Team Romney Uses Sunday Morning To Dig Deeper Holes

Filed in National by on July 15, 2012

Oh Jeebus… If I’m a Republican i would be the mayor of face-palm city by now. Check this out:

WASHINGTON — Mitt Romney adviser Ed Gillespie said Sunday that the candidate “retired retroactively” from his job at Bain Capital, which Romney maintains that he left in 1999 despite….

Retired retroactively. wTF? These clowns can’t get out of thier own way.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (35)

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  1. Delaware Dem says:

    Seriously, what must a rank and file Republican be thinking now? “This is our nominee? I want a refund.”

  2. kavips says:

    Better shake that Etch a Stetch… quick….

  3. Jason330 says:

    I might have to back to watching TV. This stuff is too good. On meet the press Stephainie Cutler told the Romney surrogate to stop whining, and the host pointed out that under Romney, the us Olympic teams uniforms were designed and made in Canada!

  4. cassandra_m says:

    Did they fix their SEC filings retroactively? Did Rmoney return the checks he collected retroactively?

    Bet not. And bet the press didn’t ask, either.

  5. puck says:

    Karl Rove would be spinning in his grave, if he weren’t still alive.

  6. Rustydils says:

    Romney was asked to save the salt lake olimpics. He left 9 days later. Romney and bain were involved and invested in over 100 enterprises. Anyone involved in business at any level understands it would take months or years to update all the notes, deeds, filings and so forth. It would definately take months just for one business, I cant imagine how long it would take for over 100 enterprises. President obama signed into law the jobs act of 2012 on april 5th, 2012. This act changes the filing requurements for business filing with the sec. There are several parts to the jobs act. The sec is instructed to update regs for this new law. For some parts they are given 180 days to di this, other parts 270 days, otherparts, infinite amount of time. Moral is, sec stuff takes a long time, alot more than 9 days.

  7. IndependentJoe says:

    I am not concerned about Bain or any other spears that are being thrown by the donkeys or the elphants’ campaigns. what I am concerned about is the value of my 401K, my house, and my job and none of the candidates nor the media want to put those items on the top of topic list. Why, because they do not know how to fix these problems and are hoping that all these nagative ads will turn off the voter and only the real hard core base will vote.

  8. Jason330 says:

    Whatever gets you through the night Dils old boy.

  9. Jason330 says:

    IndyJoe, Since Romney hasn’t give any reason for people to vote for him other than because he is wealthy businessman, then it makes perfect sense to look into the nature of this businesses. Since the secretive, “rules don’t apply to us” style businesses played a major part in creating our current economy, it further makes perfect sense to ask why we need a secretive “the rules don’t apply to me” style chief executive.

    Obama saved the economy from melting down into a full blown depression in spite of Rebulican obstruction. In the end it is character that counts.

  10. Jason330 says:

    Romneys Worst. Sunday. ever.

    WASHINGTON — Add another document to the pile of evidence contradicting Mitt Romney’s continued insistence that he ended his active role with Bain Capital in early 1999, part of his long-running effort to avoid responsibility for the company’s activity, related to outsourcing and bankruptcies, during the years that followed.
    A corporate document filed with the state of Massachusetts in December 2002 — a month after Romney was elected governor — lists him as one of two managing members of Bain Capital Investors, LLC “authorized to execute, acknowledge, deliver and record any recordable instrument purporting to affect an interest in real property, whether to be recorded with a Registry of Deeds or with a District Office of the Land Court.”

  11. Rustydils says:

    Independent joe, you are confused, or uninformed. Romney has been traveling around the country for 13 months, holding hundreds of meeting, and giving dozens and dozens of speeches about what specifically he will do to get the countries economic engine spinning again. His 59 step plan is on his website,, and he gives a summary of it with the five main policies he would use in practically ever interview he gives. Open your eyes and ears

  12. Rustydils says:

    Jason, take a stand. Which are you saying,
    1. Romney left bain to run the olimpics in early 99,
    2. Romney did not leave bain in early 99 to run the olimpics

    You cant have it both ways jason, be a man and take a stand.

  13. puck says:

    “You cant have it both ways jason Mitt, be a man and take a stand.”

    Fixed that for you.

  14. Jason330 says:

    I can have it all ways all the time. I’m not running for President.

  15. cassandra_m says:

    Bill Kristol piles on — tells Romney to release the tax forms.

  16. Rustydils says:

    Jason, thats what I thought

  17. socialistic ben says:

    wouldnt it be great if someone had a stockpile of all the times Rusty talked about how important it is that we know about the personal history of a person seeking the office of the president? It sure would make his “leave willard alone” talk all the more hilarious.

  18. Truth Teller says:

    Ind Joe the stock market was below 7,000 when President Obama took over it’s now close to 13,000 that should have helped your 401 K that is if you weren’t invested in companies that Bain helped to bankrupt.

  19. Truth Teller says:

    The question today is where are all those so called smart Dem’s who were chastising President Obama for playing the Bain card???

  20. jason330 says:

    This is what happens when dems ignore the worry warts and High Broderists. Maybe the very important dem consultants will shut the ouch up for a change.

  21. Geezer says:

    Oh, my. By all means, click on the Rmoney web site. The “plans” are beyond sketchy. His “spending” plans, for example, contain a few hundred billion in savings, mostly by insisting on a list of long-running conservative whine topics (privatizing Amtrak saves $1.6 billion!)

    The “plans,” such as they are, could have been compiled by a couple of college interns when they were supposed to be knocking on doors and hectoring foreigners about the Angel Moroni.

  22. jason330 says:

    Juan Cole lays out the Romney argument as it now stands: “Sure, he was listed on the SEC documents from 1999-2001 as CEO, and sure, he was paid six figure salaries, and yeah, he signed a bunch of filings, and sure, he’s admitted to flying back and forth to attend board meetings and sat in on a bunch of them by phone, but he wasn’t really involved because in 2002 he retroactively retired in 1999.”.

    It is sounding more and more like Romney’s genius plan to become President was cooked up by Axlerod, Plouffe, and Obama over a bunch of beers one night. Does anyone know if or sure if Axelrod ISN’T running the Romney campaign from behind the scenes?

  23. jj says:

    Obama will reach 300 electoral votes..this is over.Romney is handling this all wrong and once again the so called community organizer(by GOP) is a genius.They had all this SEC and Bain stuff the whole time(DEMS) and let Romney answer questions they posed as to practices and deals Bain made 1999-2001– they(DEMs) knew BAIN sent jobs overseas.Romney they knew would lie and here we are now.A lot of people took hits on the McCain team,for the 2008 election and careers were tarnished or doomed over Palin.I bet the DEMS got alot of info from a person(s)from the GOP..ref.those tax returns they saw when Romney was vetted for JM VP in 2008.This was a total set up.Romney walked right into it bragging about Bain all the time.The people of this county deserve to know Romneys financial past and that past will assure Obama is re=elected.You can not say you are not in charge of BAIN and receive a salary..sign documents..for the company and on a SEC filing you are the loan shareholder.Just does not fly with the People of this country

  24. jason330 says:

    Excellent point. This goes beyond an attack ad, this is about what kind of person Mitt Romney is. What is the raw material? What does the campaign have to work around? In 2002, he sent in his 1999 resignation. OMG. you got together and THAT was what you came up with…? Really? I never ought we’d see a campaign that could match MCCain’s in the clueless department. boy was I wrong.

  25. Rustydils says:

    So if I hear you guys right, what your saying is mitt romney is superman. Not only did he turn around a scandal ridden winter olimpics, that was 400 million in the hole, and he turned it to a positive 100 million, with sep 11 hapening just a couple of months before the games were scheduled to start, but he simoultaneosly made dozens and dozens of deals at bain capital (even though 100 percent of his management team, both dem and republican say he had zero involvement) making just investors millions of dollars. I say this guy is superman. Lets kick idiot obama out, and put mitt romney(superman) in tomorrow

  26. Jason330 says:

    I get why the tax returns will never be released now. In them I’m sure Romney lists his occupation as CEO of Bain Capital in 1999, 2000, 2001, and 2002. He has pained himself into a very tight corner.

    It is the cover up that always gets these guys.

  27. Rustydils says:

    Geezer, the plans make up a 160 page booklet. where ard obamas plans, give me a link to a website showing obamas plans to help the economy

  28. AQC says:

    Rusty, it’s hard enough to take the content of your posts seriously, but, I can’t get past your atrocious spelling! Get a proofreader!

  29. cassandra m says:

    And Rahm Emmanuel piles on too:

    Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel said this morning on “This Week” that presumptive GOP nominee for president Mitt Romney should “stop whining” about attacks on his Bain record and just defend himself.
    “What are you going to do when the Chinese leader says something to you or Putin says something to you?” said Emanuel. ”I give him his own advice. ’Stop whining.’ Defend — if you want to claim Bain Capital as your calling card to the White House, then defend what happened to Bain Capital.”

  30. SussexWatcher says:

    I can make up a 160-page booklet that consists of “fish fish fish fish fish fish fish fish Romney’s economy plan is fish” over and over again. That does not mean I’m qualified to be president.

  31. Jason330 says:


  32. Jason330 says:

    To get past the retroactive retirment gaffe the Romney campaign explains that he is really running against Al Gore in the 2000 election. He also is presently storming the beeches at Normandy.

  33. Jason330 says:

    George Will piles on:

    “The cost of not releasing the returns are clear,” said conservative columnist George Will, on ABC’s “This Week.” “Therefore, he must have calculated that there are higher costs in releasing them.”

  34. anonymous says:

    Regarding ‘olimpics’ comment by Rustydils, 15 July 2012 at 12:55 pm:

    Rustydils asks,

    “Jason, take a stand. Which are you saying,

    1. Romney left bain to run the olimpics in early 99,


    2. Romney did not leave bain in early 99 to run the olimpics”

    Rustydils, you left out Option 3.

    3. Romney did not leave Bain in early 99, and also ran, the Olympics

    Rustydils, are you trying to say, a republican candidate for US President,
    can’t walk straight and sing at the same time?

    Is Bain, a fine example of how Corporate America should run business?

    Did Rmoney’s Olympic committee outsource the manufacturing of uniforms to China?

    Isn’t Bain, what Rmoney is basing his business ‘experience’ on?

    Now excuse me, I need to glue my other (made in Mexico) shoe;) try, try, .. to talk to someone in India about my phone bill; ops, throw out some raised in a China fish tank Talopia; test the kids’ toys for mercury, Where’s my Bangladesh shirt? Pipe Canadian shale oil?; But the Arctic will be free of ice in five years! Hello? “Press #1 for Spanish, …” But I’m calling to apply for an American job. I wannabe a CEO/corporate president/chairman, have a six figure,’ non-job’ like Rmoney’s, not disclose, have tax havens in Burmuda, Cayman, open Swiss bank accounts, score a 14% tax rate, run for President of the United States…

    “All lines are busy. Try again.” “But I’m an American I tell you, I’m an Am! Click bbbzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
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