when he lived on Madison street.  How nobody liked to fight him b/c he was a scrapper.  It went on for about 20 minutes.  My poor dad.  Emasculated by his big brother in front of his oldest son.  LMAO

What makes it one of the funniest moment of my adult life is this morning at 8am, 2 days later, I got a text message from my dad stating, “I am no sissy”.  It still is itching in his craw. 

It’s moments like that man, that make life enjoyable.  My almost 80 year old Uncle calling his 67 year old brother a sissy. 

“you lag you drag”


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hiding in the open

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  1. Paul Falkowski says:

    I suggest you show your father this blog entry.
    “My poor dad. Emasculated by his big brother in front of his oldest son. LMAO”

  2. Paul says:

    There are other options.

    #1 Your father was emasculated before your conception, making you a bastard.
    #2Your father was in the process of impotence, making him weak, and a high probability that the best part of you dripped down your fathers leg.
    #3 A Virgin Birth.
    #4 You got everything your father had, and you still feel insufficient.
    #5 You have an Oedipus complex.
    #6 You wish you were the son of the Monkeys uncle?
    #7 You honor nothing, including your parents.

  3. why? my dad already knows the story? he was there? I don’t understand your point.

    You must not know my relationship with my dad or have read me enough to know me Paul.

    My father is very aware of my blog.

  4. I guess maybe as a father, I think I understood why my dad felt he needed to defend his being called a sissy was my point.

    learn to read and comprehend paul.

  5. Paul says:

    I only read the above.
    If you think it is funny, and him also.
    excuse my interruption.

  6. no problem man. just I think as a father catching my father in a moment where he felt vulnerable in front of his son was classic.

    instead of it rolling off his shoulders like rain on a ducks back, he needed to defend his “honor” so speak was the point.

    peace and chicken grease byotch!

  7. Truth Teller says:

    Where did your dad live on Madison street my dad had a barber shop their

  8. the whole family grew up there somewhere in 30’s to the early 50’s. I will let Pandora know and get back to you.

    apparently my Uncle Joe and a few of my other Uncles were boxers and ran with the “Madison St. Gang”

    what was the name of the barbershop?

  9. Al Mascitti says:

    Explains a lot DV. Thanks.

    Don’t mind Paul. He never understands anything that isn’t spelled out very literally.

    And if one of my uncles did that to my father — not that he ever would have — I’d have pushed him into the inlet myself.

    But, more to the point — WERE THE BLUES RUNNING?

  10. Joanne Christian says:

    Just a perspective you may not have considered–nearly 30 years ago in a family studies course I had to take–the professor asked “What was the most provoking attack word that was used across peer groups and families?” We all threw out our queer, fag, and nigger into the mix–of which it was none of those…it was “sissy”. Long story short..his case of a generational perception from that era still pervades today for that generation. Interesting to think what words for our kids “cut” as deep–if there are any with this open, laissezz (sp) faire generation. Anyone? Poser? Elitist? I’m trying to think for my generation (60’s and 70’s), but can only really think of the 3 I already mentioned….

  11. Truth Teller says:

    Nick”s eight and madison also took bets on horses

  12. jj says:

    I’am with AL. How was the fishing
    What was the water temp??