Filed in National by on September 17, 2008

If my neighbor on the left is a Jew and my neighbor on the right is an Arab does that mean I could broker a peace agreement in Gaza?

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hiding in the open

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  1. Unstable Isotope says:

    Absolutely! I think it means you’re qualified to be Secretary of State in the McCain administration.

  2. mike w. says:

    Are you black, liberal and charismatic? If so you’re qualified, at least in the minds of the Democrats.

  3. Not Brian says:

    Did we nominate Dave Chapelle?

    Mike -WTF are you talking about?

    Racist White Trash Troll

  4. mike w. says:

    Obama’s black. Am I not allowed to state that? Is saying he’s black “un-PC” on Delaware Liberal?

    Not Brain – The racism (and false accusations of racism) coming from your side of the aisle is disgusting.

  5. feces throwing monkey says:

    You racists motherfucker!

  6. anonone says:

    Writing crap like “Are you black, liberal and charismatic? If so you’re qualified, at least in the minds of the Democrats” shows you’re a racist punk. Go home and play with your guns.

  7. liberalgeek says:

    Did the Republicans select McCain because he was white? Was it one of the criteria?

  8. mike w. says:

    RE #6, yeah and claiming that the 2nd Amendment need not apply to urban minorities isn’t even remotely racist. Nope, not at all.

    Also, unless I’ve missed something Obama is black, liberal, and charismatic.

  9. liberalgeek says:

    Oh, and a man. That’s why we nominated him instead of Hillary.

  10. mike w. says:

    No, you nominated him instead of Hillary because he ran on the wonderfully amorphous message of “hope & change.”

  11. anonone says:

    Only a racist like you would think that Obama’s being black was a reason he was nominated. Obama was nominated because of who he his, not the color of his skin. Unfortunately, skin color is all you can see. Get lost, Mike W.

  12. JohnnyX says:

    “Did we nominate Dave Chapelle?”

    Man would that make for some great state of the union addresses. “Attention crackers, the country is fucked. But I’m not worried, cause I’m rich, biatch!”

  13. Not Brian says:


    That is the second or third post tonight where I have seen you mention he is black while attacking him.

    You see, I think you are a fool. I do not call you a white shut-in with a palsy, I address you for your foolish words.

    Mike, you are not an obvious racist for noticing it, or even for mentioning it in a pseudo-relevant context. You are because you mention it like it matters.

    Though I have taken note of your ceaseless battle to preserve the rights of gun ownership for ‘urban minorities’ (because obviously no one else lives in urban areas)… I am sure your NAACP award is in the mail. You are like the next Dr. King. Bravo!

  14. Von Cracker says:

    So if Sarah Palin is the Republican’s answer to the liberal feminist, would this guy be their answer to Barack Obama?


  15. Von Cracker says:

    BTW DV – lol.

  16. cassandra_m says:

    Holy Moly!

    Was that Bob Barr?


  17. Not Brian says:

    Nice VC!

  18. Not Brian says:

    No, but the resemblance is shocking!

  19. Von Cracker says:

    Ha! Bob Barr! brilliant.

  20. DPN says:

    I had to go pee before I read this thread. And, fuck, let me just say that I laughed so hard, I don’t have to go pee anymore. Bastards.

  21. Chris says:

    “Only a racist like you would think that Obama’s being black was a reason he was nominated. Obama was nominated because of who he his, not the color of his skin. Unfortunately, skin color is all you can see. Get lost, Mike W.”

    Once again, intellectual honesty is lost on this crew. If you truly believe that Obama’s race is not why a large number of people are voting for him…you are a damned fool. I can’t tell you how many times both on here and in the real world I have been accused of being a racist because I won’t vote for Obama. I couldn’t care less what color he is….its liberals I can’t stand.

    So, let us say that McCain had tapped Condi Rice for VP. Obviously you would all be against her…so I guess then you are all racists too….and misogynists to boot.

  22. feces throwing monkey says:

    Spoken like a true racists mother fucker!!!

  23. Linoge says:

    Do you not understand, Chris? Opposing Obama, for whatever reason, is racism. Just like opposing Palin, for whatever reason, is sexism… oh… wait a second…

    Personally, I could not give a flying squirrel’s left nut as to the skin coloration of any of the candidates, or whether or not their genitalia dangles or does not. And, in reality, both sides’s platforms stink… it is just that, to me, the Republicans’ side (hell, I cannot even call them “conservative” these days) stinks a little less than the Democrats’.

  24. mike w. says:

    “So, let us say that McCain had tapped Condi Rice for VP. Obviously you would all be against her…so I guess then you are all racists too….and misogynists to boot.”

    Folks like Not Brian are too damn stupid to understand this. I’d love to see a black President, but I will not vote for a socialist. I don’t give two shits whether he’s black, green or purple. I don’t vote for gun-grabbing socialists.

  25. DPN says:

    Hey morons . . . . if McCain picked Rice we wouldn’t be referring to her as a black vice-presidential candidate. As a matter of fact, I believe we don’t refer to Palin as a woman vice-presidential candidate, just an idiotic vice-presidential candidate.

    You see, that is what makes you racists. 😉

  26. Linoge says:

    Actually, DPN, this site, just like most liberal sites out there, made a bigger deal about her gender than any of the other sites I frequently read. I will not even venture into the problem of ascribing false motivations and the like…

  27. pandora says:

    There… I rescued you!

  28. pandora says:

    I should have left your comment in spam.

    My point was that Palin was a political pick, a pandering pick designed to woo Clinton supporters. Even Ms. Palin referred to herself that way when Gibson asked her if Obama should have picked Hillary.

    To pretend my post about Palin was simply an “attack” on her gender is dishonest.

  29. Linoge says:

    Where in my post, or DPN’s, did anyone say the word “attack”?

    “Methinks she dost protest too much.”

    In fact, I was referring to DPN’s allegations that “we [potentially meaning liberals in general (which would have made my task so much easier) but probably just referring to the liberal denizens of this current site] don’t refer to Palin as a woman vice-presidential candidate”.

    Also, you “rescued” the wrong comment – my above comment was never “kept for moderation”. Two others have been (each possessing three links), and neither of those two have seen the light of day. Convenient, that.

  30. pandora says:

    That was the only comment I saw. Believe what you want.

  31. mike w. says:

    “My point was that Palin was a political pick, a pandering pick designed to woo Clinton supporters. ”

    Don’t kid yourself. VP Picks are political. Picking Biden was purely a political move on Obama’s part. You pick the guy who you think is most likely to woo prospective voters.