Wednesday Open Thread [8.15.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on August 15, 2012

Wednesday! Two more days til the weekend. Here is a new ad released by Team Obama hitting back on the Rmoney lies about Medicare:


And the news today seems to be filled with Rmoney bitching and complaining about Obama’s “tone”. Apparently it is against the Rmoney rules for this President to point out what is completely obvious about the GOP plan for America. Notice anything else? Not one word of this is meant for the ears of an Independent voter.

This doesn’t look good. Boehner holds a conference call with House GOP to assure them that their positions to kill Medicare won’t come back to kill them.

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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

Comments (8)

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  1. puck says:

    An over-scripted Debbie Wasserman Schultz gets her ass kicked by effing Wolf Blitzer on Ryan’s Medicare plan. Embarrassing. Get it together DWS or stay off the air.

  2. cassandra_m says:

    One of the women asking Ryan about his plan to cut Medicare writes in Salon about her experience and why she stepped up. Testify, Ms. Mortice.

  3. Rockland says:

    People are fed up with the socialist sh*tbags running the show right now. They at least hold out hope that Ryan will be strong enough to keep Mitts from compromising too much. I think the Dems will be done in November regardless if Scranton Joe is dumped for Hil(liar)y..

  4. puck says:

    Neo-swiftboating freaks to Obama: You didn’t kill that.

  5. People are fed up with the socialist sh*tbags running the show right now.

    Rockland–We’re adults here. You’re allowed to type “shitbags”. No one gives a fuck about the language you use.

    Also, please define “socialist” and “socialism”, because I don’t think those words mean what you think they mean.

  6. @puck–

    I read the article you linked. Fuck those guys.

    They want it both ways. GWB did some really shady shit under the guise of “Commander in Chief”. He got away w/ it because Democrats were giant sissies, afraid to be seen as unpatriotic if they dared to question GWB’s actions.

    Obama, as Commander in Chief”, gave the order to kill Bin Laden. They now want to strip the glory from that decision, but they’d have crucified him if it had failed, and they’d have crucified him twice if Americans had died attempting to kill Bin Laden.

    These fuckers apparently forget that Obama is the Boss. He makes the tough decisions, and they follow orders given by people far smarter and much better informed than they.

  7. heragain says:

    If the only proof that we’re adults is that every post on here has 4 letter words, we need to work on our notions of adult.

  8. @heragain–

    No one said “4 letter words” were the only proof that we’re adults.

    Sorry if adult language offends your delicate sensibilities.