Republicans don’t like the looks of this…

Filed in National by on August 28, 2012

Let’s see, do I have this right? …

Presidential candidate is an unpopular, secretive douche nozzle who cheats on his taxes and ties dogs to car luggage racks? [Check!]

Social welfare policies are hated by Americans, especially seniors that vote in disproportionate numbers? [Check!]

Have given up on “family values” in favor of “fetus values” in apparent attempt to turn away votes from all women? [Check!]

Continued slavish devotion to utterly failed, and transparently fraudulent “tax cuts for the wealthy create jobs” economic policies? [Check!]

So where does this leave us?

Regardless of whom you support, who do you think will win the election?

Obama 58%
Romney 36%

(USA Today/Gallup Poll)


From Gallup:

Americans’ prediction of who will win is significant since they have generally been correct in predicting the winner of past presidential elections.


More (it’s not just Gallup)… this is a repeat observation from Saturday:

Even though the AP-GfK poll has Obama by a point, when asked, the public figures Obama to win 58-32, up from 49-48 from December 2011. The CNN poll from Aug 8 had the public thinking Obama would win 63-33.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (6)

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  1. Pooker Jones says:

    I respectfully request that you and the other DL bloggers, some of whom I know to be intelligent, educated people, stop using words such as douche.

    Please use your big boy and big girl words. Perhaps you can consult a Thesaurus to find the appropriate words to convey your distaste.

    Thank you,

    Pooker Jones

    “ain’t no good, gonna chop her up for fire wood”

  2. Frondly says:

    They can’t help it. It’s in their nature.

  3. Jason330 says:

    Request denied.

  4. Oh, boy, we got us yet an other Rethug troll. Welcome, Frondly.

  5. Will says:

    Sometimes, no other word fits.

  6. Pooker Jones says:

    Will, you know that isn’t true. People are just lazy and sometimes just really want to be crude.

    It is an evil conspiracy, the dumbing down of bloggers. 🙂


    “pooker jones ain’t no good, gonna chop her up for firewood”