For anyone who read yesterday’s open thread…I had questioned an article in the Cape Gazette regarding the supposed vandalizing of a sign on the property of Hudson Management.
I shared my blog post about the “great Hudson sign vandalizing incident” with my Facebook friends, and now Mr. Hudson has people related to him by marriage telling me that he wouldn’t lie about it. OK. Did I say that he did? Just re-read what I wrote. Never said that he lied. BUT, if someone vandalized MY property, and I thought that the motive was political or racial or the like, #1 I would be calling the cops, and #2 I would take pictures for evidence. Where are the photos?
You didn’t say he lied but you did express distrust in his statements.. “sounds fishy” I think you said. Perhaps they were responding to your suggestion
Ben, I just re-read again what I wrote in my blog. My intent was to share what I had seen, some observations about the circumstances surrounding the incident, and I was trying to come down on the side of “I didn’t see anything amiss, but if it was, there’s a good possibility it was caused by the weather.” Maybe I didn’t make it that far. But I want to be clear…this is not a personal thing. Whenever ANY conservative tells me anything, I am suspicious. I spent a few minutes yesterday rebutting my chiropractor’s claim that “Obamacare” contained a “government option.” Many just don’t know what they’re talking about, and the ones who do are often quite willing to distort the truth to achieve their ends.
And just looked at what I posted in yesterday’s open thread….I asked if anyone was as suspicious of the story as I was. He was very willing and enthusiastic to blame us radical liberals (hell, now he probably thinks that I did it) when there were other plausible explanations.
Anyway, in the grand scheme of things, this is pretty small potatoes….just wanted to share an update.
Dan Gaffney will be back on the air in Sussex. On Sept. 4th 105.9 will be changing to talk radio. No other details as yet. Just rumors that it will be simulcasting WDEL content as well.
PPP polls Iowa on the 2016 Presidential race and HRC owns the Democratic field. Sorry Joe, Hillary leads by 60-18.
On the GOP side, Huckabee and Santorum, tie at 17%,Christie at 16%, Rand Paul at 11%, Rubio at 10%, Jeb! Bush at 8.
For anyone who read yesterday’s open thread…I had questioned an article in the Cape Gazette regarding the supposed vandalizing of a sign on the property of Hudson Management.
I shared my blog post about the “great Hudson sign vandalizing incident” with my Facebook friends, and now Mr. Hudson has people related to him by marriage telling me that he wouldn’t lie about it. OK. Did I say that he did? Just re-read what I wrote. Never said that he lied. BUT, if someone vandalized MY property, and I thought that the motive was political or racial or the like, #1 I would be calling the cops, and #2 I would take pictures for evidence. Where are the photos?
You didn’t say he lied but you did express distrust in his statements.. “sounds fishy” I think you said. Perhaps they were responding to your suggestion
Ben, I just re-read again what I wrote in my blog. My intent was to share what I had seen, some observations about the circumstances surrounding the incident, and I was trying to come down on the side of “I didn’t see anything amiss, but if it was, there’s a good possibility it was caused by the weather.” Maybe I didn’t make it that far. But I want to be clear…this is not a personal thing. Whenever ANY conservative tells me anything, I am suspicious. I spent a few minutes yesterday rebutting my chiropractor’s claim that “Obamacare” contained a “government option.” Many just don’t know what they’re talking about, and the ones who do are often quite willing to distort the truth to achieve their ends.
Don’t worry about it, WWB. You asked pertinent questions. Seriously, how did this guy merit an article in a newspaper without calling the police?
And just looked at what I posted in yesterday’s open thread….I asked if anyone was as suspicious of the story as I was. He was very willing and enthusiastic to blame us radical liberals (hell, now he probably thinks that I did it) when there were other plausible explanations.
Anyway, in the grand scheme of things, this is pretty small potatoes….just wanted to share an update.
Thanks Pandora. That was sort of a “read between the lines” point as well. Glad someone picked up on it. 🙂
Dan Gaffney will be back on the air in Sussex. On Sept. 4th 105.9 will be changing to talk radio. No other details as yet. Just rumors that it will be simulcasting WDEL content as well.
Expect a totally different program from Dan. He’s tired of the noise on both sides of the aisle.
And another closet case christian bully outed –