This article is why a VP pick is critical

Filed in National by on September 14, 2008

I strongly recommend you all read this

A burst of ferocity stunned the room into silence. No other word for it: The vice president’s attorney was shouting.

“The president doesn’t want this! [1] You are not going to see the opinions. You are out . . . of . . . your . . . lane!”

Five government lawyers had gathered around a small conference table in the Justice Department command center. Four were expected. David S. Addington, counsel to Vice President Cheney, got wind of the meeting and invited himself.

If Addington smelled revolt, he was not far wrong. Unwelcome questions about warrantless domestic surveillance had begun to find their voice.

Cheney and his counsel would struggle for months to quash the legal insurgency. By the time President Bush became aware of it, his No. 2 had stoked dissent into flat-out rebellion. The president would face a dilemma, and the presidency itself a historic test. Cheney would come close to leading them off a cliff, man and office both [2].

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hiding in the open

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  1. cassandra_m says:

    It is important to know how an out-of-control VP can damage us (and how an incurious President can let that happen) — CREW is suing to ensure that Cheney and his office deliver the VP papers as legally required.

  2. Ugh, I got sick reading that article, Cassandra. This administration has done nothing but subvert, subvert, subvert. And, for some reason, conservatives still find reasons to defend them.

  3. cassandra_m says:

    Not just to defend them, Mike, but to also talk out of both sides of their mouths about “Good Government”.

    There is no Good Government without adherence to the law, a basic respect for American citizens who are owed much better than this crap. These people are not royalty and they should not be treated as such.