77.5 percent of North Dakotans Are Not Insane Teabggers

Filed in National by on June 13, 2012

I guess this counts as hopeful news.

North Dakota voters reject measure to abolish property taxes

North Dakota voters on Tuesday soundly rejected a ballot measure that sought to make the oil-rich state the first to abolish property taxes, a move critics said would have undermined local governments and forced an increase in taxes overall.

The measure, which would have required state lawmakers to come up with a way to replace $812 million in lost property tax revenues for 2012 alone, was defeated by a vote of 77.5 percent to 22.5 percent, with 70 percent of precincts reporting. – Via Reuters

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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (13)

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  1. Will M says:

    I dislike taxes in general, but I think property taxes probably make the most sense along with consumption taxes out of all of the various ways the government takes our money from us.

  2. jason330 says:

    “I dislike taxes in general.” You also dislike roads in general, I suppose. I hate to tell you that this infantile notion that taxes are inherently evil identifies you as a nincompoop.

  3. Will M says:

    Wow, that’s creative.

  4. puck says:

    I like income taxes. Especially progressive income taxes – if I am paying more taxes that means I am making more money. What’s not to like?

  5. jason330 says:

    The truth hurts Will M. Your statement is just silly, childish and uninformed. “I dislike taxes in general.” That is very worthy of ridicule.

  6. Will M says:

    You must just love giving your money to politicians. Good luck with that.

  7. jason330 says:

    If you don’t think you are getting a good return on your tax money you have a problem with a politician not with taxes. Any dolt could see that.

    As for me, I love infrastructure, schools, police protection and research that contribute to a robust and growing economy. But I’m not a Fox News loving nincompoop.

  8. Will M says:

    Hey, cool, me neither.

    I love all those things too, I just happen to think that most if not all of those purposes could be pursued more efficiently and with less corruption if you had some kind of choice in the matter.

  9. jason330 says:

    Yeah. Just like in the low tax paradises, Haiti and Somalia where the wealthy get to choose among expensive private security firms. God knows how people in the high tax hell hole countries like Norway, Germany and France get by with so few choices.

    Grow up man.

  10. Andy says:

    Add places like Texas and Mississippi to the list with Haiti Somalia when it comes to low taxes high poverty and illiteracy

  11. Jason330 says:

    Sorry Will, but this ridiculous republican sensibility is hurting the country.

  12. kavips says:

    People like Will, you should keep around for a laugh. Example one: unlike he states, taxes are not giving money to politicians. Reminds me of the platitudes from those high schoolers smoking weed on the corner.

    Taxes go into a fund. We elect people to represent us and divvy that fund up for ourselves in as fair a means as is possible.. Taxes are your money being used more efficiently for you, than you could do so yourself.

    HUMPH.. he says, the corrupt governement is the worst organization in the world, when it comes to spending my money…

    Unfortunately the evidence points otherwise. Let’s assume you paid tolls to drive Delaware’s roads, instead of taxes. At $2 each way, you’d pay $4 a day, which amounts to $20 a week, which amounts $1040 a year… Did you pay $1040 a year in Delaware State taxes? If you didn’t, you’re a Communist Socialist Freeloader right up there with David Anderson…

    You see, the government can spend money much more wisely than you can yourself. Which is why, Government bonds ARE the SAFEST way to keep your money for later…

    I’m sure that if you are on this site, it means you have moved on beyond those relaxing sensations experienced while smoking weed on the corner. It’s time your ideas followed as well… And that goes for you too, David… 🙂