Back to the Future

Filed in National by on April 28, 2012

Is the 2012 Presidential contest a mirror of the election of 2004?

Jonathan Chait writes:

The parallels between this year’s presidential election and the one we had eight years ago are striking. Incumbent president with middling approval ratings faces rich guy from Massachusetts with a reputation for flip-flopping. Hilarity ensues. By “hilarity” I mean, specifically, that people get extremely worked up about a series of procedural controversies, and then the two parties trade places on them the next time around.

Chait looks at the use of Air Force One, flip-lopping, the politicizing of foreign policy, and other issues. He finishes by saying that the GOP does have an almost innate ability to make a mountain out of a molehill.

It does seem that, at least so far, the Republican Party has a greater capacity than the Democrats to generate outrage over something they find perfectly fair when their side is doing the same or worse. Still, Democrats are hardly immune. And it’s worth it for liberals to keep this in mind: Remember how outraged you felt eight years ago, when the president was exploiting his incumbency for reelection and tearing down his opponent? That’s how Republicans feel now.


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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. Jason330 says:

    They both do it.

  2. puck says:

    I think Obama could win simply by re-running Newt’s “When Mitt Romney Came To Town” video over and over again.

  3. Rustydils says:

    Rerunning when mitt romney comes to town, one can only hope that is what obama will do, worked so well for newt, lets see, how many delegates did newt get, 200. Yes, please forward that suggestion straight to the whitehouse

  4. Liberal Elite says:

    @Rd “…worked so well…”

    Yes it did. Romney’s disapproval rating hit 60%. It’s still in the high 50s. This is a large part of what killed him.

  5. kavips says:

    Ah, the difference is thus. When you are a bad president, as Republicans tend to be, using your incumbency to promote more “badness”, IS harmful to our country.

    Likewise, when you are a good president, as are/were Obama and/or Bill Clinton, using your incumbency to promote more “goodness”, IS rather quite helpful to our country.

    It doesn’t matter what you believe… We always hear this. “Oh, you’re just saying that because you’re a Democrat..” “I’ll say it too and it will be just as true, because I’m a Republican”…

    No.. what people say is bullshit. People always promote themselves. At stake is our nations welfare. And when Democrats have controlled the White House and all houses of Congress, the results have been awesome… And when Republicans have had control, we got disaster, after disaster, after disaster, after disaster, after disaster, after disaster, after disaster, after disaster, after disaster, after disaster…..

    So indirectly, saying you support the Republicans, means you are un-American. Not because I say so, but, because of when you have power, you ruin America.. You steal from it’s people, You make yourself wealthy from public funds, and you sell the American people out, for a corporate sponsorship. We might as well call our Congresspeople the same way we now do our professional sports arenas. Bank of America Tom Carper. Verizon Chris Coons. CIBA John Carney…..

    (that was funny, didn’t see that one coming.) lol.

    So when the opposite side says, “yeah, Democrats are just as bad,” they have a point. NOT> Because our country prospers. Productivity, and job creation explode… We all make money when we don’t have Republicans to mess things up……

    Bottom line.. you can say a pig is a horse, until you try to ride her. Then when a real horse shows up, you look rather stupid, don’t you.

    Any one who even remotely thinks Republicans make sense even 1% of the time, is riding a pig…..

    Talk is cheap. Show some results. Oh, sorry I pointed that out. As Republicans, you don’t have any… lol.