Palin’s Personal Email Account Hacked!

Filed in National by on September 17, 2008

Governor Palin’s personal email account at Yahoo was hacked by “anonymous” the group that has been targeting Scientology.  It’s contents have been sent to WikiLeaks.  There are some screen shots of the emails and some personal pictures.  It also looks like she was using it to circumvent public records rules.

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  1. JohnnyX says:

    It would seem this story has already hit the big time and their server already crapped out as a result because I clicked it and got a page load error.

  2. G Rex says:

    Mike Protack has a statement on this server abuse coming out soon.

    (Sarcasm! Really it is! I totally pinky swear!)

  3. JohnnyX says:

    Correction: it’s working now. Not as juicy as I had hoped, but still interesting.

  4. liberalgeek says:

    Yeah, they are reviewing the data and will release more if it is juicy enough.

  5. Fred says:


    great link if it actually worked.. …..

  6. Fred says:

    if true

    check out the posts below the images, hilarious

  7. A. Bundy says:

    This is so great! Really, this is fantastic! I hope more groups do things like this. Really, it is hilarious. The fact that they put pictures of her family and put their private phone numbers and email accounts out there is to be applauded and encouraged.

    Keep up the great work, geek!

  8. Benjamin says:

    I don’t think this is cool.

    It is absolutely disgusting she tried to circumvent open-government laws by using her personal account for state business and it is astounding of incompetence she left her yahoo account so easily hackable (her security question was her zip code ? really ?) but nevertheless it is a breach of privacy we should not encourage.

    This is dirty and I don’t cheer it at all.

  9. vyllyness says:

    I think this is the slimiest thing I’ve ever heard in an election campaign. Desperation and jealousy. The f’ing whack jobs want to see another Tom Eagleton situation. Why don’t they spend time looking up all the legislation that Obama takes credit for (Dodd) that he didn’t even vote on or write. I am really amazed at how low it will go. You better believe you can kiss my lipstick!

  10. I don’t think she should have a personal life if she is a servant of the public and especially if she does the states business on personal accounts.

  11. liberalgeek says:

    Hmmm. I didn’t say that I thought that this was good or bad, just that it’s news. It is, is it not?

    Good or bad, it will be interesting to see what happens with the emails. Although, I have to admit that I was hoping for the sex tape. 😉

  12. DPN says:

    You know, I use to hope for the Palin sex tape. But as I have grown to know her . . . I’m not that interested anymore.

    It would be up there with the Mini-Me sex tape: you know its out there, but you don’t want to watch.

  13. feces throwing monkey says:

    I’ve thrown feces at a bunch of stupid humans (I lived in the Cleveland Zoo from 1982 to 1989), but I don’t think I’ve ever launched a handful of the yucky at a human as stupid as S. Palin.

  14. anon says:

    Most interesting were two dozen unread messages with the title: “Mom… we REALLY need to talk about birth control…”

  15. anonone says:

    This has Rove’s fingerprints all over it. Remember the stolen debate video? Remember the Dan Rather – Bush National Guard Letter? Every election they pull some crap to slander the dems and make themselves appear to be wronged to distract from the issues. I think this is a dirty trick they pulled on themselves or else it was just a hacker having some fun.

  16. donviti says:


    did you know that Mini-me was in “Fear and Loathing” the movie?

  17. DPN says:

    didn’t see the movie, read the book like the elitist i am 🙂

  18. Chris says:

    Really….what little respect I had for you bunch of hypocrites is gone! If this had been Obama’s personal account that had been CRIMINALLY broken into, you would be screaming for investigations, impeachments, and declaring that John McCain step down immediately….even if done by a bunch of renegades not connected to the campaign.

    Instead you fawn of over this and pray that something juicy jumps out. Never figured you all for complete scum (well..except for VonCracker and DV).

  19. donviti says:

    has Obama skirted around laws and conducted state business on private accounts so the people he represents couldn’t see what he is doing?

    If so, I am in favor of hacking into them.

  20. donviti says:

    Never figured you all for complete scum (well..except for VonCracker and DV).


  21. anonone says:

    Chris, then just go away and don’t come back.

  22. anon says:

    I hate to tell you Chris et al but if this email account turns out to contain state business – it ain’t a personal account anymore.

  23. liz says:

    Do not fall for this obvious political trap! Rove, Rove, Rove alert. I totally agree with Anone.

    Politrick, Politrick, do not go down this vile path.

  24. anon says:

    Comment rescue from slashdot:

    When someone does this sort of hacking/eavesdropping/snooping to a government official, it’s called “a shocking invasion of…privacy and a violation of law.”

    When the government does it to you, it’s called the “Patriot Act.”

  25. Chris says:

    “has Obama skirted around laws and conducted state business on private accounts so the people he represents couldn’t see what he is doing?

    If so, I am in favor of hacking into them.”

    Could you even type that with a straight face? Even is a hack found out that Obama had been selling his legislative services to the highest bidder you would still claim it was dirty politics. Zero intellectual honesty around here.

  26. Chris says:

    “Do not fall for this obvious political trap! Rove, Rove, Rove alert. I totally agree with Anone.”

    Look out behind you Liz! Rove is hiding in your closet!! He is the reason you stubbed your toe this morning. He is also the reason why you spilled that cup of coffee.. BOOGIEMAN!!!!!!

  27. liberalgeek says:

    ooohhhh! the faux outrage burns. Get a life. We spent how many millions of dollars tracking down every aspect of Bill Clinton with a special prosecutor and THIS bothers you that much?

    Please. I just hope that they don’t let her keep the launch codes behind a password that she chooses herself.

  28. Von Cracker says:

    I really don’t believe the Obama campaign, or anyone affiliated, had anything to do with this.

    But reading our troll reactions is hilarious, as always.

    righteous fire!

  29. liberalgeek says:

    amen, VC. All I had to do was point out that it existed and all of a sudden they go into freakout mode.

    Maybe it is good that there is now an archive of this, since Cheney and company have worked so hard to make sure that their email is “lost.”

  30. I guess we won’t ever know will we Chris?

    Since my candidate isn’t skirting the law.

    I don’t put party above country Chris. That is your job buddy. You do it well, to the detriment of your credibility.

  31. Chris says:

    “Since my candidate is skirting the law.”
    Typo I am sure…but the first truthful thing I ever saw you say on this site.

  32. cassandra_m says:

    I would like to buy anon@24 a drink! Bravo, indeed.

    And none of these fools actually getting the dudgeon up over this has any issues whatsoever for the government to be collecting this data on each of us.

  33. R Smitty says:

    Don’t tell me…did Larry Mendte do this?

  34. R Smitty says:

    You know, work just isn’t the same without my personal bitch around anymore, especially now that no one buys me my coffee.

    How’s that new job of yours doing?

  35. Von Cracker says:


    Religion is so funny sometimes.

  36. I hear ya. I am actually working. I am given stuff to do. I am learning. I am actually going to a Crystal class and I plan on being the CEO in 2 weeks.

    I figure I can do just as well as most of them out there these days. I plan on going with my gut on all decisions.

  37. liberalgeek says:

    get a room boys. this is the place to talk about the evil tricks played on wittle Sarah Palin by the big mean haX0rz.

  38. my goblin just casted a magical anti-typing spell on you.

    and I just rolled 18! woooohooooo

  39. liberalgeek says:

    sad. very sad.

    You know what’s sadder? That could almost be a form of religion in Alaska…

  40. Linoge says:

    Seconded, Benjamin.

    The sad thing is that if this were an official investigation, evidence procured in this manner would be inadmissable in court, and, as such, irrelevant to any inquest.

    Of course, given that this is now a matter of “trial before the public”, no one cares how the evidence was inappropriately acquired or disgustingly splayed for all the world to see… Now it is just a matter of publicizing it as much as possible, and thus, by tacit assent, supporting and encouraging its discovery, dissemination, and display.

  41. anon says:

    I am shocked -shocked! that in the United States of America, evidence could be inappropriately acquired.

  42. liberalgeek says:

    Where’s Mike W when we need him? Just today he was saying how politics wasn’t fair. Now he is MIA. Damn, this would have been a good opportunity to explain that concept further.

  43. mike w. says:

    Stuff it LG. Hacking into someones personal e-mail and posting it for all to see is not only a gross violation of privacy, it’s a criminal act.

    You folks would be flipping out if this happened to Obama. Hell I’d have to hear non-stop about how it was all some Bush / Rovian conspiracy.

  44. liberalgeek says:

    And I am certain that not a single blog site would link to a story about it. Sheesh.

    Just what I thought, not a man of principle.

  45. JohnnyX says:

    “Hell I’d have to hear non-stop about how it was all some Bush / Rovian conspiracy.”

    You wouldn’t hear that from me for one, because I understand why hackers do what they do – just to prove that they can. If an Obama account were hacked I’d be far more likely to think it was some 16 year old wanna-be white supremacist who decided he’d try to take down the black guy than someone with ties to Bush or even to McCain.

    Personally do I think the hacking of her account is “right?” Absolutely not, it’s criminal and if they find out who did it then he should be appropriately prosecuted. But once it’s out there, it’s out there – you might as well enjoy the show.

  46. liberalgeek says:

    Well said, JohnnyX. The Paris Hilton tape was obtained illegally. I bet you’ve looked at it Mikey.

  47. mike w. says:

    Not a “man of principle?” Bullshit LG. There’s a difference between my stating that “politics isn’t fair” and my supporting CRIMINAL actions as an extension of that statement.

    If I have to stand up for criminals to be a “man of principle” in your eyes then I’m ecstatic to be seen as someone who has none.

    Johnny – The problem is the Liberal MSM and Obama supporters will jump all over anything even remotely interesting in her e-mails and run with it for political gain. Then again the liberal media sickens me.

  48. liberalgeek says:

    news flash: I didn’t hack in and get her mail. I just posted a story about it. Is what I did wrong or unfair?

  49. Chris,

    STFU and take your feigned outrage elsewhere. You’re so ridiculous and nowhere in this mess has it been made clear that it was Barack Obama’s people — or the Democrats at all! — who were behind this.

  50. JohnnyX says:

    “The problem is the Liberal MSM and Obama supporters will jump all over anything even remotely interesting in her e-mails and run with it for political gain. Then again the liberal media sickens me.”

    Well lucky for you it’s actually quite boring, unless you consider a picture of her teenage daughter making a goofy face to be newsworthy.

  51. liberalgeek says:

    Ha! This is great. I just took a look over at Mike W’s blog and he had this gem of a post:

    Check the end of the post for a link to a website that goes to great lengths to gather information on a gun blog “troll,” JadeGold. The commenters have piled on in the linked post going so far as to ask things like “I live in Maryland, would you like me to pay him a visit?”

    But does Mikey think this is disgusting? Nope.

    That’s funny.

    Get back under your rock.

  52. Chris says:

    “You’re so ridiculous and nowhere in this mess has it been made clear that it was Barack Obama’s people — or the Democrats at all! — who were behind this.”

    Nor did I say it was Obama’s campaign…I know they are desperate over this woman…but that would be too reckless even for them. Same for the Dems party. But what I am saying is that rather than condemning the action, they are salivating over any results.

    It would appear…you are the one being ridiculous.

  53. Linoge says:

    Gorram it. You all have got to increase the number of links permitted per post.

  54. mike w. says:

    LG – Jadegold is actually a well-known member of a prominent MD gun control group. (he, I.E. Guy Cabot heads Ceasefire MD IIRC)

  55. Linoge says:

    (Tries again:)

    So since you all are just dispassionately reporting the news, and not necessarily agreeing or disagreeing with it, and maybe not even supporting it, I feel certain you will shortly have posts on Senator Barack Hussein Obama’s attempts to stall troop withdrawl out of Iraq (, as well as both Lynn Forester de Rothschild ( and Donald Trump ( jumping from a sinking ship and heading for McCain’s ticket?

  56. pandora says:

    “LG – Jadegold is actually a well-known member of a prominent MD gun control group. (he, I.E. Guy Cabot heads Ceasefire MD IIRC)”

    So by your reasoning… Palin is a well-known member of the Republican Party and the VP nominee.

    Guess – by your standards – all’s fair.

  57. pandora says:

    I’ll see your Lynn Forester de Rothschild and Donald Trump and raise you an Elizabeth Drew.

  58. mike w. says:

    Hacking into personal e-mail accounts is illegal Pandora. Digging up info on someone based on their various IP addresses is not.

    Linoge – Obama basically told Iraq not to deal with President Bush. You’d think the media would be all over that huh?

  59. anonone says:


    Regarding your first link, the source is a discredited liar:

    “Taheri was the guy who back in 2006 fabricated the story that the Iranian government was requiring Jewish citizens to wear yellow badges to identify them as such. That story, which also ran in the Post, was completely discredited.”


    Lynn Forester de Rothschild has been appropriately debunked and exposed as the bigot she is in other threads.

    Finally, who cares what Donald Trump thinks?

  60. anon says:

    Hacking into personal e-mail accounts is illegal Pandora.

    Yes but there is always retroactive immunity.

  61. liberalgeek says:

    Mike – and you think that the thread that delves into JadeGold’s life, from education to employment and military service. These are all fair game? Even if it turns out that they aren’t the same person?

    Not all of the information on that thread is public info.

  62. DPN says:

    mike w that thread is fucking irresponsible.

  63. pandora says:

    And yet Mike W. is outraged over Palin’s emails.

    Can you say HYPOCRITE?

  64. Larry Mendte says:


  65. anon says:

    Just spoke to a blogger at “Atomically Liberal”. He had linked Palin’s Alaska Budget to his blog. As he went through it he says she cut 62% out of the budget for special education students.

    Palin not good for women or children.

  66. Linoge says:

    Well, the little twit responsible for this felony may not have found what he was looking for (, but it appears as though the authorities have found him ( If this individual is, indeed, the one responsible, one can only hope he will be charged and tried accordingly. Incidents such as these are reprehensible, disgusting, and quite obviously illegal, and supporting them (tacitly or openly) is almost equally contemptible.

  67. liberalgeek says:

    Good. I never said that the offender shouldn’t get arrested. If this is the guy, throw the book at him.