Monday Open Thread [8.6.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on August 6, 2012

The consensus seems to be that Mitt Romney is nearing a decision on his running mate and is just waiting until the damn Olympics are over with to announce it. It also seems that the consensus choices for the second slot are as follows, as they have have been left out as convention speakers so far:

Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida and Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin are both big names in the party believed to be among those Romney is weighing for the vice presidential slot or for the keynote address. New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, Sen. Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire and Sen. Rob Portman of Ohio also were noticeably absent from the slate of announced speakers and may be contenders for running mate.

My money is on Paul Ryan. Take the poll on the front page.

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  1. puck says:

    I’ll take the Dark Prince of Austerity, please. Nothing could more perfectly support the Obama campaign’s theme of Republicans cutting services to the middle class to pay for tax cuts for the rich.

  2. jason330 says:

    Rob Portman. Romney has no chance without Ohio, and Portman gives him a glimmer of a wisp of a chance in Ohio.

  3. jason330 says:

    Looking at intrade, it is a two person race between Pawlenty (23%) and Portman (28%).

    Ryan, sadly, is down in the single digits.

  4. I just heard that Carper’s DEM primary opponent is coming to the CLNCC forum on the 21st.

    I also just spoke with McDowell opponent Jim Martin, who is planning on coming to the CLNCC forum. Jim is an attorney and will be focusing on the SEU and ALL of the sleazy mess that crew is trying to get away with. Harris McDowell’s financial disclosure shows he is making a pile of money off of his status as legislative energy guru and Jim says he’s happy to bring all of that to the public’s attention.

  5. AQC says:

    I’m at the West Side event. I do not think Williams has a lock on this race at all.

  6. pandora says:

    Really? What’s going on, AQC?

  7. AQC says:

    Well, I know it’s Kelley’s area, but he is getting a much more positive response. Williams is coming across like it’s all a big bother for him and, to me, he’s not really answering questions, just throwing out talking points.

  8. The Man says:

    @AQC – Yes, it’ll be quite an upset, but Kelley will pull it off. This is really an incredible exercise in grass roots politics.

  9. SussexWatcher says:

    Chip Flowers has a David complex:

    “While I understand the governor, his administration and members of the Policy Board feared taking action during the midst of the financial crisis, such continuing failure to act, in contrast with other states, is preventing us from lowering risk and increasing returns. Disagreeing with the Goliaths of government may have serious retaliatory consequences (i.e., cuts in the treasury’s budget or threats to eliminate this independent office). However, every now and then Davids come along, standing firm and supported by the collective strength of the People, and change the course of our future for the better.”

  10. Rockland says:

    Speaking of VP’s where’s Scranton Joe – hiding at his mansion at the shore?