Filed in National by on September 18, 2008

What is the current GOP Platform and how have they exercised it?

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hiding in the open

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  1. DPN says:

    The current GOP platform is sinking.

  2. X Stryker says:

    1. Less taxes for the rich, more for the middle class (and the poor too if they can get that sales tax scheme going).
    2. Fewer protections for consumers against bank failures, acid rain, deceptive ads, and poisonous Chinese goods.
    3. Fewer American manufacturing jobs, more overseas profits for Monsanto.
    4. Less privacy for Americans, less scrutiny for contractors ripping off our soldiers at war.
    5. Let the poor, the sick, the elderly, the orphaned, and the victims of rape or domestic abuse suffer.
    6. Destroy the government with incompetent cronies in order to achieve their vision of a society run by corporations and churches.
    7. Always have a war running to enrich Haliburton and Exxon. Any democratically elected foreign leader who threatens to take property away from American corporations must be isolated, demonized, and replaced.
    8. Never allow Americans to make moral descisions – anything deemed immoral by Ralph Reed must become illegal.

  3. Two Sentz says:

    McCain/Palin 08: A Platform To Nowhere

    Thanks, but no thanks!!!!

  4. Mike Protack says:

    Question, what is the Democratic platform? Congress is in the hands of the democrats and I do not see or hear anything which matters to me.

  5. Truth Teller says:

    Mike congress has been in the hands of the Repuks since 1994 up until a year and a half ago. And for the 6 of the last 8 they had congress and the white house. You know that all this trouble is Clinton’s fault after all he balanced the budget left a surplus and gas was under $2.00 a gallon. Damn him

  6. TomaHawk says:

    Mike P, recall that it takes both houses of the Congress to pass anything. The Senate Republicans have been very effective over the past 20 months at throttling legislation and controlling what bills get passed. All they have needed is a unified minority of 41 votes.

  7. frieda Beryhill says:

    Hahah TT ”
    “…..You know that all this trouble is Clinton’s fault after all he balanced the budget left a surplus ..” and finished the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina in a jiffy and knew when to go home.
    Oh, those terrible Cliton years.