Tuesday Open Thread [5.29.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on May 29, 2012

Bill Maher has the antidote to Birtherism.

And this is hysterical:

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  1. From Pine View Farm » Blog's archive » Wiferism | May 30, 2012
  1. Jason330 says:

    Is Romney ever going to acknowledge the fact that President Obama was born in Hawaii? I’m getting the feeling that Romney is still in primary mode; deathly afraid of angering the lunatic base.

  2. mediawatch says:

    This story
    (http://money.cnn.com/2012/05/28/technology/38-studios/index.htm?source=cnn_bin) got me thinking:
    If Curt Schilling had finished his career with the Phillies, would Delaware now be the not-so-proud owner of 38 Studios?

  3. Jason330 says:

    Throwing money at companies is a bullshit form of “Economic Development.” It is my one big lament about Jack Markell. All the money being spent to lure companies should be put toward hiring and keeping the best middle school teachers we can find.

  4. puck says:

    Jeff Greenfield had nothing 45 minutes before deadline, then he came up with this:

    Romney’s Daffy Duck vs. Obama’s Bugs Bunny: Sufferin’ succotash! Is it rabbit season in 2012?

  5. puck says:

    Anybody else think this guy’s confession to the 1979 Etan Patz murder sounds fishy? Guy with mental problems, three-hour confession without a lawyer present, no body found? Come on. Make sure you have the right guy here.

  6. Will McVay says:

    I’d say let us keep that money, the economy can develop itself, but I otherwise agree entirely with Jason. Suppose we could split the difference…

  7. puck says:

    the economy can develop itself

    That used to be true, but this time around the middle class isn’t big enough to power a consumer-led recovery like it always did before no matter how much they were crapped on. There aren’t enough middle class people left and they don’t have the buying power. For all meaningful purposes, all the money has flowed upward. I guess the wealthy will all have to buy second yachts now.

  8. Just ‘unsubscribed’ from the incessant propaganda from Paul Clark and NCC masquerading as ‘public service announcements’. If Clark’s picture is on it, it’s political propaganda. Of course, I’d never ‘subscribed’ in the first place, they just got my e-mail from somewhere.

    More and more, I don’t see any way he wins a primary against Gordon. Clark really doesn’t have a significant enough constituency to win, IMHO.

  9. Will McVay says:

    Do you have any suggestions for what can be done? With Delaware’s highest tax bracket at $60k, we’re all being soaked for Markell’s “Economic Development” handouts. I think letting us keep more of it would be a good start towards not “crapping on” the middle class. Not giving favorable tax treatment and “Economic Development” handouts to our competitors might allow our small businesses to compete on more equal terms with the big guys who are…incentivized…to relocate here.

    I don’t dispute that spending on education is important. Government spending on education tends to come with so many strings attached though, perhaps if we were allowed to keep more of our money, we’d be able to invest in better educations than we could just by throwing more government money at it. I know I trust my oversight better than any politicians’…

  10. Jason330 says:

    The economy could develop on its own back when companies had incentives to invest, rather than horde cash.

  11. Jason330 says:


  12. The economy could develop on its own back when companies had incentives to invest, rather than horde cash.

    Well said. I agree w/ you re: offering incentives (almost ALWAYS tax breaks) for companies to relocate or expand is idiotic and counter-productive in the long term. It seems that prudent companies would simply move or hold a state or local government hostage for an extension of subsidies once the tax breaks are set to expire–provided said companies are still in business.