Tuesday Open Thread [8.14.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on August 14, 2012

So what is going on in your part of the world today? We have a couple of clips of Governor Markell making the rounds talking about Paul Ryan:

Gov. Markell talking about Paul Ryan’s Budget Plan, Economy on Bloomberg TV:

Governor Markell on Fox News (!) this morning:

What program is this? Fox and Friends? Gov. Markell is pretty good on his feet as a speaker. (And I wish that when people ask where are the jobs, that they would also note the American Jobs Act (not the same as the JOBS Act), which was meant to help juice the economy and currently languishes in Congress. In September, it will have languished there for a year. How come no one talks about this anymore? It was an excellent plan and fully paid for. Even though only Democrats need to be certain to pay for their programs, apparently. Props to Gov. Markell for representing over there on FOX, but I’m still not a fan of D’s helping FOX to pretend they are a legit news organization.

What interests you today?

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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

Comments (15)

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  1. Dorian Gray says:

    Anyone else going to the Wilmington Mayoral debate this evening?

  2. cassandra_m says:

    I’ll be there!

  3. jpconnorjr says:

    Good luck to Ron in his journey. We often forget good people can have unfortunate political positions. Ron is a nice guy.

  4. Dorian Gray says:

    Nice, Cass… I actually don’t even remember if we’ve met before so maybe we won’t even recognize each other. Anyway, I really haven’t paid close enough attention to the mayor’s race so I hope something decent comes out of the debate. Just saw on Newsworks.org that registration is closed already. I’m glad to see that anyway.

  5. cassandra_m says:

    We haven’t met and am not sure I’ll get home first to retrieve my DL button for quick ID. But this one I’ll write up and it would be great to have someone else here to chime in.

    WHYY is recording this debate and will rebroadcast it:

    Aug 17th @ 5pm
    Aug 19th @ 11am
    Aug 20th @ 5pm & 11pm

  6. cassandra_m says:

    David Stockman hates Paul Ryan’s budget.

    “Mr. Ryan’s sonorous campaign rhetoric about shrinking Big Government and giving tax cuts to ‘job creators’ (read: the top 2 percent) will do nothing to reverse the nation’s economic decline and arrest its fiscal collapse,” Stockman wrote in the op-ed, later adding: “Mr. Ryan’s plan is devoid of credible math or hard policy choices.”

  7. puck says:

    Stockman recently (pre-VP) called the Ryan budget “The last will and testament of the Republican Party.”

  8. j marie says:

    The entire article is is exceeding well-written and argued, but in case you want to sniff the conclusion before-hand:

    “For all his calls for “consistency” and “morality,” Ryan is just another cynical self-aggrandizing opportunist, whose “p
    rinciples” consist of appeasing the military industrial complex, the Israel lobby, and the neoconservatives, who have been “briefing” him on the Party Line. If he is the “intellectual leader” of the Republican party, then it is time for the GOP to declare intellectual bankruptcy.”

  9. SussexWatcher says:

    Anyone using the phrase “military-industrial complex” in 2012 needs to have their head forcibly removed from their ass. You date yourself to the dinosaur era.

  10. Prup (aka Jim Benton) says:

    One quick bit on Ryan, or, rather on Ryan’s family. His wife’s grandfather helped found the OK Branch of the American Party in 1968. That was the party George Wallace ran on, and the Grandfather, Ruell Little, was the party’s Gubernatorial Candidate in 1970 before it dissolved. Interesting ancestor, no?

    The cite is from Okie Funk” another of the state blogs that seem to be where the interesting stuff is to be find, while the Nationals continue their gazing at each other. (“It isn’t news till THEY say it’s news” is as true for the blogs — even our blog pundits — as for the MSM.)

  11. puck says:

    Anyone using the phrase “military-industrial complex” in 2012 needs to have their head forcibly removed from their ass. You date yourself to the dinosaur era.

    What should we call it instead?

  12. fightingbluehen says:

    “They gonna put y’all back in chains” = another Biden gaffe, but I’m sure the culture of selective information that infects the mainstream media will insure that you won’t even hear about it.

  13. mediawatch says:

    Was introduced to Kevin Wade tonight. He made absolutely no effort to sell himself as a candidate. But he complained that he has been unable to get Carper to agree to debate him. Hard to believe that one so lame is at the top of the GOP ticket. (Well, maybe not so hard to believe after all.)
    Wondering why he would even want to debate Carper. All it would prove is that Wade would be the second-best Republican on the stage.

  14. JJ says:

    Senator Carper was spotted in Theater N Saturday night to see the documentary ‘The Queen of Versailles,’ about the mega rich couple who tried to build the $90 million home and went into foreclosure. Lots of negativity about the big banks and their fault in financial crisis in that film.