Has Hell frozen over? Fox News vs. McCain

Filed in National by on September 15, 2008

This can’t be good for the McCain camp.


(Longer video in link)

 Now, as much as I love Olbermann and Maddow this sort of interview has to be far more effective coming from Fox News.  If the “Lie” meme takes off (and it looks like that is already happening) then Fox News will deserve a large part of the credit – or blame, depending on your politics.

 Seriously, what is happening at Fox News?

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A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. cassandra_m says:

    Could it be? The default position for McCain now is as a liar?

    Probably not yet, but the fact that even Fox feels comfortable schooling this guy on the obvious probably means that there are ratings to be had on this story.

  2. DPN says:


    McCain lies because Obama must be lying. The whole parting of the sea and healing the sick smacks of desperation.

  3. pandora says:

    Thanks for the link, NWL. Rove, Murdoch, FOX? What is going on? McCain supporters… any thoughts?

  4. DPN says:

    pandora, they’re busy spinning.

  5. June says:

    That reporter has probably been fired by this time.

  6. Chris says:

    Intersting. You guys are salivating over this and over Karl Rove suggesting lies have been on both sides.

    But you constantly accuse the right of being mind numbed robots devoid of independent thought. And here we have a situation where some are questioning the veracity of the campaign and it is the right calling itself on it.

    Obama has done nothing but lie this whole campaign and you mind numbed libbies cheer him on.

    And talk of desperation…..we don’t have a movement afoot to dump our VP candidate….

    Joe B.’s days are numbered in this campaign..

    And WE are the desperate ones.

    And by the way, new poll showing Obamas lead of 18pts in June has plummeted to mearly a 5 point lead….in NEW YORK!


  7. David says:

    Foxnews is fair and balanced. I guess you haven’t noticed because you were so ginned up against a couple of stars on the network.

  8. pandora says:

    Nice try, David, but I’m not buying it.

  9. mike w. says:

    David – I wouldn’t exactly call fox news “fair & balanced.”

    The MSM has its liberal slant and Fox is biased the other way.