Question of the Day
Why is The News Journal lazy? Specifically, why when there is a state story that may be considered a scandal do they always turn to Greg Lavelle for a quote? Is Charlie Copeland that busy that they can’t alternate weeks?
Tags: Greg Lavelle, The News Journal
They should have gone to Colin Bonini instead. He would have said: “If I had been elected state treasurer, I’d just refuse to send him his pension check.”
To defend the News Journal: the only other Republican in the “leadership” position in state government is Gary Simpson, the Senate minority leader. Tom Wagner, the only statewide Republican incumbent, can’t really comment on behalf of the Republican party or the opposition because his office is supposed to be seen as independent of partisan politics.
Personally, I think they go to Copeland too much. Who is Copeland anymore anyway? A blogger? If that all it takes to be quoted by the News Journal, then hey NJ!!! Feel free to email us.
Because Lavelle is the only one with guts down there on the R side.
Bonini is tied in with Blevins and DeLuca. Tom Wagner only comes out of hibernation election year.
They know they are going to get something half-decent from Lavelle. Who else in state government has made even a peep about this situation? I haven’t seen a thing from Markell, DeLuca, Schwartzkopf, anyone. If Greg Lavelle wants to say what many Delawareans are thinking, that’s fine with me.
Simple: The others won’t talk.