One Battle Won In the GOP War on Women

Filed in National by on July 18, 2012

A federal judge in Nebraska dismissed one of the lawsuits brought over the ACA’s requirement that all employers offer their female employees birth control.

U.S. District Judge Warren Urbom concluded that the plaintiffs did not face immediate harm and therefore could not sue to block the part of the Affordable Care Act of 2010 that requires employers to include free birth control in their healthcare programs.

The states – which include Texas, Ohio, Florida, South Carolina, Oklahoma and Michigan – argued that the law threatened their budgets by giving religious employers an incentive to stop providing health insurance coverage to their employees to avoid the requirements of the rule. That would drive up enrollment in the states’ Medicaid programs, they contended.

But the judge concluded that the alleged harms were too remote and hypothetical.

On small battle won. And I am struck by the lameness of this argument. But there are more lawsuits coming up, including one from various Catholic institutions, who have decided that politics is what they do now instead of pastoral care.


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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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  1. Andrew Groff says:

    What they could not do with the SCOTUS they will pick apart in the lower courts, one line at a time if necessary. That is how the Financial Reform bill has been almost completely vacated at this time. This is one small battle but there will be hundreds over the next few years. I don’t understand where this whole “War on Women” movement was spewed from, and I find it absurd. Didn’t we already deal with these issues in the 70’s and 80’s? I hope that there won’t be a single female registered Republican after all this is sorted out. The Green Party now has both a female Presidential Candidate in Jill Stein as well as a female running mate in Cheri Honkala from Pennsylvania. What a great day for gender representation in our electoral process! You don’t need to guess their stand on the War on Women.

  2. Occupy Mom says:

    Hey there, DE Liberal. One small battle won, but so many to go and the elections are growing closer. Some of us over at Occupy DE are hoping to fill a bus to go to the We Are Woman march on August 18th.

    Get on the bus! Seats still available and still only $20!

    Post and repost!