You Are A Sponsor of Man United — UPDATED

Filed in National by on September 18, 2008

Kevin Drum over at Mother Jones asks:

Now that you, the American taxpayer, more or less own insurance giant AIG, it turns out that you, the American taxpayer, are also the principal sponsor of Manchester United, thanks to a four-year, $100 million sponsorship deal signed in 2006. So this got me curious: how is our soccer football team doing?

Evidently this team isn’t doing very well, and Kevin posts a chart of data that he is looking for some help with, which sounds like it might be a job for some of our favorite commenters. But since this is our team now, I’m wondering what our favorite commenters would do to get this team back up to number one. And I want to know — is the Man United team cuter than the average American (traditional) football team?

EDIT: Delaware’s Most Underappreciated Writer (AKA Maria Evans) writes about this today, with pictures!


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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

Comments (27)

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  1. liberalgeek says:

    I lurve this story.

  2. DPN says:

    A big HA HA to Not Brian, Von Cracker and, especially, Dorian Gray. HA HA!

  3. anon says:

    Their soccer fundamentals are strong.

  4. they have a preemptive offensive philosophy too

  5. G Rex says:

    AIG’s failure is karma for supporting the English equivalent of the New York Yankees, complete with obnoxious bandwagon-jumping fans.

    I’m just wondering if there are any parallels with Northern Rock going down the drain and being bought out by the Bank of England after signing a similar deal with Newcastle United.

    F**k Man United, come on the Arsenal!

  6. G Rex says:

    You can’t spell manure with out Man U!

  7. Von Cracker says:

    He’s a scouser; he’s a louse; he’ll rob your fuckin’ house…….Wayne Rooney!!!”

  8. DPN says:

    Wayne Roomey, keep him away from your daughters.

    Cristiano Ronaldo, keep him away from your sons.

  9. Von Cracker says:


  10. Maria Evans says:

    The reason Man U has been underperforming is because Ronaldo was out until yesterday with an ankle injury.

    Man U won the English Premier League Championship, and the UEFA Cup last year, so if there was any team I’d invest in, it would be Man U.

    And bummer for the rest of you mere mortal men out there…Ronaldo is straight…and he won the PFA Player of the Year Award two years in a row.

  11. Pandora says:

    Thank you, Maria, for not destroying my fantasies! Go Ronaldo!

  12. Tom S says:

    Good to read something positive on this website for a change!

  13. Dorian Gray says:

    Fuck ManU and that Portuguese Giraffe. They did just pat 32 million pounds for Berbatov so i guess I own a little bit though. Like a mutual fund. That’s pretty neat.

    C’mon you Spurs… win one game please. 🙂

  14. Maria Evans says:

    P-I have him up on the site, shirtless, from yesterday’s game against Villarreal. He’s perfect. And funny. And one of the best, most natural footballers I’ve ever seen.

  15. Pandora says:

    Saw the pic… Thank you! Love soccer/football players!

  16. Dorian Gray says:

    Mrs. Gray prefers Canio Cannavaro. Plus he has a world championship. And DPN is right, Crissy R likes dudes. I’m pretty sure it’s true, I read it on the internet.

    Forza Azzuri!

  17. Pandora says:

    Thanks, Maria!

    (whispers) How long before the guys call us out on this “sexist” topic! 😉

  18. Maria Evans says:

    Dorian that was the Brazillian Ronaldo, who plays for AC Milan and got caught with 3 cross dressing hookers.

    Man U’s Ronaldo, while being named a “gay icon” by a Dutch magazine, is not gay. He dates curvy, hot women.

    You guys need to read more sleezy European tabloids.

  19. Unstable Isotope says:

    So, since we’re owners do we get special locker room passes? I’d like to inspect my new acquisition 😉

  20. Dorian Gray says:

    No, I meant Chrissy. I loathe United and him, but I was just being daft.

    I do remember that story about fat Ronaldo though.

  21. Maria Evans says:

    UI I put my request in to Sir Alex earlier today.

    I’m gonna start posting as “Delaware’s Most Underappreciated Writer” damnit.

  22. El Somnambulo says:

    “We are now all Georgians AND ManU fans!”
    John McCain

  23. feces throwing monkey's evil twin says:

    [Drunkenly]Here we go,
    here we go,
    here we goooooo…!!!

    Here we go,
    here we go,
    here we gooo..oh…!!!