American Socialism for the Rich

Filed in National by on September 18, 2008

This was made after the Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac bailout and before Lehman Brothers. After I saw this, I noted that I didn’t hear one peep from the fake free marketers in the news yesterday or today. CNBC may be the exception, though….

“America is more communist than China is right now….”


None of these people is impressed with the reaction of the Presidential campaigns (and why should they? But I’ll also note that I am OK with the fact that neither is pretending to be President right now, since the markets seem to be awfully sensitive and volatile.) to this crisis, either, but it seems quite certain that the plan by the current Administration is to kick the can down the road.

h/tThe Big Picture

About the Author ()

"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

Comments (27)

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  1. pandora says:

    Where are all the conservatives calling you nuts, Cass, and accusing Obama of being a socialist?

    What will their arguments morph into? Obama wants to make us more socialist than Bush?

    I predict silence on this post. (There… I double dog dared them!)

  2. cassandra m says:

    Just as they had nothing to say on my post noting that their policies have lead to a big threat to the Government’s credit rating.

  3. pandora says:

    Still just us two here? Oh my.

  4. mike w. says:

    The US government CREATED Fannie Mae in 1938 under FDR (the closest we’ve ever had to a true socialist in the WH)

    How ironic that a huge bank created by the Feds has now collapsed and is being bailed out by the Feds.

  5. pandora says:

    And AIG? What about the world’s largest insurance company? Your explanation doesn’t hold water. If you were honest in your convictions you’d be having a fit right now. Here’s your socialism, Mikey. We are nationalizing companies. We have become what you’ve been screaming about for months. And yet… your outrage is missing.

  6. Dana Garrett says:

    good find. My favorite part of the tape: why is the US govt bailing out these big corps instead of homeowners directly? We know the answer–it has to do w/ where the rich are located.

    The pity about these socialistic moves is that we’ll never see the dividend checks appear in our mailboxes.

    After a while, these companies will be resold, the new private owners will bellyache about the new regs to avoid these disasters, the Repubs will join the bellyaching, the regs will be relaxed under the banner of “liberty” and “small govt,” the bad practices will creep back in because they facilitate massive rapid profit taking, the bill will come due again and another crisis will ensue.

    Count on it.

  7. Duffy says:

    “Where are all the conservatives calling you nuts, Cass, and accusing Obama of being a socialist? ”

    You are not nuts Cass and Obama isn’t quite a socialist. He has very very liberal policy goals but I wouldn’t go so far as to say Socialist.

    As for the Conservatives complaining, I’ve not seen any of them not complaining. A few of them keeping mum but they are few and far between.

  8. Chris says:

    “Just as they had nothing to say on my post noting that their policies have lead to a big threat to the Government’s credit rating.”

    Actually, conservatives are quite unhappy with the move. We understand WHY they are doing it…but not happy with it.

    Still waiting for Obama’s two top financial advisors to give back the 10’s of millions they skimmed as CEO’s of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac…and Lehmans. Obama certainly taking his time distancing himself from them. Sugar Daddies are tough to get away from.

    But then again we have Biden’s plan. Be patriotic…pay more taxes. As if over half of what I make now isn’t enough.

  9. feces throwing monkey's evil twin says:

    Actually, conservatives are quite unhappy with the move. We understand WHY they are doing it..


    What is a government for if not to protect rich people from feeling uncomfortable? Once the rich get back to being comfortable, the comfort will trickle down on working class Joes like you and ME!!!

    USA #1!!!!!!!!!

  10. Chris says:

    “Once the rich get back to being comfortable, the comfort will trickle down on working class Joes like you and ME!!!”

    This may come to you as a shock you primate…the MAJORITY of republicans are working class Joes..and Janes. In fact, you always talk about how the rich are republicans, but it seems to me that there are a awful damn lot of NorthEastern rich elite liberals in your party. I mean…Kerry was a pauper, and Biden and Obama are scrapping by. And I feel so bad for poor Nancy Pelosi who can barely afford those illegal immigrant servants.

    But is is hard for me to tell…because as a Republican you just KNOW I am rolling in the dough! And I don’t believe for one second that Obamas tax hikes won’t hit me….

    I run out of money before bills as it is now…can’t imagine if even MORE money was been taking for Obama’s socialist programs. But I guess I would be more patriotic.

  11. gun dummy says:

    Republicans are monetarily wealthy? I joined because they told me we were a morally wealthy party. I guess the joke was on me.

  12. feces throwing monkey's evil twin says:


    We are soooooooooooo on the same page!!

    I’m voting Republican because Republicans promise to lower my taxes and I aint rich.

    I’m going to need that extra little bit of Cha-Ching because with Republicans in power, the value of my home has dropped 20%, my health insurance costs have doubled, gas costs $4 a gallon, and my investments are in the tank.

    USA #1!!!!!!

  13. cassandra m says:

    can’t imagine if even MORE money was been taking for Obama’s socialist programs

    You won’t have to imagine the bill from the current Conservative socialist programs — how much is this transformation to Bailout Nation costing us?

  14. Chris says:

    “I’m going to need that extra little bit of Cha-Ching because with Republicans in power, the value of my home has dropped 20%, my health insurance costs have doubled, gas costs $4 a gallon, and my investments are in the tank.”

    Thanks..dude. I have now seen the light. I am switching my vote to Obama. Sure…I will just be sending my entire paycheck to the government, but I am confident that Obama will find a way to take care of me…so I need not worry.

  15. mike w. says:

    “I’ve not seen any of them not complaining.”

    Same here Duffy. I haven’t heard anyone say they’re happy about the .Gov propping up the banks.

  16. Von Cracker says:

    How can you expect to hand over your entire paycheck if you’re going to receive a tax cut from Obama? (Assuming you make under 250K)

    Hyperbole is one thing, but what is, what will be, and what you wish couldn’t be farther apart.

  17. mike w. says:

    “How can you expect to hand over your entire paycheck if you’re going to receive a tax cut from Obama? (Assuming you make under 250K)”

    You actually believe that crap about Obama’s “tax cuts?” Man talk about gullible.

  18. liberalgeek says:

    No, gullible is believing that the man that hugs George Bush is going to bring change to Washington. That’s gullible.

  19. anonone says:

    Mike the Racist

    Don’t you have some guns that need fondling?

  20. mike w. says:

    “No, gullible is believing that the man that hugs George Bush is going to bring change to Washington. That’s gullible.”

    Who said I believed that? I’m voting for McCain because he’s not Obama, plain & simple. I don’t buy the repackaged crap he’s touting as “change.”

    As these stickers say, “Keep The Change”

  21. anonone says:

    Mike the Racist

    Your “plain and simple” is more simple than plain.

    Go away.

  22. mike w. says:

    “Go away”

    Nope, you don’t like me then don’t respond.

  23. Von Cracker says:

    I nominate Comment Number 20 as the “[Advertise Here] Comment Of The Week”!

  24. Dorian Gray says:

    I actually like comment 17 much better. Now apparently if someone makes a particular statement and we believe it and/or support it we’re simply credulous. That is quite a convenient argument. When Mr. A said X thing just say somehow that you don’t believe it. You are a complete fucking creep. What kind of argument is this? Anyone could make that counter argument about anything. On what grounds has Obama been proven untrustworthy on a major policy point? We’re naïve because you said so. You’re an asshole dude.

  25. Unstable Isotope says:

    Welcome Comrades!

    –Comrade Isotope

  26. mike w. says:

    I like comment #17 also.

    Hmm lets see.

    Obama – “I’m not going to take away your guns.”

    LIE – Obama supports banning handguns & Semi-autos, banning gun shops & FFL’s within 5 miles of a park/school,

    In 2003 he voted in favor of a gun bill that not only banned quite a few weapons, but also contained language requiring said weapons to be confiscated from owners. His record as a whole screams that “I’m not going to take your guns” is a LIE, but his support of that bill is particularly damning.

    Here’s the bill in question.

    As far as Obama’s talk about a “tax cut for 95% of America. You folks WANT to believe him not matter what. The reality is that such a statement is not only inconsistent with previous statements on taxes, it’s also logically impossible.

    You’re naive because the facts say you are, and you ignoring facts certainly doesn’t make ME the asshole.

    For example. Nemski was naive and irrational in his opposition to carry in Texas as discussed in this thread in the comments

    I cited facts that clearly showed that his stance on the issue was not in any way based in reality. If having the facts to prove his argument wrong makes me an asshole then so be it. I’ll happily be considered one.

  27. mike w. says:

    “it seems quite certain that the plan by the current Administration is to kick the can down the road.”

    Cass – Both McCain & Obama support a government bailout of these lenders. Aren’t they just kicking the can down the road to the taxpayers?