Republicans Hate Grandmothers

Filed in National by on May 2, 2012

Viviette Applewhite will not be allowed to vote in the 2012 election due to a Pennsylvania law requiring photo id’s to vote. Voting since 1960, Applewhite does not drive and had her purse stolen. Apparently state officials cannot locate her birth certificate, after all she is 93 years old. That’s just one Republican policy. There are others.

Suppose Applewhite wanted to winter in a warmer climate, well, she couldn’t fly there due to Republican policies that require all passengers to carry photo id. So, one of her grandkids drives her the 2500 miles to Arizona so Applewhite could enjoy the warm weather. But wait, this 93-year-old great-grandmother could be deported because she has no papers — another Republican policy.

Why do Republicans hate grandmothers?


About the Author ()

A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. cassandra m says:

    NC Dems have been collecting stories of folks who can’t vote because of the ID law.

    They aren’t alone, of course. As hard as it might be to imagine, there are folks out there who can live their lives without photo ID. There are older folks — especially born in rural areas, or at a time when recording the birth of a black child wasn’t important — who can’t get the long form certified certificate simply because there isn’t an adequate record of their birth. Which is why people look at this like a poll tax.

  2. nemski says:

    All joking aside, the voter ID laws and these new immigration laws are meant to accomplish one thing and one thing only – keep America white.

  3. cassandra m says:

    Here is a great site that presents the results of a state by state voter fraud study. It is pretty clear that Voter ID has intentions other than preventing fraud.

  4. Rustydils says:

    What republcans hate are cheaters, but I am sure that all the democrats that have ever voted have been legit

  5. Liberal Elite says:

    @Rd “What republcans hate are cheaters,”

    Then why support voting policies that are nothing but cheating. Cheating honest people of their right to vote. That’s what it is, plain and simple.

    Oh, and if you hate cheaters so much, why are you going to nominate a tax cheat? And hiding your money to avoid paying taxes IS cheating. Plain common sense.