Can’t a Dang Day Go By Without Me Hearing Something About How Freaking Crazy Sarah Palin Is?

Filed in National by on September 3, 2008

Via Eschaton

Republican Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin attempted to quietly have her daughter Bristol get married before news of her pregnancy leaked out, the NATIONAL ENQUIRER is reporting exclusively in its new issue.
Palin planned for the wedding to take place right after the Republican National Convention and then she was going to announce the pregnancy. But Bristol, 17, refused to go along with the plan and that sparked a mother-daughter showdown over the failed coverup.

It must be true because the media reported it. And things reported by the media are always true right?

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (81)

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  1. JadeGold says:

    We’ve only scratched the surface. Hold tight, it’s going to be a bumpy ride.

  2. Dorian Gray says:

    You know, I really, really don’t like this. But there is something to be said for the fact that Palin and the GOP go out and tout her “life story” and “family values”… but guess what, she is just like everyone else.

  3. Linoge says:

    The National Enquirer is your source for this particular post?

    *falls off his chair laughing*

    Yeah, that pretty much says everything right there.

    If, perchance, you happen to dig up something a little more… shall we say “credible”… I will be all ears. But, for the time being, you definitely provided my entertainment for the morning.

  4. cassandra_m says:

    The National Enquirer’s story is why the McCain camp decided to suddenly announce teen’s story on Monday. They had spoken to the young man and some of the family in Alaska and it was clear that something was coming.

    The Enquirer may be quite wrong — they usually are– but this spooked the McCain folks enough to get the story out themselves and try to blame it on left blogs. As if any of their supporters (with the exception of our troll contingent here) actually read left blogs.

  5. JadeGold says:

    Of course, yesterday we learned that super-executive Palin and secessionist hubby’s car wash business was shut down for failing to pay business license fees.

    Today, we learn super-executive Palin and secessionist hubby owned a marketing company called Rouge Cou (French for ‘Red Neck’). Said company never generated a dollar in revenue.

    Of course, Bristol Palin’s Prince Charming describes himself as a “f##kin’ redneck.”

    Said Prince Charming is going to make a caameo appearance at the GOP hatefest.

    Palin is the gift that keeps on giving.

  6. Linoge says:

    Well, it seems as though the National Enquirer (*snicker… snicker*) is not the only “news” agency that is full of crap.

    Just more of the same lies, fabrication, misinformation, and deception that started the day Palin was announced. Amazing.

  7. cassandra_m says:

    And the whizbangblog is just about as credible as the National Enquirer (*snicker…snicker*).

  8. SaintGenesius says:

    The National Enquirer is the paper that broke the Edwards Affair, as well. I notice no conservatives were mocking that.

    I agree with the point that on one hand, the GOP and the McCain Campaign tout Sarah Palin as a MOM –which upside down spells WOW (No joke, some idiot reporter on FOX News pointed that out with a hand held sign this morning) –but on the other hand want her family life to be out of bounds.

    I do agree normally private life and the family should be relatively off limits –you know, unless the candidate, camapaign and party are constantly bragging about how being a MOM and family values candidate are somehow a qualification to be VEEP.

    Here is an imaginary TV Interview;

    Palin: My family and I just want to thank all Americans for their support. As you know, I am a strong supporter of Family Values, my family means everthing to me. As you can see, I am a mom and soon to be a grand mother, and that is so important.

    Being a mother to my 5 wonderful children has shaped my views and, I believe, given me the experience necessary to be Vice President –and if that fateful day ever comes, President of the United States.

    Thanks You –any questions?

    REPORTER: Ms. Palin, you tout your experience as a monther and your family values but…

    (Interrupting) PALIN PRESS OFFICER: I’m sorry, any questions about Ms. Palin’s family are strictly off limits.

    REPORTER: Ooookay…um, well, you just mentioned you will soon be a grandmother, and that family…

    (Interrupting) PALIN PRESS OFFICER: I’m sorry, we can’t answer any questions that in any way reference the words ‘mother, grandmother, family, children, husband’ or any other reference to Ms. Palin’s private life.

    REPORTER: Um, well, Ms. Palin, can you elaborate on how your life up to this point has prepared you to be…

    (Interrupting) PALIN PRESS OFFICER: Again, we are going to have to stop you. We just can’t allow any questions athat in any way, shape or form ask anything about anything that happened in Ms. Palin’s life prior to her being selected by John McCain as the Republican Vice Presidential Nominee.

    In fact, we’re going to have to end this press conference because Ms. Palin must now go and attend to critically important duties in her role as a mother, soon-to-be-grandmother and family values candidate.

    Just don’t ask us about it.

    Thanks you.

  9. JadeGold says:

    It should be pointed out that WizBang has also touted Intelligent Design, so their views are–to say the least–somewhat suspect.

    But I get a kick out of Linoge countering the NY Times–perhaps the most read newspaper in the US, maybe the world– with a blog most famous for their attacks on evolution.

  10. Pandora says:

    Saint G, I think you’re on to something.

  11. Linoge says:

    Cassandra, your lacking skills in reading comprehension continue to amaze and astound me. First, you redefine words to fit your desires and your protective nature concerning this weblog. Now, you obviously miss the link on Wizbang’s webpage where the NYTimes runs the article admitting they were wrong.

    This is not a question of whether or not WizBang is a credible source, but if you want to call the credibility of the NYTimes into question, feel free!

  12. mike w. says:

    Linoge – Wisbang even blockquoted text from the NYT’s article and Cassandra & Jade still got it wrong. Reading comprehension indeed!

  13. JadeGold says:

    Mike W: I’d counter with this link: really should ‘splain to us why her hubby was a member of a secessionist group and why Ms. Palin made appearances before the AIP conventions in 1994 and 1996.

    Seriously, why shouldn’t Ms. Palin explain why she’s had such close ties to a group that wants AK to secede and whose founder advocated terrorism against the US Govt?

  14. mike w. says:

    Actually I have no problem with AIP’s platform. If enough people in a particular state decide to vote for secession I believe they should be able to do so.

    I think you’ll find that org’s like the AIP are quite popular in state’s like AK and VT.

  15. JadeGold says:

    MikeW: You aren’t running for VP.

    Here, I’ll type slower: why shouldn’t Ms. Palin explain why she’s had such close ties to a group that wants AK to secede and whose founder advocated terrorism against the US Govt?

    I’d very much enjoy watching Ms. Palin explaining that she thinks it’s ok for AK to secede.

  16. cassandra_m says:

    Keep on trollin’, mike and linoge!

  17. mike w. says:

    Says the person who consistenly refused to counter my arguments with substance in the past…..

  18. joe says:

    Seriously – what is up w/ all this Palin-worship? I mean really, why would someone say, “We may be seeing the first woman president. As a Democrat, I am reeling…. That was the best political speech I have ever seen delivered by an American woman politician. Palin is as tough as nails.” Oh – woops, that was Democrat Camille Paglia.

    Crap – I can’t get it right today.

  19. meatball says:

    Based on the situation in Georgia, do you you really think the “US” would tolerate a serious effort of a US state to secede?

  20. Phantom says:

    So Mike I guess the Civil war would have been better if the South had won and seceded?

    Well I have some Good News for you. That theory was proven wrong by the Civil War (maybe you heard of it) by a REPUBLICAN president. So if you want to tout country first then it is ridiculous for a leading member of your party (VICE PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE) to have had any discussions regarding the seccession of a state and more importantly using terrorism to achieve that goal.

    A state is a member of the UNITED STATES and just because the citizens of that state may or may not like it does not give them the right to secede from the contract they agreed to when becoming a state.

  21. mike w. says:

    I agree, however if the Federal government violates their side of the contract the state should retain the right to secede (or threaten secession) Montana has recently done this because the Feds are pushing the Real ID act on them.

    Whether they actually WILL secede is an entirely different matter, and we’d have to see some extremely egrigious abuses of power by the Federal government before the secession of any state would be even a remote possibility.

  22. mike w. says:

    Also, Obama supported the same type of thing in Hawaii.

    H/T to commenter Duffy.

  23. Geezer says:

    “If enough people in a particular state decide to vote for secession I believe they should be able to do so.”

    I hope you don’t think this is a mainstream political position. Because it’s not.

  24. mike w. says:

    Never said it was, which is why I said “I believe.”

    Besides, do you have any clue how bad the Federal gov. would have to be behaving for a state to actually want to secede from the U.S.?

  25. JadeGold says:

    Mike W: Geez, you’re almost as dense as Linoge. The Akaka bill doesn’t propose HI seceding.

    BTW, Ms. Palin appeared before the AIP in 2000, 2004, and 2008.

  26. Von Cracker says:

    Did you choke yourself out yet, Mike?

    We’re waiting…

    And, btw – the credibility to criticize someone’s read comp skilz is something you lack…..

    Regarding the NYT story about if Sarah Palin was a member of the Alaskan Secession Group, it was incorrect due to a faulty source. Funny enough, it was the party’s chairperson that gave The Times erroneous information – you’d think that would be a reliable source. But anyway, to most people, a registration card won’t matter after reading this:

    On Tuesday night, Ms. Clark said that her initial statement was incorrect and had been based on erroneous information provided by another member of the party whom she declined to identify. The McCain campaign also disputed the Times report, saying that Ms. Palin had been registered consistently as a Republican.

    After checking the party’s archives, Ms. Clark said that she could find no documentation that Governor Palin had been a member of the party. She said Ms. Palin attended the party’s 1994 and 2006 conventions and provided a video-taped address as governor to the 2008 convention.

    Ms. Clark said that Ms. Palin’s husband, Todd, was a former member of the party.

    Politics Alaska America First!

  27. Dorian Gray says:

    I don’t have time to delve into what I am sure are simply fascinating Mike comments, but is he arguing that AK should secede in #22?

    If one can make the argument the Obama is “far-left” than I think it’s rasonable to point out that Palin is bat-shit crazy far right… with the Jesus is punishing Jews thing, and the censoring books thing, and the aerial wolf hunting thing…

    You really don’t need to defend her just to defend her do you?

  28. mike w. says:

    What’s wrong with aerial wolf hunting?

    And RE #22. No, I am not arguing that AK should secede. Read the comment. Clearly you shouldn’t be bringing up reading comprehension.

    Von – Keep waiting. Hell, try it out yourself since you’re so interested in it.

  29. Dorian Gray says:

    I didn’t bring up reading comprehension; VC did. I actually said I hadn’t really read it. Anyway.. aerial wolf hunting is pretty much a solitary criterion for retardation. Chase a wolf in a plane until it stops from sheer exhaustion and then shoot it… that sounds fun… fun for hicks and hayseed and rubes. Maybe we could do it while drinking moonshine.

    One word… creationist! Stop defending her, admit she a fucking lunatic and move on.

  30. Phantom says:

    Thanks for the link as it was informative. However, I think you are misinterpreting the language of the article. My impression is that the bill discussed would provide an opportunity for native hawaians (sorry if I butchered the spelling) to have thier issues addressed as a government to government interaction with the U.S. government. I interpret this similar to the way the American Indians and the US government interact.

    What the Alaska group intends to do is forcefully remove themselves from the US through acts of intimidation/terrorism.

    I also don’t see any instance where the federal government has violated the states rights to the extent of seccession.

  31. mike w. says:

    Only if you admit Obama is a lunatic.

  32. mike w. says:

    “I also don’t see any instance where the federal government has violated the states rights to the extent of seccession.”

    Nor do I at this point.

  33. pandora says:

    …at this point? Oh Mike, you crack me up!

  34. mike w. says:

    Likewise Pandora.

    And I think it was pretty obvious from my comment that I wasn’t advocating that AK SHOULD secede from the U.S.

  35. JadeGold says:

    MikeW: You seem to believe that we’re all very interested in what *you* believe.

    Let me assure you, we don’t care. You’re not running for VP. So, you can believe whatever you wish. we thankfully don’t have to vote on your candidacy.

    But we do with respect to Ms. Palin. And we’d very much like to know why she has such close and longstanding ties to a group that wants AK to secede and whose founder hated the US and advocated terrorism against the US Govt.

  36. mike w. says:

    Jade – To the extent that the crap you spew doesn’t affect my rights I don’t care what you think either.

  37. Phantom says:

    Very well said. Now has anyone heard her speak to her church or the quotes from her pastor?

  38. meatball says:

    “What’s wrong with aerial wolf hunting?”

    Kind of takes the “sport” out of “sportsmanship” and turns it into target practice, tough guy.

  39. JadeGold says:

    Phantom: It’s certainly yet another issue Ms. Palin should explain.

  40. Von Cracker says:

    But don’t you know Alaska is the largest state!!!!!!

    Ergo, Palin has more experience than EVERYONE!!!!!

    Ha! At university, that line of thinking will result in failure….but hey, smart people are elitist and intelligence is something to be mocked.

  41. joe says:

    From a purely strategic point of view, this is a connection that the Dems should go for – bcz these connections do not look good for Palin. (NB: Here’s where thinking comes in – to argue that all conservatives condone this in church, is absurd):

    “Pastor Kalnins has also preached that critics of President Bush will be banished to hell; questioned whether people who voted for Sen. John Kerry in 2004 would be accepted to heaven; charged that the 9/11 terrorist attacks and war in Iraq were part of a war “contending for your faith;” and said that Jesus “operated from that position of war mode.” … “He preaches repeatedly about the “end times” or “last days,” an apocalyptic prophesy held by a small but vocal group of Christian leaders. During his appearance with Palin in June, he declared, “I believe Alaska is one of the refuge states in the last days, and hundreds of thousands of people are going to come to the state to seek refuge and the church has to be ready to minister to them.”…

    Odd to say the least! Scary perhaps even. Not as undermining as a Rev. Wright perhaps, but, the Repubs can’t cry foul when this gets press, if it gets steam.

  42. mike w. says:

    “But don’t you know Alaska is the largest state!!!!!!

    Ergo, Palin has more experience than EVERYONE!!!!!”

    Who’s saying that? We’re only saying she has more experience than Obama, which is true.

    And Jesus, what is it with politicians and crazy pastors these days? I very rarely go to church, but I’ve never heard the pastor ever say anything even remotely political.

  43. joe says:

    People are easily manipulated. Exhibit A: Ronald Reagan’s cult-hero status; Exhibit B: Barack Obama’s iconic popularity (ooh, 2-sided knife – sorry everyone).

    These jamokes in some of these churches get so juiced to simply have a “famous” person come speak, and coupled w/ the fact that they have no deeper commitment to something more than positions in the culture war that they are tools in the hands of a politician – right or left, lib or conserv. unREAL.

  44. pandora says:

    This is not about Obama no matter how hard you try and spin it there. Palin is McCain’s pick. She reflects on McCain, and only McCain.

    You know, the McCain who for months now has gone on and on about how dangerous the world is, how complicated, and how he’s the best choice.

    Palin is McCain’s choice. He, and he alone, will be judged on this selection.

  45. Von Cracker says:

    shorter fright-wing talking point.

  46. mike w. says:

    “This is not about Obama no matter how hard you try and spin it there. Palin is McCain’s pick. She reflects on McCain, and only McCain.”

    Since Obama and the left are attacking Palin’s experience she absolutely can, and does, reflect on Obama. You’re really quite naive if you think things said by Obama, his campaign, and his supporters towards Palin doesn’t reflect upon Obama.

  47. Phantom says:

    Wow Mike,
    Now you are stretching. Please define experience as you are interpreting and then it can be determined whether Palin has more experience than Obama. On the basics of national experience on the federal government and international exposure it is pretty obvious that Obama trumps a women who has only been to two countries (and a stopover in Ireland) to visit troops.
    But what is your defintion?

  48. pandora says:

    Phantom, Mike doesn’t want to discuss Palin. He’s all but… but…. Obama.

  49. mike w. says:

    “On the basics of national experience on the federal government and international exposure it is pretty obvious that Obama trumps a women who has only been to two countries (and a stopover in Ireland) to visit troops.”

    How so? Are we now basing “experience” on how many countries a person has visited? Does Obama’s celebrity trip to Berlin count as “experience?”

  50. mike w. says:

    Pandora – What I’m saying is if you’re going to jump on McCain’s VP as “inexperienced” you can expect Obama’s so-called “experience” to be called into question and compared to Palin’s.

  51. Phantom says:

    I understand. But if he wants to use logic to attack Obama then I figure he needs to face logic on his attacks. That requires that he provide the definition for experience that is coherent and encompassing rather than just his opinion on specific topics. However, to do that will expose significant gaps in his but..but Obama argument and perhaps will come to see that he is voting on one issue but agrees with Obama on all the others.

  52. JadeGold says:

    MikeW: Face it; the Palin has more experience than Obama meme isn’t gaining any traction.

  53. pandora says:

    Sad, isn’t it…

  54. mike w. says:

    Phantom – I’ve already done that in several other threads. Palin, although she doesn’t have much experience, does have more experience than Obama, especially with regards to actually bringing about “change” / reform instead of just talking about it.

    Obama’s hypocritical attacks on Palin’s experience aren’t gaining traction either, nor should they. If you have to defend your “experience” against the other guys VP you’re clearly not in a position of strength.

  55. Phantom says:

    Still can’t provide that definition, huh.
    No, what I meant was that Obama has been exposed to mulitple cultures in various countries on the international stage. He has been to Africa, Europe, and Asia with experience in the cultures of various countries. Joe Biden has even greater international exposure. Sarah Palin has been to Kuwait and Germany with a stopover in Ireland to refuel. That was to visit the troops not to understand the culture and governments of other nations.

    Also, Obama has been on the federal stage learning how the FEDERAL government operates for a longer period than Sarah has been operating on the STATE level. Given that the positions of PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT are on the FEDERAL level then basic logic would state that OBAMA is more experienced for the position due to his exposure at that level then someone with less time in office and at a lower level.
    However, the real argument is that how can McCain claim to have the experience to provide sound judgement as an argument against Obama and then choose a vice president (his first presidential candidate decision) who has less foriegn policy and federal government experience than Obama. Based on the logic of the transitive property if McCain thinks Palin is qualified to be president and Obama is more qualified than Palin, in the areas above and then some, then Obama is qualified to be president according to McCain.

  56. jason330 says:

    Palin wasn’t vetted and Mike doesn’t care because he puts his party ahead of the country.

    So you can save your breath Phantom.

  57. JadeGold says:

    Obama’s hypocritical attacks on Palin’s experience aren’t gaining traction either,

    Mikey, you have a Linoge-like problem with the truth. Obama hasn’t said word one about Palin except to say her family life was off-limits.

    The questions about Palin’s experience have come from Palin’s fellow Alaskans.

  58. mike w. says:

    “Obama hasn’t said word one about Palin except to say her family life was off-limits.”

    Who has a problem with the truth? This is one of several comments Obama has made directly discussing Palin.

  59. Phantom says:

    Mike is correct in this case that Obama has been asked about Palin.

    I understand you may have placed your definition in another post but could you please repost so that I can understand your argument?

  60. joe says:

    One must admit, no matter how much they like Obama, that his answer in this A. Cooper interview is rather anemic. He can do better – no? He surely must move away (as must his supporters) from appealing to the running of a campaign as evidence of governing experience.

  61. jason330 says:

    Palin wasn’t vetted Mike. Face facts. You are putting the GOP elephant above the Americvan Eagle….you bastard!

  62. mike w. says:

    Joe – What if the answer is “above his pay grade?”…. That was quite possibly the worst answer I’ve ever heard from a Presidential candidate.

    Jason – So I hate America if I refuse to vote for a sleazy, arrogant, gun grabbing socialist?

  63. joe says:

    Listen – the devotion to either of these guys (R or D) that is evident every 4 absurd, lose-your-freakin’-mind yrs is laughable. Their politicians. What part of that doesn’t make sense?! POLITICIANS!!

    All I am saying is that Obama could spin a better answer than the one he gave – couldn’t he. He is a good speaker, but the knock against him from his own party and advisers has been his difficulty in un-scripted answers. I’m simply saying he should work on that before debate time (altho’ he’s gotten this far, so what do i know?!)

  64. mike w. says:

    Joe – I vote for the lesser of 2 evils – McCain is the lesser of the two this time.

  65. Phantom says:

    How is McCain the lesser of two evils, especially since his judgement in choosing Palin displays an inherent support for her beliefs and ideas?

    Since both are politicians it would make sense to base this election on issues. However, that doesn’t seem to be what McCain wants to gamble on since evidently his own campaign believes he loses on the issues.

  66. Joe Cass says:

    Issues? Phantom did you suffer through the convention last night? I didn’t hear a single issue raised. I doubt I’m wrong but this explains why trolls like Mike simply bash Obama: their party has no substance.

  67. joe says:

    Indeed – the McCain campaign is afraid of some issues, I agree wholeheartedly – including the issue of the war (hence the aversion last night, tonight and for the rest of the campaign to linking McCain w/ Bush). On other issues, McCain gives clearer, more direct and concise answers than Obama – and this is a problem that the Obama camp has surely noticed. It’s becoming humorous almost, the stammering and stuttering to certain questions that – regardless of whether you agree w/ him or not – he certainly ought to have ready answers for (forgive ending in a preposition – there, problem solved).

  68. Phantom says:

    I can’t stand the republithug marathon so I don’t watch that bile.

    What issues has McCain handled in a more clear position than Obama?

  69. joe says:

    No matter what your position is (this isn’t about the position, but the clarity of answering questions) – you acknowledge that McCain’s answer re: “When does a baby get human rights?” was more clear than Obamas. Of this there really is no debate, is there?

    McCain: “The moment of conception” (4 words)

    Obama (transcript quote): “Well, uh, you know, I think that whether you’re looking at it from a theological perspective or, uh, a scientific perspective, uh, answering that question with specificity, uh, you know, is, is, uh, above my pay grade.”

  70. liberalgeek says:

    So, was McCain’s answer correct?

  71. liberalgeek says:

    What color is the sky?

    McCain: Green

    Obama: It appears blue due to the way that light is refracted by the atmosphere. There are also white clouds from time to time.

    joe: Obama just can’t answer a question like McCain!

  72. Joe M says:

    Yes, I want a prez that sees things in black and white, especially when his view can be dictated by someone else’s interpretation of book thousands of years old.

    I’m too old and too dumb to accept nuanced answers to complicated questions. They take time away from my beer drinking. Give me that shit in four words or less!

  73. jason330 says:

    Joe’s point is that the stupid nonsense response is better than the response that demonstrated some humility.

    And he has a point. How many consecutive intellegence tests have we failed as a country?

    We failed because “stupid” plays well in the heartland.

  74. joe says:

    Folks – it’s one thing to take many words to answer a complicated question. It is another to NOT answer it. Agreed? And how is McCain’s answer to this particular question a “stupid nonsense response?” This is hardly an extreme position in the medical field, you know this right?

  75. pandora says:

    How about it’s a stupid question that was ready made for McCain. Hell, I hope he aced it. Now, let’s ask him to explain his plan for the economy (to us whiners) and healthcare.

    Who do you think would answer these questions better? I have no doubt McCain would try to keep his answer to four words.

  76. jason330 says:

    Speaking of not responding….

    check this out

    ST. PAUL — Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, the Republican vice-presidential nominee who revealed Monday that her 17-year-old daughter is pregnant, earlier this year used her line-item veto to slash funding for a state program benefiting teen mothers in need of a place to live.

  77. pandora says:

    I love those Christian values.

  78. joe says:

    Hypocrisy in politicians – the hell you say?!

    Shocker. Perhaps I’m the only one who isn’t arguing for the pristine-nature of either candidate here. Pandora & 330 – both replies seem to change the subject a bit… but I’ll go w/ it.

    As for economic policy – McCain certainly has plenty to say – you may not like it, but it’s not “missing” somehow. My point above in reply to Phantom’s question was simply to answer his question w/ an example. That’s all.

  79. mike w. says:

    RE 77 – I have no problem with that Jason. She’s a small government fiscal conservative.

  80. Von Cracker says:

    Here are the weapons of dishonesty conservatives use to stay afloat.

    Know ’em and throw ’em back in their spinning faces!!!

    …cause we’re gonna see a lot more in the next 8 weeks…