Filed in National by on September 3, 2008

What keywords lead you to believe a talking head/reporter/consultant/analyst favors one candidate or another?

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hiding in the open

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  1. G Rex says:

    “a thrill going up my leg.”

  2. pandora says:


  3. Steve Newton says:

    Usually when the person introducing them calls them a “liberal” or a “conservative”–assuming we’re too goddamn dumb to tell the difference.

    On the other hand, my favorite “stealth conservative” is Charles Osgood. He sounds so PBS that nobody ever actually notices that the slant to all his work is conservative.

  4. joe says:

    Usually when they call one of the candidates an SOB. That makes me begin to wonder…

  5. delawaredem says:

    The easiest tip off is if the reporter refers to the Democratic Party as the “Democrat Party.”

    Fox News does it all the time, and it is straight out of the Atwater playbook. Anyone who says that is immediately a right wing batshit conservative in my eyes, forever consigned to the trashheap of trolldom.

  6. delawaredem says:

    “Can Obama win over working people?”

    Which I view as code for “Can the N______ win over the votes of the good honest pure White voters?”

  7. Joanne Christian says:

    DelDem–are you a racist in recovery? Obama is more WASP than what we got running….Have you ever checked out his high school alma mater? He has had a life of privilege and it’s great he has given back….but “working people”? I’m working–2 jobs–and I’m not going to be able to afford everything he wants to “assure” me. And why…because the bar will keep moving…and I will keep just “missing” it…so then I’ll be looking for a third job….but yea we took care of those who decry minimum wage isn’t a livable wage (but won’t take a darn night class to improve their earning power), and then the folks who eat, drink, and be merry, and spend every cent on the latest car, vacation, clothes on their back….and then cry poor for college tuition….oh I gotta stop now..and leave the room…Huckababble is on….but heck no!!! WORKING PEOPLE shouldn’t vote for Obama!!!

    But to the point of your question–I’m not cued by words..it’s a body language thing for me.

  8. delawaredem says:

    Joanne…you must not know me very well yet.

    No, I am no racist in recovery. I hate racists. I wish them all dead for racism and prejudice are one of the main reasons for suffering and poverty in this world. I am hopeful that things are slowly changing, as each generation is a little less racist than the last. Soon, all evil racists will be dead and in Hell, and the world will be closer to peace.

    I was pointing out that quote from Chris Matthews and a number of other tradititional media as evidence of racial code words in our dialogue.

  9. G Rex says:

    “Working people” Ooh, good one! Just because I’m management/salaried and I don’t punch a clock anymore means I’m no longer “working” to some? Go smash some shop windows for freedom in Minneapolis.

  10. Joanne Christian says:

    Chris Matthews has been “gushing” over the speeches from the DNC…why not enjoy the momentum he’s afforded you and quit w/ the “buzzkill” scrutiny? I’m hearin’ Philadelphia politics in your “coding”–not national….this is a whole new generation….

  11. Duffy says:

    “Welcome to Hardball”
    “I’m Keith Olberman”

  12. Joanne Christian says:

    You got it Duffy–and did you see him publicly send out “tag lines” for his media colleagues to go after–as if they have to circle their wagons now!!!! Why he’s not going to take that….and THEY will use their firepower!!!

  13. Susan Regis Collins says:

    The code word “inexperienced”

    Obama = Racism

    Palin = Sexism