I haven’t done a full explication du texte, but the song tells the story of some sad sack hippie calling his girl in NYC from a phone in Delaware. He mentions that he is calling from Delaware because Delaware is a little weird novelty state that is worth mentioning if you are making small talk.
This morning on WGMD former Sussex County sheriff Robert Reed, and current Sussex County nut-job Eric Bodenweiser called in and tried to politicisize the recent murders of an elderly couple in Greenwood. The insinuated that if the sheriff had the power of arrest he could have possible prevented these murders. I guess that was their point most of the time when I hear Bodenweiser speak I zone out. But to use the ,under of local residents to try to further their agenda is disgusting but I should expect nothing less at this point.
And what exactly would the sheriff and his 6 deputies have done to prevent a murder while working 9-5 Monday-Friday? Since the sheriff has said he doesn’t want to expand his office to be a full police force.
Someone please find Danny Short’s balls and send them back to him so we can get HB 290 back on for a vote and end this nonsense once and for all.
I haven’t done a full explication du texte, but the song tells the story of some sad sack hippie calling his girl in NYC from a phone in Delaware. He mentions that he is calling from Delaware because Delaware is a little weird novelty state that is worth mentioning if you are making small talk.
Hey, I’m in Delaware right now.
This morning on WGMD former Sussex County sheriff Robert Reed, and current Sussex County nut-job Eric Bodenweiser called in and tried to politicisize the recent murders of an elderly couple in Greenwood. The insinuated that if the sheriff had the power of arrest he could have possible prevented these murders. I guess that was their point most of the time when I hear Bodenweiser speak I zone out. But to use the ,under of local residents to try to further their agenda is disgusting but I should expect nothing less at this point.
And what exactly would the sheriff and his 6 deputies have done to prevent a murder while working 9-5 Monday-Friday? Since the sheriff has said he doesn’t want to expand his office to be a full police force.
Someone please find Danny Short’s balls and send them back to him so we can get HB 290 back on for a vote and end this nonsense once and for all.