Friday Daily Delawhere [7.6.12]

Filed in Delaware by on July 6, 2012

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  1. Zafo Jones says:

    I know that place! That’s Fort DuPont, near Delaware City.

    DNREC has an extensive redevelopment plan for the site, which also includes the Covernor Bacon Health Center. The photo here shows the main gun line.

    Here’s a link to an old sketch of the site:

    Here’s a link to an aerial photo of the Fort when it was active in 1940:

    Here’s the link if you want to read more about the redevelopmnt plans:

    Amazing photo and a really neat place in Delaware that is not visited by many native Delawareans.

  2. Delaware Dem says:

    Zafo Jones commented and then deleted his or her comment. But the guess was right… this is Fort DuPont near Delaware City. Specifically, this is the Battery Gibson, built in 1898 and used until World War I.

  3. Zafo Jones says:

    My comment got tagged as “marked for moderation,” perhaps because of the two URL links. but here it is again:

    I know that place! That’s Fort DuPont, near Delaware City.

    DNREC has an extensive redevelopment plan for the site, which also includes the Covernor Bacon Health Center. The photo here shows the main gun line.

    Here’s a link to an old sketch of the site:

    Here’s a link to an aerial photo of the Fort when it was active in 1940:

    Here’s the link if you want to read more about the redevelopmnt plans:

    Amazing photo and a really neat place in Delaware that is not visited by many native Delawareans.

  4. Delaware Dem says:

    Sorry about that Zafo. Normally I get a notification if one of the comments is moderated. But I didn’t in your case.

  5. JPconnorjr says:

    On the other side is the state meeting facilityGrasdale there is a lot of historic and recreational potential there