Saturday Open Thread [7.21.12]

Filed in National by on July 21, 2012

The weekend! What is catching your attention this weekend?

The President used his weekly address to talk about the Aurora murders:


Comforting. But not enough for some of us. It is this:

This weekend I hope everyone takes some time for prayer and reflection โ€“ for the victims of this terrible tragedy, for the people who knew them and loved them, for those who are still struggling to recover, and for all the victims of the less publicized acts of violence that plague our communities on a daily basis.

…coupled with the wall to wall TV coverage (I saw a little bit last night) that lets Americans indulge in this kind of horror from a safe place tells me that we are a culture that simply does not care enough the safety of our own kids to even broach a discussion about how to slow down the violence.

Then there’s Adam Gopnik in the New Yorker who speaks for me:

Every country has, along with its core civilities and traditions, some kind of inner madness, a belief so irrational that even death and destruction cannot alter it. In Europe not long ago it was the belief that โ€œhonorโ€ of the nation was so important that any insult to it had to be avenged by millions of lives. In America, it has been, for so long now, the belief that guns designed to kill people indifferently and in great numbers can be widely available and not have it end with people being killed, indifferently and in great numbers. The argument has gotten dully repetitive: How does one argue with someone convinced that the routine massacre of our children is the price we must pay for our freedom to have guns, or rather to have guns that make us feel free? You can only shake your head and maybe cry a little.

About the Author ()

"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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  1. puck says:

    21 treated for burns at Tony Robbins firewalk event

    At the end of the event’s first day, conventioneers lined up along Park Avenue and walked across 12 ten-foot-long strips of hot coals on the grass…

    Witness Jonathan Correll said he heard “screams of agony.”

    I guess they just weren’t sufficiently committed.

  2. cassandra_m says:

    Bet they regret not just going to Firefly instead.

  3. Dave says:

    If I gamble online in my bedroom would he be able to see me?

  4. tobyz says:

    One of the guys I work with lives in Delaware City and told me he was approached by a Gordon volunteer offering $5 for every sign he put up in his yard. She made the same offer to his neighbors who were right out front. He said no one took them up on it, though.

    Man, I wish the Gordon campaign would come around my neighborhood. I wouldn’t need to get a weekend job if I had a big enough yard! How much do you think he’s paying for wearing a t-shirt?

  5. I call liar., tobz darlin’. The kind of tactics in play in your sand box sound like what’s used by those backing Mr. Clark not the ones backing Gordon.

    Gordon just got several choice endorsements leaving Clark to his construction trades, HIGH DEMs and the white collar land use industry folks all of which tend to the crass when convenient.

  6. Jpconnorjr says:

    Hey tobyz is that the best bullshit story you can come up with. County exec. Scott musta been pretty pissed off this morning when Tom got the AFL-CIO endorsement. I got a great sign for your back IDIOT ๐Ÿ˜‰

  7. Spencer is kinda out in space with this one. Had he included a single idea on how to implement enforcement….

    Also sad is the spittle fight between Pastor D and City Council over his proposal for a camp for kids subjected to violence. He sends out an incomplete proposal and instead of filling in the blanks, declares war. Is it really about the children, Derrick?

  8. MJ says:

    Spencer once again shows he is an idiot. First off, businesses, schools, government offices, etc., can use firewalls to block access to any online gambling site. Second, as mentioned above, how is he going to enforce it? Another solution from Scott Spencer in search of a problem.

  9. tobyz says:

    Really Nancy, bribes and buying votes don’t sound like Gordon? Wasn’t that what he was indicted and convicted for? Maybe you had a big sip of the amnesiac Kool-Aid that Gordon’s be handing out.

    JP, heard Dennis Williams and Hanifa didn’t get endorsed either and there was a fight over whether to endorse Markell, or not. So, I’m not giving too much credibility to that vote. But thanks for the emoticon, nothing hurts worse than punctuating your insult with an animated winky face. How will I recover?

  10. Geezer says:

    No, bribes and buying votes does not sound like Gordon, and it is not what he was investigated or prosecuted for.

  11. tobyz says:

    Sorry, the indictment was wire fraud, mail fraud, racketeering, harrassment…

    He was convicted of forcing employees to get him votes. So, a supporter of his offering money for yard signs isn’t really too far out of his wheelhouse.

  12. Geezer says:

    Yes it is, because it’s a dumb, ineffective way of doing things.

    Gordon — actually, Freebery — set up a phone bank and staffed it with county workers.

    I can’t absolutely rule out that one of Gordon’s supporters was doing this, but it’s not Gordon’s style at all.

  13. tonyz says:

    His style is more Roger Moore era Bond villain. He needs a fluffy white cat to stroke maniacally.