Karl Rove….full of (shut yo mouth….)

Filed in National by on September 6, 2008


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hiding in the open

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  1. DavidV says:

    Good ole Karl. The GOP should be proud. He sure would look nice in an orange jumpsuit with chains.

    Wouldn’t it be great if the press could ask Palin about some of these accusations.

  2. Dorian Gray says:

    These are the same clips Jon Stewart the used other night. They speak for themselves.

  3. JohnnyX says:

    This made me think of the first few lines of the Green Day song, “Walking Contradiction”

    “Do as I say, not as I do, because the shit’s so deep you can’t run away. I beg to differ – on the contrary – I agree with every word that you say…”

  4. Truth Teller says:

    Karl is an ass the problem is the MSM allows him and his ILK to get away with it.

    Look it’s just like McSame and his VP choice telling the Jet sale on e-bay story they know it’s false but also know that most of the MSM won’t call them on it. That’s what i admire about REPUK’S they don’t care what the NYT thinks about them

  5. Was A Willing Blogger says:

    I watched a few minutes of CNN’s Ballot Bowl today and have renamed it Toilet Bowl.
    They were reporting on what is coming out of the McCain camp as Flag-gate.
    The anonymously made claim is that some flags, allegedly from the DEM Convention, were abused. A disgusting non-story bunch of toilet-worthy newscasting and a fine indicator of where the Republican party stands today.

  6. Fatputz says:

    “The anonymously made claim is that some flags, allegedly from the DEM Convention, were abused. A disgusting non-story bunch of toilet-worthy newscasting and a fine indicator of where the Republican party stands today.”

    WOW. Sounds almost as crazy as a retarded baby switch scandal!!!!

  7. fatputz,

    I will give you partial credit for that one. However the difference between your example and the flag one is the flag BS for one wasn’t true at all and it stinks of the same tired bullshit which is to say that unamerican = dems= liberals= hippies that hate america.